Well, yesterday it looks like our friend Nebelwurfer has translated roughly 70% of the game, and the main campaign is now fully translated!

I think I will download the game now and run the patcher. I also heard that only the Hooligan release will work with his patch. Link at bottom.

DC AD 2001 Patch 0.70 has been released. This patch translates all the background graphics text used on game Dialog screens. It also translates all the Alternate history and America Front Campaign Scenarios. This should allow gamers to play the Campaign all the way to a successful conclusion.

I will continue work on the 1943-1945 Campaign scenarios where Germany was in decline. Also I may work on Scenario Mode menus and Scenario Editor Menus and Help Topics if I don't get burned out first.

But for now, I intend to try hammering my way through the Algeria campaign scenario, where I have been stuck for some time. I hope you enjoy playing the game as much as I do.