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Thread Title: PPSSPP cheat issues

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    Default PPSSPP cheat issues

    Hey everyone. I don't know if anybody is still involved in this forum but I'm super new to using emulators so I'm sure you can imagine some of the troubles that I've been having. I'm currently using PPSSPP on my laptop; I downloaded Star Ocean: The Second Evolution and I'm trying to use the cheats listed on the site but I put some in and none of them are working. Is there a master code that I have to put in first or is there a debug section that it needs to be put into? Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. :)
    Last edited by Udaman100; 04-18-2021 at 07:47 PM. Reason: Spelling u

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    Default PPSSPP cheat issues

    I'm not sure if there's a master code for some of those or not, the majority of the psp codes were ported from the now defunct pspgweber forums.

    This is for the PS1 release but hopefully you should still find alot of the info still relevant to the PSP version.
    Star Ocean: The Second Story Cheat Codes (for Playstation)

    And yeah vgcheat doesn't have daily updates like I used to do but I always check in at least once a day or every other day, to keep the spammers in check & watch out for any legit new messages.

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    Default PPSSPP cheat issues

    Nice cheats, thanks for sharing with us

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