Hi! As some of may know already I have found two boxes with over 100 games and accessories in that had been forgotten. Some of these are up for auction on Ebay.co.uk at the moment.
Also in the collection are 5 discs entltled "Dream On". I used to work for Emi Manufacturing when we had the Sega account but I can't remember what these are or were for. I can see they are playable demos and have game samplers as well as movie clips of what I am guessing, were at the time, forthcoming games but I'm not entirely sure.
They are entitled Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3 and Volume 21, so I guess there were a fair few of them but I just can't remember. I have 2 discs entitled Volume 3 in different colours, although they have the same game demos. They are not white labels although Volume 1 is white!! I can't remember whether they were for internal purposes or for public consumption.
Two of them have promotional print inserts like the type we would use for covermount(inc magazines) but not necessarily. Does any one know anything about these please? I will put them up for auction in my next set of lots as I am sure they will be of interest to someone but I will need to know what they are for in the first place!!! All help gratefully received! Pics below: