Hello everyone. Just a long time lurker here who decided to register.

Figured I'd show something I came across a few months ago that I find kinda interesting. Since I'm no DC expert, this might be a lot less interesting than I think it is and some of you might know about it, but I'll let you be the judge of that.

I was looking around on an online auction site we have in my country (Hungary), looking at Dreamcast stuff and found something that I've never seen or heard of: a 3rd party (Performance) VMU. I'm well aware that there are a ton of different 3rd party memory cards for the DC, but I've never even heard of or seen a picture of a 3rd party VMU, I thought only SEGA made those.

As you can see in the attached pics, it has the screen, dpad, buttons and everything (interestingly the speaker is on the same side as the screen) and it's somewhat longer than the official VMU.

I wanted to buy it just out of curiosity, but it wasn't for sale on it's own and not much later someone else bought it. Would have been curious was it any different besides the looks from the official thing and how compatible it was with games, minigames etc.