Please name your five most wanted Dreamcast items and explain why you want them so badly. it could be a game, peripheral, Sega or Dreamcast memorabilia.........just about anything Dreamcast related.

I'll start the ball rolling:

1. Segagaga translation. I own a sealed copy of the Segagaga ltd Edition. I have read so much about the game and am dying to play it but, without the translation, it's probably gonna stay sealed for the rest of my lifetime. PLEASE FINISH THE TRANSLATION BEFORE I DIE !!!!

2. Another VOOT Twinsticks controller. We've been talking about this game quite a bit recently and I'm even more convinced I need this. OK, so it's a bit of a luxury....but can you imagine playing with two 'sticks on a 2-player DC link setup ? In my head it's already a done deal lol

3. A meeting with Tetsuya Mizuguchi. I LOVE his games so much, I'd just like to buy him a pint and ask about his views on videogames in general, and the Dreamcast in particular. Oh, and get him to sign my games lol

4. Get my hands on the Ltd Edition versions of Space Channel 5 and Jet Set Radio. Yes, they are expensive but you've gotta have something to aim for in life haven't you ?

5. The complete SHMUP collection on Dreamcast. Bearing in mind that I love both Under Defeat and Ikaruga so much, this is an area I have neglected for too long. I just got Border Down which takes me up to about halfway but there are so many DC shooters I haven't played. I still need Zero Gunner, Chaos Field, Fast Striker, Radirgy, Pink Bullets, Gigawing 2 etc etc

Fire away ;)