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Thread Title: Monster Rancher Advance 2 Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

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    GBA Monster Rancher Advance 2 Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

    • Better monster stats

    Place any two letter or two numbers and put 1, 3, or 8 as the third character to get a high stats monster, with one of these three traits with it. Examples are: cd1 for a monster with hight Success.

    cd2 for a monster with high Earth.
    cd8 for a monster with high Expert.
    • Carmilla (Pixie)

    Submit the case sensitive code W_Angel at the shrine.

    • FairLessie

    Submit the case sensitive code ZUPKFGLQ at the shrine.
    • Garu

    Submit one of the case sensitive codes one of the following case-sensitive codes.

    OCT (named CyanGaru)
    BUN (powerful)
    RIKA (named Delphi)
    ][ (named Pict)
    Ocean (named Becks)
    Tigoo (named CousCous)
    Sonny (named Wolfkin)
    Chaser (named Kijimanu)
    ketchup (named BlackLion)
    GNIKNOIL (named Liorosa )
    MP5KPDW (named Sun)
    bacon (named Pantheon

    Combine Garu and Suezo to get a Garu named Becks which has power, accuracy, speed, defense, and life all over 100. Combine Hare Hound and Delphi to get a Garu named Wolfkin.
    • Gokuu

    Combine Garu with FairyHare to get a Gokuu.
    • Joker

    Submit the case sensitive code CALIENTE to get a Joker named Anathema.

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    Default Re: Monster Rancher Advance 2

    • Kuloru (MoMo)

    Submit the case sensitive code LIKETEA .
    • Mew

    Submit the case sensitive code Numbuh4 to get a white Mew.
    • Monster names

    Some monster name codes may not work because you may first need to battle the monster at a random event or get permission or an invitation to be able to raise them.
    • Ombren (Gali)

    Submit the case sensitive code RACCOON at the shrine.
    • Pantheon (Garu)

    Submit the case sensitive code X-Blade .
    • Phenoix

    Submit the case sensitive code POLARIS at the shrine.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

  4. #3
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    Default Re: Monster Rancher Advance 2

    • Pixie

    Submit the case sensitive code CHIDCHID to get a special Pixie. By combining a a Pixie with Naga you will get a rare Allure Pixie. Submit the case sensitive code exodia to get a special pixie named truenos.
    • Prepee (Octopee)

    Submit the case sensitive code OPENBOOK .
    • Ragnaroks (Dragon)

    By combining a a Diva with a Monol you will get a Ragnaroks. Its a Special Blue Monster and is the second best dragon in the game. Submit the case sensitive code DRG_RGN at the shrine.
    • Shaorin (Suzurin)

    Submit the case sensitive code 3cC2dD4 .
    • Skeletant (special Antlan)

    Submit the case sensitive code one of the following case-sensitive codes.
    • Special monsters

    Submit the case sensitive codes EXODIA and YUGKPUY to get two special monsters.
    Submit the case sensitive code Vintow, vintow, and He8dge to get three special monsters.
    • ThorHummer

    Submit the case sensitive code Tecmo at the shrine.
    • Warrior (Henger)

    Submit the case sensitive code ULTIMATE at the shrine.
    • Zuum

    Submit the case sensitive code GOLDGIFT for a special Zuum.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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