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Thread Title: Metroid Fusion Action Replay Codes

Gameboy Advance GameShark, Codebreaker and Action Replay codes

  1. #1
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    Default Metroid Fusion Action Replay Codes

    Ok, here are some of the codes for Metroid Fusion :



    Max Health ( as if you had picked up every power-up in the game )


    Infinite Health


    Max Missles


    Infinite missiles


    Max Power Bombs


    Infinite Power Bombs


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    Default Metroid Fusion Gameshark codes

    [M] Must Be On 93C80FA3DF77
    [M] Must Be On EEEE8A9B6B5C
    [M] Must Be On 00D0A83917FE
    Infinite Energy E3D406B4FF5D
    Infinite Energy F2D402B4FD4D
    Infinite Missiles EB9446D4FF5D
    Infinite Missiles FA9442D4FD4D
    Infinite P-Bombs 8BB84453157C
    Infinite P-Bombs 8BBA4DC3157C
    Have Weapons and Suit Completed FEC002B5F8AC
    Have Weapons and Suit Completed E78046D5FABC
    Invincible AFAE46DE497D
    Mega Jump 415334B1B096

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  4. #3
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    Default RE: Metroid Fusion Code Breaker Codes

    These are some Code Breaker codes for Metroid Fusion from

    33000014 0001 Map shows timer and items for Samus

    83000138 0000 In-Game time set to 00:00

    83000138 FFFF In-Game time set to 256:256

    43000154 0000
    0000000D 0038 Enemies are invincible

    43000172 0001
    0000000D 0038 Enemies are frozen for Samus

    330008D9 0000 Stop escape timers for Samus

    7300097E 0032
    8300097E 0001
    7300097E 001E
    8300097E 0001 Bombs go off instantly for Samus

    7300097E 0046
    8300097E 0001 Power Bombs go off instantly for Samus

    33001249 0001 Invincible

    3300124E 0000 No weapon cooldown for Samus

    33001250 0040 Charge beam always charged for Samus

    33001253 00A0
    D0000020 0010
    8300125E 00A0
    D0000020 0020
    8300125E FF60 Always speed boost

    D0000020 0011
    83001256 0010
    D0000020 0021
    83001256 0020 Single wall wall-jumping for Samus

    74000130 03FE
    330012DC 0002 Spark when you jump for Samus

    83001310 0833 Infinite health for Samus

    33001314 00FA Infinite missiles for Samus

    33001318 0040 Infinite power bombs for Samus

    3300131A 0000 No Beam for Samus

    2300131A 0001 Charge Beam for Samus

    2300131A 0002 Wide Beam for Samus

    2300131A 0004 Plasma Beam for Samus

    2300131A 0008 Wave Beam for Samus

    2300131A 0010 Ice Beam for Samus

    3300131B 0000 No missile/bomb for Samus

    2300131A 0100 Missile for Samus

    2300131A 0200 Super Missile for Samus

    2300131A 0400 Ice Missile for Samus

    2300131A 0800 Diffusion Missile for Samus

    2300131A 1000 Bomb for Samus

    2300131A 2000 Power Bomb for Samus

    3300131C 0000 No suit/misc. for Samus

    2300131C 0001 Hi-Jump for Samus

    2300131C 0002 Speed Booster for Samus

    2300131C 0004 Space Jump for Samus

    2300131C 0008 Screw Attack for Samus

    2300131C 0010 Varia Suit for Samus

    2300131C 0020 Gravity Suit for Samus

    2300131C 0040 Morph Ball for Samus

    3300131D 0000 Security Level 0

    3300131D 0001 Security Level 1

    3300131D 0002 Security Level 2

    3300131D 0003 Security Level 3

    3300131D 0004 Security Level 4

    3300151E 0000 0%

    3300151E 0064 100%

    83004D28 4E73
    83004D2A 4E73
    83004D2C 53E9
    83004D2E 7280
    83004D30 5547
    83004D32 4068
    83004D34 7FFF
    83004D36 03FF
    83004D38 0096
    83004D3A 00BD
    83004D3C 006E
    83004D3E 3BE0
    83004D40 02B5
    83004D42 5B32
    83004D44 31E8
    83004D46 28A6 Fusion suit colours

    83004D28 4E73
    83004D2A 0000
    83004D2C 03FC
    83004D2E 0F0E
    83004D30 614C
    83004D32 200A
    83004D34 7FFF
    83004D36 02DE
    83004D38 0096
    83004D3A 00BD
    83004D3C 006E
    83004D3E 3BE0
    83004D40 3C17
    83004D42 5B32
    83004D44 3E4A
    83004D46 1946 Varia suit colours

    83004D28 4E73
    83004D2A 0000
    83004D2C 5E9B
    83004D2E 44F0
    83004D30 3C68
    83004D32 2406
    83004D34 7FFF
    83004D36 03EC
    83004D38 0096
    83004D3A 00BD
    83004D3C 006E
    83004D3E 3BE0
    83004D40 5AA0
    83004D42 5B32
    83004D44 3E4A
    83004D46 0000 Gravity suit colours

    83004D28 4E73
    83004D2A 0000
    83004D2C 02FF
    83004D2E 01BE
    83004D30 00D3
    83004D32 2406
    83004D34 7FFF
    83004D36 03EC
    83004D38 0096
    83004D3A 00BD
    83004D3C 006E
    83004D3E 3BE0
    83004D40 0108
    83004D42 5B32
    83004D44 31E8
    83004D46 28A6 SA-X suit colours

    83004D92 28A6
    83004D94 7FFF
    83004D96 3BE0
    83004D98 31E8
    83004D9A 00BD
    83004D9C 0096
    83004D9E 006E
    83004DA0 03FF
    83004DA2 7280
    83004DA4 5547
    83004DA6 02B5
    83004DA8 03FF
    83004DAA 5B32
    83004DAC 31E8
    83004DAE 4068 SA-X in fusion suit for Samus

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  5. #4
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    Default RE: Metroid Fusion Game Shark Codes

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  6. #5
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    Default RE: Metroid Fusion Action Replay Codes

    Metroid Fusion CodeBreaker codes

    Dark Suit CodeBreaker
    83004D28 0000
    83004D2A 00FF
    83004D2C 00FF
    83004D2E 0000
    83004D30 0000
    83004D32 0000
    83004D34 0000
    83004D36 0000
    83004D38 0000
    83004D3A 0000
    83004D3C 00FF
    83004D3E FFFF
    83004D40 0000
    83004D42 00FF
    83004D44 0000
    83004D46 0000

    All Beam, Missile & Bomb Upgrade CodeBreaker
    2300131A 0C06
    2300131A 0D31
    2300131A 3CA5
    2300131A 0AD8
    (NOTE: You will need to collect the morph ball for the power bombs)

    All Misc. Upgrades
    2300131C 0008
    2300131C 1040
    2300131C 0D07

    Unlock All Doors
    3300131D 0000
    3300131D 0001
    3300131D 0002
    3300131D 0003
    3300131D 0004

    Both Suit Upgrades
    2300131C 0030

    Turn Off All
    3300131A 0000
    3300131B 0000
    3300131C 0000
    (NOTE: Activate these cheats before confronting bosses so it doesn't glitch the game. You can deactivate after confrontation so you have everything for the fight)

    Bombs and Power Bombs go off instantly
    7300097E 0032
    4300097E 0001
    00000011 0020
    7300097E 001E
    4300097E 0001
    00000009 0020
    7300097E 0046
    4300097E 0001
    00000011 0020

    Frozen Enemies
    43000172 0001
    0000000D 0038
    (NOTE: De-Activate when in a Navigation Room)

    Stop Event Timers
    330008D9 0000

    SA-X in Your Suit
    83004D92 0000
    83004D94 00FF
    83004D96 00FF
    83004D98 0000
    83004D9A 0000
    83004D9C 0000
    83004D9E 0000
    83004DA0 0000
    83004DA2 0000
    83004DA4 00FF
    83004DA6 FFFF
    83004DA8 0000
    83004DAA 00FF
    83004DAC 0000
    83004DAE 0000

    Continuous Speed Boost
    33001253 00A0
    D0000020 0010
    8300125E 00A0
    D0000020 0020
    8300125E FF60
    NOTE:This code also has some side-effects, you can move when you normally can't, eg. you can move on a navigation pad, you can move during an elevator ride, you can move during and when recovering from a spark (which you can also go though walls by exploiting)

    No Weapon CoolDown
    3300124E 0000

    Infinite Health Missiles and Power Bombs
    83001310 0833
    33001314 00FA
    33001318 0040

    In-Game Time 00:00
    83000138 0000

    100% Completion
    3300151E 0064

    Map Shows Time and Items Collected
    33000014 0001

    SA-X Dark Suit (Not Quite Right)
    83004D92 0000
    83004D94 00FF
    83004D96 00FF
    83004D98 0000
    83004D9A 0000
    83004D9C 0000
    83004D9E 0000
    83004DA0 0000
    83004DA2 0000
    83004DA4 00FF
    83004DA6 FFFF
    83004DA8 0000
    83004DAA 00FF
    83004DAC 0000
    83004DAE 0000

    Please Note that these are CODEBREAKER

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  7. #6
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    Default Re: Metroid Fusion Action Replay Codes

    nice codes thx

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  8. #7
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    Evil Face Re: Metroid Fusion Gameshark codes

    Nicee! Works!!!

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  9. #8
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    Default Re: Metroid Fusion Gameshark codes

    Hp Current + Hp Max
    03001310 0033
    03001311 0008
    03001312 0033
    03001313 0008

    All Beam
    0300131a 00ff

    All Missile and Bomb
    0300131b 00ff

    All Suit and Misc.
    0300131c 00ff

    999 Missile Current + 999 Missile Max
    03001314 00e7
    03001315 0003
    03001316 00e7
    03001317 0003

    99 P-Bomb Current + 99 P-Bomb Max
    03001318 0063
    03001319 0063

    All blue, green, yellow and red Hatches are open
    0300131d 0004

    03001249 0001

    Go fast through Hatches
    03000024 0001

    Always Speed Booster active
    0300124a 0001

    Timer And Quantity Of Items Activated
    On The Map + Metroid Icon on the
    SAMUS DATA Screen
    03000014 0001

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  10. #9
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    Default Re: Metroid Fusion Gameshark codes

    all doors open up to level 4
    3300131D 0004

    all doors open up to level 3
    3300131D 0003

    all doors open up to level 2
    3300131D 0002

    all doors open up to level 1
    3300131D 0001

    all doors open up to level 0
    3300131D 0000

    Have the super dash always charged
    330012DC 005F

    Infinite Missles
    83001314 03E7

    Maximum Missile Capacity
    83001316 03E7

    Infinite Super Bombs
    33001318 0063

    Maximum Super Bomb Capacity
    33001319 0063

    Ininite Health
    83001310 0833

    Maximum Health Capacity
    83001312 0833

    Super Dash SO Much Sooner
    33001253 009D

    Infinite Time In Timed Events
    830008D8 00DA

    Low Completion Time
    83000138 0100

    Fast Shot,No pause between shots
    3300124E 0000

    83001249 0001

    100 % Item Finding Rate
    3300151E 0064

    Moon Jump
    D0000020 0001
    83001260 0040

    turn off all weapons
    3300131A 0000

    turn off all misc/suits
    8300131C 0000

    turn off all missiles/bombs
    3300131B 0000

    Weapon,Suit,Misc Items

    3300131C 0000

    High Jump Variation

    High Jump
    3300131C 0001

    Speed Booster Variations

    Speed Booster
    3300131C 0002

    High Jump+Speed Booster
    3300131C 0003

    Space Jump Variations

    Space Jump
    3300131C 0004

    High Jump+Space Jump
    3300131C 0005

    Speed Booster+Space Jump
    3300131C 0006

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump
    3300131C 0007

    Screw Attack Variations

    Screw Attack
    3300131C 0008

    High Jump+Screw Attack
    3300131C 0009

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack
    3300131C 000A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack
    3300131C 000B

    Space Jump+Screw Attack
    3300131C 000C

    High Jump+Space Jump+Screw Attack
    3300131C 000D

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack
    3300131C 000E

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack
    3300131C 000F

    Varia Suit Variations

    Varia Suit
    3300131C 0010

    High Jump+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0011

    Speed Booster+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0012

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0013

    Space Jump+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0014

    High Jump+Space Jump+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0015

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0016

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0017

    Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0018

    High Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 0019

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 001A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 001B

    Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 001C

    High Jump+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 001D

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 001E

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit
    3300131C 001F

    Gravity Suit Variations

    Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0020

    High Jump+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0021

    Speed Booster+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0022

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0023

    Space Jump+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0024

    High Jump+Space Jump+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0025

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0026

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0027

    Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0028

    High Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0029

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 002A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 002B

    Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 002C

    High Jump+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 002D

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 002E

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 002F

    Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0030

    High Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0031

    Speed Booster+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0032

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0033

    Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0034

    High Jump+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0035

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0036

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0037

    Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0038

    High Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 0039

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 003A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 003B

    Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 003C

    High Jump+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 003D

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 003E

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit
    3300131C 003F

    Morph Ball Variations

    Morph Ball
    3300131C 0040

    High Jump+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0041

    Speed Booster+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0042

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0043

    Space Jump+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0044

    High Jump+Space Jump+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0045

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0046

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0047

    Screw Attack+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0048

    High Jump+Screw Attack+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0049

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Morph Ball
    3300131C 004A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Morph Ball
    3300131C 004B

    Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0050

    High Jump+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0051

    Speed Booster+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0052

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0053

    Space Jump+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0054

    High Jump+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0055

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0056

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0057

    Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0058

    High Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0059

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 005A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 005B

    Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 005C

    High Jump+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 005D

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 005E

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 005F

    Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0060

    High Jump+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0061

    Speed Booster+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0062

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0063

    Space Jump+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0064

    High Jump+Space Jump+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0065

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0066

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0067

    Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0068

    High Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0069

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 006A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 006B

    Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 006C

    High Jump+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 006D

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 006E

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 006F

    Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0070

    High Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0071

    Speed Booster+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0072

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0073

    Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0074

    High Jump+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0075

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0076

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0077

    Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0078

    High Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 0079

    Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 007A

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 007B

    Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 007C

    High Jump+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 007D

    Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 007E

    High Jump+Speed Booster+Space Jump+Screw Attack+Varia Suit+Gravity Suit+Morph Ball
    3300131C 007F


    3300131A 0000

    3300131A 0001

    3300131A 0002

    3300131A 0004

    3300131A 0008

    3300131A 0010

    charge + wide
    3300131A 0003

    charge + plasma
    3300131A 0005

    charge + wave
    3300131A 0009

    charge + ice
    3300131A 0011

    wide + plasma
    3300131A 0006

    wide + wave
    3300131A 000A

    wide + ice
    3300131A 0012

    plasma + wave
    3300131A 000C

    plasma + ice
    3300131A 0014

    charge + wide + plasma
    3300131A 0007

    charge + wide + wave
    3300131A 000B

    charge + wide + ice
    3300131A 0013

    charge + plasma + wave
    3300131A 000D

    charge + plasma + ice
    3300131A 0015

    charge + wave + ice
    3300131A 0019

    charge + wide + plasma + wave
    3300131A 000F

    charge + wide + plasma + ice
    3300131A 0017

    charge + wide + wave + ice
    3300131A 001B

    wide + plasma + wave + ice
    3300131A 001E

    Press L to go thru doors on left side of screen (Note)
    D0000020 0200
    8300125A 00D4

    Press R to go thru doors on Right side of screen (Note)
    D0000020 0100
    8300125A 03F3

    Have The Final Suit With no side effects
    83004D2C 02FF
    83004D2E 01BE
    83004D30 00D3
    83004D36 020F
    83004D40 0108
    83004D44 31E8
    83004D46 28A6

    Note: This Will Get u thru small rooms like the navigation rooms.

    Walk Thru Walls Right (Sel+R) [Note 1]
    74000130 02FB
    E300125A 0015

    Walk Thru Walls Left (Sel+L) [Note 1]
    74000130 01FB
    E300125A FFE5

    Jump Thru Ceilings (Sel+A) [Note 2]
    74000130 03FA
    E300125C FFC6

    Drop From Ceiling (L+R) [Note 2]
    74000130 00FF
    8300125C 0150

    Note 1:with this code u might have to jump a bit to get thru some doors but it'll work everywhere.

    Note 2:with the jump thru ceilings code u might get stuck above the room and cant get down,so use the Drop From Ceiling code.

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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