Hey Guys,

So for the past week I have been working on fitting a Pi Zero in my Dreamcast, without the need for a separate power supply. This proved to be a little more difficult then I expected, but was finally able to fit the Pi Zero, LVI, USB hub, and modem into the Dreamcast. Not exactly the pretties inside, but it works :lol:

The power for the Pi, modem, and hub is feed off the Dreamcast 5v power supply prong. The LVI was off the 12v prong, and seems to work just fine for creating the dial tone. Later on, I want to add an RCA video output to the Pi, so I don't have to remove the cover anytime I want to change the Pi settings. The idea is to make this my "travel" Dreamcast, and I want to be able to change the WiFi when I get to a new location.

Let me what you all think and please give me any idea / recommendations on what I could fix or improve on.


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