Pro Action Replay Codes:
Infinite Health - 00C1AA:08

Game Genie Codes:
Begin with web fluid - 003-39F-5D4 -Galoob
Start with less energy - 013-35F-C4A -Galoob
Start with more energy - 0A3-35F-C4A -Galoob
Start with a lot more energy - 0F3-35F-C4A -Galoob
Gives you 2,540 points - FF3-2FF-E6E -Galoob
Start with 5 continues - 063-1DF-E66 -Galoob
Start with 8 continues - 093-1DF-E66 -Galoob
Infinite energy - 3A4-0DD-2A2 -Galoob