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Thread Title: Army Men

  1. #1
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    Default Army Men

    Alpine: Construction Passwords

    Secure Region: Mortar, Plane, Machine Gun, Plane
    Get the Tank: Helicopter, Jeep, Grenade, Tank
    Sack the Base: Machine Gun, Helicopter, Helicopter, Jeep
    Final Assault: Mortar, Helicopter, Machine Gun, Jeep
    Victory: Plane, Tank, Plane, Machine Gun

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  3. #2
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    Default Army Men

    Alpine: Prison Camp Passwords

    Assault Prep: Machine Gun, Tank, Helicopter, Jeep
    Assault Start: Machine Gun, Mortar, Plane, Mortar
    Destroy Camp: Mortar, Machine Gun, Grenade, Mortar
    Escape: Plane, Machine Gun, Grenade, Machine Gun

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  4. #3
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    Default Army Men

    Alpine: Winding River Passwords

    Patrol: Mortar, Mortar, Grenade, Machine Gun
    Defense: Helicopter, Grenade, Jeep, Machine Gun
    Radar Round Up: Jeep, Mortar, Machine Gun, Machine Gun
    House Call: Helicopter, Jeep, Grenade, Plane
    Movin' On: Plane, Tank, Mortar, Jeep

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  5. #4
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    Default Army Men

    Desert: Cactus Flats Passwords

    Caution: Grenade, Machine Gun, Helicopter, Jeep
    En Route: Jeep, Helicopter, Helicopter, Jeep
    Clean Up: Machine Gun, Grenade, Machine Gun, Grenade

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  6. #5
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    Default Army Men

    Desert: Casa Flats Passwords

    Enter Town: Machine Gun, Helicopter, Jeep, Machine Gun
    To The Bank: Grenade, Grenade, Helicopter, Helicopter
    Stop the Tans: Machine Gun, Jeep, Machine Gun, Helicopter
    Tan's HQ: Jeep, Jeep, Grenade, Machine Gun

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  7. #6
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    Default Army Men

    Desert: Winding Canyon Passwords

    Find that Jeep: Machine Gun, Plane, Jeep, Helicopter
    Clear Patrols: Tank, Helicopter, Jeep, Machine Gun
    Clear the Radar: Mortar, Tank, Helicopter, Jeep
    Play it Again: Machine Gun, Helicopter, Tank, Mortar
    To the Helipad: Machine Gun, Mortar, Machine Gun, Helicopter

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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