I bought the Grandia2.com website, long live grandia 2! : dreamcast
Hey all, I was playing Grandia 2 again a couple days ago and say the "grandia2.com" link on the back of the case, so I thought it would be neat to go see if the site was still online. Not only was it not, but the domain was free. So I did what any DC fan would do, I registered it.
Now I'm trying to put together a kind of ALL INFO for Grandia 2 on what used to be the official Grandia 2 website (it still has the original Favicon icon, friggen sweet!)
I just want to populate it with anything about Grandia 2, the characters, a little bio about them, the plot, a list of all the soundtracks, wallpapers in HD (1920x1080), videos from youtube, information about the voice-cast, music, etc.
If anyone is willing to help it would mean a lot as I work and go to school full-time, so it's hard to get free time to do this. I will gladly put up an author/contributor page on the site with your information for helping!
Thanks guys, hopefully this website can serve as some nostalgia for long time fans and hopefully introduce some new fans to one of the greatest rpgs ever!
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EDIT: 1) Add music from the original Grandia 2 website to new one so it auto-plays through-out the website