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Thread Title: Street Fighter Alpha

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    Default Street Fighter Alpha

    Dancing Sagat

    1. Select Charlie.
    2. Begin a game and intentionally loose the match.
    3. Choose "Continue" at the continue screen.
    4. Defeat the character and loose to the next opponent.
    5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have been defeated by all of the game’s characters.
    6. After losing to Bison, continue a new game as Adon.

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    Default Re: Street Fighter Alpha

    Fight Akuma

    Choose your character in "ARCADE MODE".When you choose MANUAL or AUTO option for your character,Choose with the buttons A,B.Hold them until the fight starts.Instead of fighting the regular character,you'll fight AKUMA instead.

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Street Fighter Alpha

    Fight Bison

    After selecting your character and Normal or Auto Mode, Hold down A, B, and Select until the match starts. Bison will come out and you can fight him. This code works no matter what stage you are on or who you will fight next. If you want to fight him in the middle of the game, Hold down the buttons after winning the final round.

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