Category Title Hacker Code Notes Top (M) Unknown 6EC602C80D40F89A
606AAF7DEA409D08As of submission, there is no known 'M' code that will work properly with this game. So what you have to do is go to 'select game' on the "GS" menu, go to this game's 'select code' list, then hit your 'start' button there so that you can play this game with whatever codes you have on. Whoever can get a proper M code for this game can post it up. Top (M) Unknown 6EC602C80D40F89A
606AAF7DEA409D08As of submission, there is no known 'M' code that will work properly with this game. So what you have to do is go to 'select game' on the "GS" menu, go to this game's 'select code' list, then hit your 'start' button there so that you can play this game with whatever codes you have on. Whoever can get a proper M code for this game can post it up. Top (M) Must Be On Codejunkies 77108EBD 772FDB65
E4EC44BB A66DF8E5Top All Cds Codejunkies BBA486EB AB059B70
E482CD99 588E41FF
3AD30657 7B7DD3D7Top All Items Codejunkies C382A86C 82EE4D29
2AED3D64 7205D4FFTop All Weapons Codejunkies EF5B8E43 45D0F841
9D2D8C98 3F7BB4D2Top Infinite Energy Unknown F1BF428478909768
924DB768533F77BETop Infinite Energy Unknown F1BF428478909768
924DB768533F77BETop Infinite Health Codejunkies 6E052154 9C826158 Top Infinite Lives Unknown 2112A58021AD8135 Top Infinite Lives Unknown 2112A58021AD8135 Top Infinite Lives Codejunkies 8ACBE27F E0FF162E Top Invincible [email protected] 1B10999465DAEC1E Top Invincible [email protected] 1B10999465DAEC1E Top Max Screws Codejunkies 12378CC4 FC89CB2A Top Megaman/Bass Can Fly xMrNx 83004F6E 0000
83004F50 0000
74000130 03BF
83004F6E 0280
74000130 03BF
83004F50 0040
74000130 037F
83004F6E FD80
74000130 037F
83004F50 0040straight up, down, left, and right, but can't attack while moving Top Optional xMrNx 74000130 039F
83004F6E 0280
74000130 039F
83004F50 0040
74000130 03AF
83004F6E 0280
74000130 03AF
83004F50 0040
74000130 035F
83004F6E FD80
74000130 035F
83004F50 0040
74000130 036F
83004F6E FD80
74000130 036F
83004F50 0040
74000130 039D
83004F6E 0280
74000130 039D
83004F50 0040
74000130 03AD
83004F6E 0280
74000130 03AD
83004F50 0040
74000130 03BD
83004F6E 0280
74000130 03BD
83004F50 0040
74000130 037D
83004F6E FD80
74000130 037D
83004F50 0040
74000130 035D
83004F6E FD80
74000130 035D
83004F50 0040
74000130 036D
83004F6E FD80
74000130 036D
83004F50 0040for diagonal movement and attacking while moving. You slowly float down when not moving around in the air. Top Press L&R To Hover Codejunkies CBB5799D 0CA4D71B
83D35F70 613F88C9