Hello everyone,
I've recently decided to pick up a Dreamcast, and I'll probably be able to do so next month. It was the only Sega console I didn't own, as when I had the opportunity to pick up a new console, I ended up getting the PS2. The PS2 sadly never provided me with much, besides the games I could get elsewhere (GTA, Need for Speed, etc). The only titles I really liked where the Ace Combat games (in fact I got a Xbox 360 later just to play AC6).
Since I don't know much about the Dreamcast, I'd like to ask for some game suggestions to pick up. Some flying games similar to Ace Combat would be nice (I only know of Airforce Delta); some Racing Games (I'm def picking Sega Rally 2, since Sega Rally was probably my favorite game when I had a Saturn), specially some games where it is possible to Drift (tho any racing game will do to be honest); some Action RPGs like Diablo or maybe even like Zelda (2d or 3d ones); I'd appreciate a game similar to the 3D GTAs, but I can do without it; and I guess thats it.
Thanks in advance.