I recently reorganized my Dreamcast save files, and it made me wonder if anyone else goes through the same trouble I do when there are so many games.

I have a little over 100 Dreamcast games, so a fair amount. What I do is: I primarily use Sega 4X Memory Cards. Then I broke down each section within the 4X's into categories:

4X #1 (this 4X is also primarily used in my arcade stick)
- Shoot 'Em Up
- Fighting
- Puzzle, Music
- Arcade, Classics (which I used as shorthand for compilations like the Smash Pack, Namco Museum, etc.)

4X #2
- Action-Adventure
- Shooters (1st, 3rd, Light Guns)
- RPG, Strategy
- Shenmue

4X #3 (I like racing games edition)
- Racing (Arcade)
- Racing (Fantasy)
- Racing (Sim)
- Sports

So that I know what I have on each 4X, I printed each list onto address labels and stuck them in the vacated VMU screen area (cutting/clearing away excess label material for a perfect fit within the square). I also have a separate, regular VMU for moving files within the same 4X, a separate, regular VMU for Half-Life, and yet Performance memory card for bleem save files.

I, personally, am not trying to acquire every DC game. I also don't mess with VMU games themselves, or things like replays in racing games (nearly 80 blocks to save a reply in the first Tokyo Xtreme Racer!), or Chao gardens in either Sonic Adventure. I also don't play through entire seasons in NFL, NBA, etc., so I'm confident three 4X's is all I will need going forward.

But for those that have larger collections and/or play VMU games, save replays, etc. how do you manage all your save files? And in general, do people go to the lengths I (maybe OCD-ingly) go through to keep everything easy to access?