Hey all

new to the forum and just thought I'd show alittle mod I'm working on. Since I currently have 4 Dreamcasts, 1 of which is abit faulty I thought I'd have a go at something I always wanted (since I saw an early prototype years ago). A Dreamcast add-on dvd player.

I started by taking apart the spare/faulty Dreamcast.

after a few minutes I had gutted it completely, (didnt get any photos).

Then I cut around the Dreamcast level with the height of the front control port peice. Then I made a mock up lid from cardboard to show what it will look like when I've made the top properly. Will be pretty much same as the karaokee set peice (which I have one off too ;) )

Pic of it next to my Dreamcast.....

.....and a pic of how it will be sitting when it's done.

Sorry for bad pics - were taken on my phone. The problem I'm facing is I want to have the dvd player I fix inside the Dreamcast shell, eject the disc through the controller port part - (a quick paint edited pic to show what I mean).-

Now on the hunt for a small dvd player to fit inside the shell (as you know Dreamcasts arnt the biggest machines in the world).

Just want to add this is only abit of fun, (some people take things like this far too seriously).

comments welcome.