Rampage is the awesome Jurassic World sequel we got—but didn’t deserve

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It's time for a monster-sized mea culpa. Earlier this year, I made the mistake of assuming the worst about Rampage. The April film, directed by Brad Peyton and starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, is based on the arcade games of the same name, which is already a bad start, since that franchise ranks well below the likes of pretty much any other game license ever slapped onto a film. (What, Mr. Do was unavailable?)
And its pre-release hype and trailers consisted mostly of Johnson alternating between agony, screaming, and sympathizing with a giant CGI ape. What hope did this film have?
Turns out, filmgoers had no idea what a treat Peyton and co. delivered. Hindsight is already incredibly kind to Rampage's tongue-in-cheek fun and action, and that's thanks to the triceratops-sized dump that the Crichton empire laid in June with Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.

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