Babel Rising

final kaoss

Staff member

Various Achievements​

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

AchievementHow to unlock
Apocalypse ( 25 points )Master the combo system.
Babel Falling ( 25 points )Defeat Nabu's ambition.
Blown away ( 10 points )Send a worker flying 50 meters away in a sand storm.
Break the ice ( 10 points )Finish what your partner begins in a coop game.
Cruel god ( 25 points )Pressure your opponent in a multiplayer versus match.
Cursed! ( 10 points )Show no fear when destroying the cursed jars.
Deity ( 5 points )Kill 50 workers in a single game.
Falling Stone ( 10 points )Crushed 20 workers with one giant boulder.
Full house ( 10 points )Kill a total of 10000 workers.
Great balls of fire ( 10 points )Destroyed a section of the tower with a meteor shower.
Holy wave ( 10 points )Use a tidal wave that spares cursed jar bearers.
Survivor ( 50 points )Stop the construction of the tower when everything seems lost.
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