- 2xHero Chip Advance
You must have these chips in this order during a battle for the 2xHero Chip upgrade: Custswrd B, Varswrd B, Protoman B. Note: You must have the same code and have to be in the order shown.
- Airman Version 3
You can find Airman Version 3 in Den Area 1. He deals around 100 damage for each attack but you can get 500 Zenny if you have a low rankFor about a Busting Lv. 6, you can get another Airman Chip.
- Battle Bass
After defeating Planetman, you can fight the real Bass. He has 2000 HP and a Life Aura 1 that will reappear. When you defeat him, you will get his Bass chip.
- Best Chip Trader
The best Chip Trader is the one in the ACDC Town Metroline.
- BigHeart Advance
Select, in order, HolyPanel R (from Brush Man), Recover300 R (from having SS or SSS license in Undernet 7), and Roll R (v1,v2,v3).
- Black Navi locations
Black Navi 1: Underkoto
Black Navi 2: Undernet area 6
Black Navi 3: Netarea 2
Black Navi 4: Yumland area 2