Alan Wake: The Signal




Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Friend Indeed ( 50 points )Special 1: Follow the signal to its conclusion.
A Friend in Need ( 25 points )Special 1: Find someone to help you.
Cardboard Companions ( 25 points )Special 1: Discover all of the cardboard standees.
Fast and Furious ( 25 points )Special 1: Make it through the final battle in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds.
License Revoked ( 20 points )Special 1: Complete the episode without using a single vehicle.
Run-On Sentence ( 50 points )Special 1: Complete the episode without reloading the game or restarting a checkpoint.
Tick Tock ( 30 points )Special 1: Discover 10 hidden alarm clocks.
Words Will Never Harm You ( 25 points )Special 1: Trigger all of the furnaces in the basement.
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