- Hidden Level
On the forklift ride shoot all the barrels before and after the ride. There will be a parcially hidden barrel you will have to shoot to the left of the forklift. This will lead you to "egg cellent" where you shoot eggs and baby aliens.
- Kronn Hunter Mode
To enter Khronn-hunter mode, ignore the aliens in Level 1 and shoot the policeman (three times) with your first three bullets.
- Power-up Room
After your first progress report in Area 51, where it tells you your percentage and things like that, you will see a wall lined with windows. Shoot all the windows across the entire wall and you will be in the power up room, where you can see aliens attacking women and power-ups all over the screen.
- Secret Area before Final Boss
Right before you fight the Final Boss when you are outside, you will go to an area with zombies throwing barrels [NOT GRENADES]. Shoot all the barrels that are not thrown, and you will go to a secret area filled with power ups.