Ok, so I just got my brand new offical DC mouse and new Seganet keyboard in the mail finaly, but still waiting on my SDLoader to get here from China.
I am just curious what all uses the DC Mouse and Keyboard. I know all the classic PC FPS games do, and most modern ones for it like Half-Life, Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament work too.
I know the old gaming PC emulators like DCastaway and others use it.
Dreamshell most definately does as well as LinuxDC and NetBSD for Dreamcast.
So, basicaly what I am looking for are 3 categories.
1. FPS games
2. Classic gaming PC emulators like for the Atari ST computer ect.
3. Actual operating systems for the Dreamcast.
Any help is appreciated.
P.S. I haven't gotten my Dreamcast hooked up to the net, so I left out the Browser disc's as they are of zero use to me at the moment.