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    Default How to Make SNES PAR Codes

    How to Make SNES PAR Codes (Part One)

    This document was written by:

    Tony Hedstrom [email protected]

    In this document, I will explain in detail, how to
    make Super Nintendo (SNES) Pro Action Replay (PAR)
    codes. Once you see how easy it is to make your own
    PAR codes, I'm sure you'll want to make PAR codes for
    all of your favorite SNES games.

    PAR codes can be made for almost any SNES game. As
    far as I can remember, I've been able to find codes
    for every single SNES game that I tried. Sometimes
    the codes are very easy to find, sometimes there not
    so easy. But with a little imagination, you should
    have no trouble finding codes for most, if not all
    of your SNES games.

    To make PAR codes, you only need two things (three if
    you count your computer):

    1) A SNES emulator called ZSNES. You should get the
    newest version you can find (version 0.991 is what
    I use in this example). You can get the latest
    version here: zophar.net

    2) The ROM of the game you want to make codes for.

    For this example, I'm going to make a code for a game
    called Black Thorne. The main reason that I'm using
    this game for an example is because I can show you
    two different ways of finding the same code with this

    The ZSNES emulator has a built-in cheat searching
    program. This cheat finding program uses two types of
    searches to find cheats. The first type is called the
    "Exact Value Search". Use this method when you know
    the exact value (hench the name) of the thing you are
    trying to find codes for (ie. lives, money, bullets,
    continues, HP, MP etc...). The second type is called
    the "Comparitive Search". Use this method when you
    don't know the exact value of the thing your trying to
    find codes for (ie. health bar, energy, internal
    clocks/timers etc...). The "Comparitive Search" method
    is also good to use when the "Exact Value Search"
    method doesn't find the right code.

    OK, lets get started...

    In this first example, we are going to use the "Exact
    Value Search" method. We will be trying to find a
    code to give us infinite health for Black Thorne.

    1) Run the ZSNES program.

    2) Load the ROM you want codes for (in this case it's
    Black Thorne).

    3) Start the game. Now lets find out how much health
    we have. If you look at the top right hand corner,
    you will see the health bar. There are 6 arrow
    shaped marks. (Each time that you get hit, one
    arrow will disappear.) So we can guess that the
    exact number of health that we have is 6.

    4) Now press the "Esc" button on your keyboard to
    pause the game and bring up the menu screen.

    5) Click on the "Cheat" button, then click on "Search".

    6) You now have to make a few decisions about what
    type of search you want. Number of Bytes: This
    number will usually be one or two bytes. In this
    case, our number of health is 6, so we will go with
    one byte (because the amount we're looking for
    (health) most likely will be less than 255). If
    the amount your looking for might be greater than
    255, than choose 2 bytes, if it's greater than
    65,535 then choose 3 bytes. You will hardly ever
    need to choose 4 bytes. An example of when you
    may need to choose 2 or 3 bytes is when you are
    searching for the amount of gold you have. The
    amount of gold/money you have can be 999,999 or
    higher in some games. Sometimes you will have
    to make your best guess at how many bytes you need.

    7) The next decision you need to make is which Format
    to use. You have two choices: Dec or Hex. 98% of
    the time, you should choose Dec (Base 10).

    8) Now we need to decide which search method to use.
    In this example, we're using the "Exact Value"

    9) Now click on the "Start" button.

    10) You are now at the "Cheat Search" screen. Right
    under where it says "Enter Value:", you will see
    a flashing cursor. It is waiting for you to type
    in a number. So type in 6 (the amount of health
    we have right now).

    11) Click on the "Search" button. We have now narrowed
    down the possibilities from 131,072 to only 369.

    12) Now lets return to the game (just like it says).
    To return to the game, all you do is press the
    "Esc" button a few times.

    13) Now what we need to do is to somehow change the
    amount of health we have. That should be easy
    enough. Go find an enemy and let him shoot you
    once (but only once). Now your health bar should
    only have 5 arrows instead of 6. Pause the game
    so that you don't get shot again.

    14) Press the "Esc" button again to get to the menu

    15) Click on the "Cheat" button, then click on "Search"

    16) This time, enter in the new amount of health,
    which in this case is 5, and click on the "Search

    17) We are now down to only 2 choices for our code!
    You can either try both of these codes one at a
    time and see which one is right, or you can do
    another search cycle to find the right one. In
    this case, we only have two so we'll try each one
    and if the first one isn't it, then it must be the
    second one. If you have more than 3 or 4 choices
    left for your code, than you may want to repeat
    steps 12 thru 16 to narrow down the number of

    18) Click on the "View" button.

    19) Select the first code (which is 7E0FC5) and click
    on "Add".

    20) Now you will need to pick a value for our code.
    Since we're pretty sure that the max health is 6,
    then that's the number we will enter. One note
    about the value number... the number that you
    choose for the value, in some cases, isn't all
    that important. But other times, it's very
    important. As for this example, the number you
    use for the value in the health code, can be any
    number between 1 and 255. The reason why this is
    is because the PAR constantly replaces the
    original value with the new value that you entered.
    So if you choose a value of 1, then your health
    will always stay at 1 (in other words, infinite

    21) Next, you need to enter a brief description of
    what the cheat does (optional).

    22) Next, you should write down the PAR code that is
    in the "PAR Code Equivalent" box. You should
    also write down a desciption of what you think the
    PAR code may do. It's a good idea to write the
    code down even before you know if it's the right
    code or not incase the emulator crashes, you'll
    know not to use that code again.

    23) Now click on the "Add" button. The code will
    automatically be turned on.

    24) Press the "Esc" button a few times to get back to
    the game and see if the code works. In this case,
    no matter how many times we get shot, our health
    bar always stays at the full mark! The code works!

    25) If the code works, go back to the cheat menu and
    click on the "Save" button to save the code. If
    the code doesn't work, then either remove the code
    that didn't work (or toggle it off) and try the
    next code in the same way as before.

    I was going to include the second method of finding
    codes (Comparitive Search), but I'm tired of typing
    for now, so I will make a second document that explains
    that method sometime soon. But after reading this
    method, you should be able to figure it out with no

    I know it seems like there are a lot of steps in this
    example, but once you try it for the first time, you
    will see that it is really very easy to do.

    By going to my website (unless your already there),
    and going to the SNES section, you can see some of the
    codes that I made (over 100 I think) using this method.

    I also have lots of helpful tips that I have been
    writing down over the months which I will put in the
    next one of these that I write.

    I hope this document helped out some.

    Tony Hedstrom [email protected]

    Website (The Code Hut)

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    Default How to Make SNES PAR Codes

    How to Make SNES PAR Codes (Part Two)

    This document was written by:

    Tony Hedstrom [email protected]

    This document is actually a continuation of another
    document. In the first one, I explained how to make
    Super Nintendo (SNES) Pro Action Replay (PAR) codes
    using the "Exact Value Search" method. In this
    document, I will explain how to make SNES PAR codes
    using the "Comparitive Search" method. The two
    methods of finding codes are similar in some ways, but
    different enough to warrant making another document.

    It's best if you read the first document (part 1)
    before you read this one, but not absolutely necessary.

    You should use the "Comparitive Search" method
    whenever you don't know the exact value of what you
    are trying to make cheat codes for or when the "Exact
    Value Search" method doesn't work. Some examples
    would be- energy bar, health, internal clocks/timers,

    Also, at the end of this document (if I remember to
    include it) I'm going to include some of my own
    personal tips on finding PAR codes. I never intended
    to have anyone else but myself read these, so do the
    best you can to understand them.

    To make PAR codes, you only need two things (three if
    you count your computer):

    1) A SNES emulator called ZSNES. You should get the
    newest version you can find (version 0.991 is what
    I use in this example). You can get the latest
    version here: zophar.net

    2) The ROM of the game you want to make codes for.

    I'm going to use the same game for an example as I
    used in the first document (Black Thorne) and I'm
    going to try and find the same code (infinite health)
    but this time we'll assume that we don't know the
    exact value of our health.

    Now, lets get going...

    1) Run the ZSNES program.

    2) Load the ROM you want codes for (in this case it's
    Black Thorne).

    3) Start the game. Since we are assuming that we
    don't know the exact value of our health, all we
    know for sure now is that our health is at the max

    4) Now press the "Esc" button on your keyboard to
    pause the game and bring up the menu screen.

    5) Click on the "Cheat" button, then click on "Search"

    6) You now have to make a few decisions about what
    type of search you want. Number of Bytes: This
    number will usually be one or two bytes. In this
    case, we don't know what the amount of our health
    is, so we will make an educated guess and go with
    one byte (because the amount we're looking for
    (health) most likely will be less than 255). If
    the amount your looking for might be greater than
    255, than choose 2 bytes, if it's greater than
    65,535 then choose 3 bytes. You will hardly ever
    need to choose 4 bytes. An example of when you
    may need to choose 2 or 3 bytes is when you are
    searching for the amount of gold you have. The
    amount of gold/money you have can be 999,999 or
    higher in some games. Sometimes you will have
    to make your best guess at how many bytes you need.

    7) The next decision you need to make is which Format
    to use. You have two choices: Dec or Hex. 98% of
    the time, you should choose Dec (Base 10).

    8) Now we need to decide which search method to use.
    In this example, we're using the "Comparitive
    Search" method.

    9) Now click on the "Start" button.

    10) We now have 131,072 choices for our code. Lets
    see if we can narrow that number down a bit.
    Now lets return to the game (just like it says).
    To return to the game, all you do is press the
    "Esc" button a few times.

    11) Now what we need to do is to somehow change the
    amount of health we have. That should be easy
    enough. Go find an enemy and let him shoot you
    once (but only once). Pause the game. We now
    know that our amount of health is less than it was

    12) Press the "Esc" button again to get to the menu

    13) Click on the "Cheat" button, then click on "Search"

    14) You now have to pick one of the 4 choices for what
    kind of search to do: Greater than (>), less than
    (<), equal to (=), or not equal to (!=). In this
    case, the new amount of health is less than the
    old amount, so we will pick "<" (less than).

    15) Click on "Search". The number of choices has been
    narrowed down to 5,147. We still need to narrow
    it down some more.

    16) Repeat steps 10 thru 15 until the number of choices
    has been narrowed down to 1 (or until the number
    won't go any lower). In this case, 2 choices is
    as low as you can get.

    17) If you only have one choice left, then chances
    are pretty good that's the right one, but if you
    have more than one, you have to eliminate some of
    the choices thru the process of elimination. We
    have 2 choices left in this example, so we need to
    find out which one is right. To see the codes,
    click on the "View" button.

    18) Lets try the first code (which is 7E007F). Select
    it and click on "Add". Before clicking on "Add",
    write down the "PValue" listed for the code (16).

    19) Now you will need to pick a value for our code.
    Since we don't know what the value of our health
    is, we will have to use the "PValue" that we
    wrote down in the last step (which was 16). So
    then that's the number we will enter. One note
    about the value number... the number that you
    choose for the value, in some cases, isn't all
    that important. But other times, it's very
    important. As for this example, the number you
    use for the value in the health code, can be any
    number between 1 and 255. The reason why this is
    is because the PAR constantly replaces the
    original value with the new value that you entered.
    So if you choose a value of 1, then your health
    will always stay at 1 (in other words, infinite

    20) Next, you need to enter a brief description of
    what the cheat does (optional).

    21) Next, you should write down the PAR code that is
    in the "PAR Code Equivalent" box. You should
    also write down a desciption of what you think the
    PAR code may do. It's a good idea to write the
    code down even before you know if it's the right
    code or not incase the emulator crashes, you'll
    know not to use that code again.

    22) Now click on the "Add" button. The code will
    automatically be turned on.

    23) Press the "Esc" button a few times to get back to
    the game and see if the code works. In this case,
    it didn't work, so it is a pretty safe bet that
    the other code is the right one (which is 7E0FC5).

    24) If the code works, go back to the cheat menu and
    click on the "Save" button to save the code. If
    the code doesn't work, then either remove the code
    that didn't work (or toggle it off) and try the
    next code in the same way as before.

    I know it seems like there are a lot of steps in this
    example, but once you try it for the first time, you
    will see that it is really very easy to do.

    By going to my website (unless your already there),
    and going to the SNES section, you can see some of the
    codes that I made (over 100 I think) using this method.

    Here are some of my own personal tips on finding PAR
    codes. I never intended to have anyone else but myself
    read these, so do the best you can to understand them.
    I am constantly adding to this list.

    This is a collection of misc. tips on how to use the
    cheat part of ZSNES.

    Before looking for cheat codes in a game, look in the
    "options" menu of the game and see if you can adjust
    things like the number of lives, the number of
    continues, etc..., then use the cheat menu to find
    codes. This method will sometimes give you codes
    that will work with the GG (ie not "7E" type codes).

    I have found that it is usually better to use the
    "Compare" method instead of the "Exact Value" method
    to find codes. (> = greater than, < = less than.)

    "Jump" codes: These can be easy to find, but hard to
    get the right value for the code. To find a jump code,
    just pause the game with the character on the ground,
    then use the "comparative" cheat method. Go back to
    the game and pause the game while pressing the jump
    button (right after the character leaves the ground).
    Then go back to the cheat menu and search for a greater
    value (higher number). Then when he's back on the
    ground, search for a lesser value. It sometimes helps
    to do two pauses on the way up, and search for a higher
    number each time. Repeat as needed.

    "Time" codes: Many time codes are 2 bytes long.

    Sometimes, when you have a code that is 2 bytes (or 3
    or 4), if you only use one of the bytes, you can get
    some very neat effects. The reason for this is
    because one of the bytes will be fixed by the PAR
    code, but the other part of the code can change.

    "Speed" codes: It is usually fairly easy to find speed
    codes for racing type games.

    I hope this document helps you out.

    Tony Hedstrom [email protected]

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    I did as you suggested using the same Deckard conejo too. The car lists now under Simplix, however, it doesnt seem to be selectable and the preview pic doesnt show I did copy it to the folder. Do you know what I might have missed?

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