Shakey Screen
3200637C 0001
Mega Man/Lan Glow Red
32008856 0059
Shadow MegaMan and Lan
82008857 FFFF
Mega Man/Lan Real World Sprite Color Mod
82008857 XXXX
Lan/MegaMan Are Invisible
32008863 0001
Play As Lan Anywhere [Select+R]
74000130 02FB
32008868 AB0C
74000130 02FB
32008869 32AB
74000130 02FB
3200886A 0832
Play As MegaMan Anywhere [Select]
74000130 03FB
32008868 BF40
74000130 03FB
32008869 39BF
74000130 03FB
3200886A 0839
Walk Through Walls
820087DC 0000
Complete Library And P.A. Memo
82000060 FFFF
82000062 FFFF
82000064 FFFF
82000066 FFFF
82000068 FFFF
8200006A FFFF
8200006C FFFF
8200006E FFFF
82000070 FFFF
82000072 FFFF
82000074 FFFF
82000076 FFFF
82000078 FFFF
8200007A FFFF
8200007C FFFF
8200007E FFFF
82000080 FFFF
82000082 FFFF
8200009C FFFF
8200009E FFFF
Master Code (Untested)
00007259 000A
100003C0 0007
Move Anywhere In Battle
3200ECE4 0012
3200ECF4 0012
3200ED04 0012
3200ED64 0012
3200ED74 0012
3200ED84 0012
3200EDE4 0012
3200EDF4 0012
3200EE04 0012
Press Select To Delete Enemies
74000130 03FB
32008B54 0000
00000003 00C0
Max Rapid
32001129 0004
Max Attack
32001128 0004
Max Level
82001132 270F
32000EE0 0064
No Random Battles
82009082 0000
-While using the play as code, make sure you are talking to someone then push the button. If you press it with out talking to someone, the game will glitch.
-It would be helpful if someone who owns the game and a Code Breaker or the latest version of the Game Shark could test out the Master Code to see if it works.