Killer Instinct (USA, Europe) (SGB Enhanced)

Gameboy Pro Action Replay codes, Game Genie codes & Gameshark codes

final kaoss

Staff member
TopDisable Blocking P2nolberto82C35-18B-C41
TopFierce laser blade does more damageGaloob88B-838-91E
TopFierce laser blade does no damageGaloob00B-838-91E
TopFierce laser blade killsGaloobFFB-838-91E
TopFierce tiger fury does more damageGaloob88B-428-6E2
TopFierce tiger fury does no damageGaloob00B-428-6E2
TopFierce tiger fury killsGaloobFFB-428-6E2
TopFierce wind kick does more damageGaloob88B-698-916
TopFierce wind kick does no damageGaloob00B-698-916
TopFierce wind kick killsGaloobFFB-698-916
TopFreeze Everything Except TimerDavis LentzD90-38D-B8AThis freezes everything except the timer. Turn off effects to undo the freeze. How to use: Activate Very Hard mode. Get your enemy's life below yours in any way. Freeze until the time is out. You can finsh those super-hard charcters with only one attack if you are careful!
TopHit Anywhere P1nolberto8222B-01B-7F6

TopInfinite energyGaloobFA7-B0B-4C1
TopInfinite HealthUnknown01FF5AC4
TopInfinite timeGaloob002-199-19E
TopInvincibility P1nolberto82C90-D1A-E69
TopPlayer 1 ModifierBigBossman01??2EC400 - Jago 01 - Fulgore 02 - Sabre Wolf 03 - Chief Thunder 04 - Orchid 05 - TJ Combo 06 - Spinal 07 - Glacius 08 - Eyedol (freezes the game midfight)
TopPlayer 2 ModifierBigBossman01??83C400 - Jago 01 - Fulgore 02 - Sabre Wolf 03 - Chief Thunder 04 - Orchid 05 - TJ Combo 06 - Spinal 07 - Glacius 08 - Eyedol (freezes the game midfight)
TopRound starts with 10 secondsGaloob103-1CD-80C
TopRound starts with 30 secondsGaloob303-1CD-80C
TopRound starts with 50 secondsGaloob503-1CD-80C
TopRound starts with 75 secondsGaloob753-1CD-80C
TopStop TimerUnknown01800AC4
TopStrart with 1/2 energyGaloob882-EAD-919
TopStrart with 1/4 energyGaloob4B2-EAD-919
TopStrart with 3/4 energyGaloobB42-EAD-919
TopStrart with very little energyGaloob012-EAD-919
TopUltra Fast SpeedUnknown010035C4
TopUnendlich Gesundheit P1[email protected]$0D20BF04

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