Guidemaster: The best back-to-school gadgets you can buy in 2019

Forum focused on electronics and peripherals. This includes computers, phones, cameras, etc.


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That time of year is, inevitably, here again—that time humans ages seven to 21 dread but their parents love. Every back-to-school season sends would-be students scrambling to figure out what things they need to make another year of education as streamlined as possible, and those solutions can look different for each and every student.
We at Ars may not be on the receiving end of formal education very often anymore, but we constantly come across gadgets and other items that we wish we had when we were in school. There are also plenty of devices that we've tested in recent months that would make a great addition to any high-schooler's or college student's backpack. So if you're still looking for an essential back-to-school gadget for yourself, or for the student in your life, check out the list of Ars-approved devices below.
Note: Ars Technica may earn compensation for sales from links on this post through affiliate programs.

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