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Thread Title: Pokemon Blue/Red GameShark Codes

  1. #1
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    Pokeball Pokemon Blue/Red GameShark Codes

    Note: Where I’ve got these codes didn’t say what Pokemon versions the following codes were for. I’ve taken a look at these codes, and seem to be the codes that are meant be for the Pokemon Blue and Pokemon Red Versions. So please be advise that I might have the wrong versions
    1. 016447DA Infinite Safari Zone balls
    2. O1631FD3 Infinite First Item
    3. O1282DDO Infinite First Spell
    4. O16325D3 Infinite Fourth Item
    5. O1283ODO Infinite fourth Spell
    6. O16321D3 Infinite Second Item
    7. O1282EDO Infinite Second Spell
    8. O16323D3 Infinite Third Item
    9. O1282FDO Infinite Third Spell
    Leave “Switch” Off Until In The Game, And Shut It ‘OFF’ Before Saving!

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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    10. 01FF16D0 Infinite energy (PP) for all Pokemon Buy anything from any city Pokemart
    11. 01xx7CCF 1st Slot
    12. 01xx7DCF 2nd Slot
    13. 01xx7ECF 3rd Slot
    14. 01xx7FCF 4th Slot
    Replace XX with the following codes
    A. -01 Master Ball $0
    B. -02 Ultra Ball $1200
    C. -03 Great Ball $200
    D. -04 Pokeball $200
    E. -0A Moon Stone $0
    F. -0B Antidote $100
    G. -0C Burn Heal $250
    H. -0D Ice Heal $250
    I. -0E Awakening $200
    J. -0F Paralyze Heal $200
    K. -10 Full Restore $3000
    L. -11 Max Potion $2500
    M. -12 Hyper Potion $1500
    N. -13 Super Potion $700
    O. -14 Potion $300
    P. -1D Escape Rope $550
    Q. -1E Repel $350
    R. -20 Fire Stone $2100
    S. -21 Thunderstone $2100
    T. -22 Waterstone $2100
    U. -23 HP up $9800
    V. -24 Protein $9800
    W. -25 Iron $9800
    X. -26 Carbos $9800
    Y. -27 Calcium $9800
    Z. -28 Rare Candy $4800
    AA. -2E X Accuracy $950
    BB. -2F Leaf Stone $2100
    CC. -31 Nugget $10000
    DD. -32 PP up $9800
    EE. -33 PokeDoll $1000
    FF. -34 Full Heal $600
    GG. -35 Revive $1500
    HH. -36 Max Revive $4000
    II. -37 Guard Spec $700
    JJ. -38 Super Repel $500
    KK. -39 Max Repel $700
    LL. -3A Dire Hit $650
    MM. -3B Coin $10
    NN. -3C Fresh Water $200
    OO. -3D Soda Pop $300
    PP. -3E Lemonade $350
    QQ. -41 X Attack $500
    RR. -42 X Defend $550
    SS. -43 X Speed $350
    TT. -44 X Special $350
    UU. -4B Exp. All $0
    VV. -4F PP Up $0
    WW. -50 Ether $0
    XX. -51 Max Ether $0
    YY. -52 Elixer $0
    ZZ. -53 Max Elixer $0
    AAA. -C4 HM01 Cut
    BBB. -C5 HM02 Fly
    CCC. -C6 HM03 Surf
    DDD. -C7 HM04 Strength
    EEE. -C8 HM05 Flash
    FFF. -C9 TM01 Mega Punch
    GGG. -CA TM02 Razor Wind
    HHH. -CB TM03 Swords Dance
    III. -CC TM04 Whirlwind
    JJJ. -CD TM05 Mega Kick
    KKK. -CE TM06 Toxic
    LLL. -CF TM07 Horn Drill
    MMM. -D0 TM08 Body Slam
    NNN. -D1 TM09 Take Down
    OOO. -D2 TM10 Double Edge
    PPP. -D3 TM11 Double Beam
    QQQ. -D4 TM12 Watergun
    RRR. -D5 TM13 Ice Beam
    SSS. -D6 TM14 Blizzard
    TTT. -D7 TM15 Hyperbeam
    UUU. -D8 TM16 PayDay
    VVV. -D9 TM17 Submission
    WWW. -DA TM18 Counter
    XXX. -DB TM19 Seismic Toss
    YYY. -DC TM20 Rage
    ZZZ. -DD TM21 Mega Drain
    AAAA. -DE TM22 Solar Beam
    BBBB. -DF TM23 Dragon Rage
    CCCC. -E0 TM24 Thunderbolt
    DDDD. -E1 TM25 Thunder
    EEEE. -E2 TM26 Earthquake
    FFFF. -E3 TM27 Fissure
    GGGG. -E4 TM28 Dig
    HHHH. -E5 TM29 Psychic
    IIII. -E6 TM30 Teleport
    JJJJ. -E7 TM31 Mimic
    KKKK. -E8 TM32 Double Team
    LLLL. -E9 TM33 Reflect
    MMMM. -EA TM34 Bide
    NNNN. -EB TM35 Metronome
    OOOO. -EC TM36 Self-Destruct
    PPPP. -ED TM37 Egg Bomb
    QQQQ. -EE TM38 Fire Blast
    RRRR. -EF TM39 Swift
    SSSS. -F0 TM40 Skull Blast
    TTTT. -F1 TM41 Soft Boiled
    UUUU. -F2 TM42 Dream Eater
    VVVV. -F3 TM43 Sky Attack
    WWWW. -F4 TM44 Rest
    XXXX. -F5 TM45 Thunder Wave
    YYYY. -F6 TM46 Psywave
    ZZZZ. -F7 TM47 Exposion
    AAAAA. -F8 TM48 Rock Slide
    BBBBB. -F9 TM49 Tri-Attack
    CCCCC. -FA TM50 Substitute
    DDDDD. -FB TM51 Cut
    EEEEE. -FC TM52 Fly
    FFFFF. -FD TM53 Surf
    GGGGG. -FE TM54 Strength
    HHHHH. -FF TM55 Flash

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    15. 16327D1 Level 99
    16. 14B27D1 Level 75
    17. 13227D1 Level 50
    18. 12827D1 Level 40
    19. 11E27D1 Level 30
    20. 11427D1 Level 20
    21. 01FF16D0 Infinite HP (In Battle)
    22. 01033CD1 No Random Battles
    23. 019947D3 + 019948D3 + 019949D3 Infinite Money

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  5. #4
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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    1st Pokemon In Battle Codes
    24. 01282DD0 Infinite PP (1st Position)
    25. 01282ED0 Infinite PP (2nd Position)
    26. 01282FD0 Infinite PP (3rd Position)
    27. 012830D0 Infinite PP (4th Position)
    28. 01??1CD0 Skill Modifier (1st Position)
    29. 01??1DD0 Skill Modifier (2nd Position)
    30. 01??1ED0 Skill Modifier (3rd Position)
    31. 01??1FD0 Skill Modifier (4th Position)

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  6. #5
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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    1st Pokemon Out Of Battle Codes
    32. 01FF88D1 Infinite PP (1st Position)
    33. 01FF89D1 Infinite PP (2nd Position)
    34. 01FF8AD1 Infinite PP (3rd Position)
    35. 01FF8BD1 Infinite PP (4th Position)
    36. 01??73D1 Skill Modifier (1st Position)
    37. 01??74D1 Skill Modifier (2nd Position)
    38. 01??75D1 Skill Modifier (3rd Position)
    39. 01??76D1 Skill Modifier (4th Position)
    40. 01??8CD1 Level Modifier
    41. 01??8ED1 Max HP Modifier (Smaller)
    42. 01??8DD1 Max HP Modifier (Larger)
    43. 01??90D1 Max Attack Modifier (Smaller)
    44. 01??8FD1 Max Attack Modifier (Larger)
    45. 01??92D1 Max Defense Modifier (Smaller)
    46. 01??91D1 Max Defense Modifier (Larger)
    47. 01??94D1 Max Speed Modifier (Smaller)
    48. 01??93D1 Max Speed Modifier (Larger)
    49. 01??96D1 Max Special Modifier (Smaller)
    50. 01??95D1 Max Special Modifier (Larger)

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  7. #6
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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    Item Codes
    51. 01??1DD3 Total Item Number Modifier
    You need to have this code to set the number of items you have, otherwise you cant scroll down to the items that you added to your list
    52. 01??1ED3 Item Modifier 1st Position
    53. 01631FD3 Infinite Quantity 1st Position
    54. 01??20D3 Item Modifier 2nd Position
    55. 016321D3 Infinite Quantity 2nd Position
    56. 01??22D3 Item Modifier 3rd Position
    57. 016323D3 Infinite Quantity 3rd Position
    58. 01??24D3 Item Modifier 4th Position
    59. 016325D3 Infinite Quantity 4th Position
    60. 01??26D3 Item Modifier 5th Position
    61. 016327D3 Infinite Quantity 5th Position
    62. 01??28D3 Item Modifier 6th Position
    63. 016329D3 Infinite Quantity 6th Position
    64. 01??2AD3 Item Modifier 7th Position
    65. 01632BD3 Infinite Quantity 7th Position
    66. 01??2CD3 Item Modifier 8th Position
    67. 01632DD3 Infinite Quantity 8th Position
    68. 01??2ED3 Item Modifier 9th Position
    69. 01632FD3 Infinite Quantity 9th Position
    70. 01??30D3 Item Modifier 10th Position

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  8. #7
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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    Pokemon Helper Codes
    71. 016331D3 Infinite Quantity 10th Position
    72. 01??64D1 Kind of Pokemon (1st Position)
    73. 01??65D1 Kind of Pokemon (2nd Position)
    74. 01??66D1 Kind of Pokemon (3rd Position)
    75. 01??67D1 Kind of Pokemon (4th Position)
    76. 01??68D1 Kind of Pokemon (5th Position)
    77. 01??69D1 Kind of Pokemon (6th Position)
    78. 01??6CD1 + 01??6DD1 Hit Points (1st Position)
    79. 01??98D1 + 01??99D1 Hit Points (2nd Position)
    80. 01??C4D1 + 01??C5D1 Hit Points (3rd Position)
    81. 01??F0D1 + 01??F1D1 Hit Points (4th Position)
    82. 01??1CD2 + 01??1DD2 Hit Points (5th Position)
    83. 01??48D2 + 01??49D2 Hit Points (6th Position)
    84. 01??73D1 First Ability (1st Position)
    85. 01??9FD1 First Ability (2nd Position)
    86. 01??CBD1 First Ability (3rd Position)
    87. 01??F7D1 First Ability (4th Position)
    88. 01??23D2 First Ability (5th Position)
    89. 01??4FD2 First Ability (6th Position)
    90. 01??74D1 Second Ability (1st Position)
    91. 01??A0D1 Second Ability (2nd Position)
    92. 01??CCD1 Second Ability (3rd Position)
    93. 01??F8D1 Second Ability (4th Position)
    94. 01??24D2 Second Ability (5th Position)
    95. 01??50D2 Second Ability (6th Position)
    96. 01??75D1 Third Ability (1st Position)
    97. 01??A1D1 Third Ability (2nd Position)
    98. 01??CDD1 Third Ability (3rd Position)
    99. 01??F9D1 Third Ability (4th Position)
    100. 01??25D2 Third Ability (5th Position)
    101. 01??51D2 Third Ability (6th Position)
    102. 01??76D1 Fourth Ability (1st Position)
    103. 01??A2D1 Fourth Ability (2nd Position)
    104. 01??CED1 Fourth Ability (3rd Position)
    105. 01??FAD1 Fourth Ability (4th Position)
    106. 01??26D2 Fourth Ability (5th Position)
    107. 01??52D2 Fourth Ability (6th Position)
    108. 01??77D1 + 01??78D1 Trainer ID# (1st Position)
    109. 01??A3D1 + 01??A4D1 Trainer ID# (2nd Position)
    110. 01??CFD1 + 01??D0D1 Trainer ID# (3rd Position)
    111. 01??FBD1 + 01??FCD1 Trainer ID# (4th Position)
    112. 01??27D2 + 01??28D2 Trainer ID# (5th Position)
    113. 01??53D2 + 01??54D2 Trainer ID# (6th Position)
    114. 01??79D1 + 01??7AD1 + 01??7BD1 Experience Points (1st Position)
    115. 01??A5D1 + 01??A6D1 + 01??A7D1 Experience Points (2nd Position)
    116. 01??D1D1 + 01??D2D1 + 01??D3D1 Experience Points (3rd Position)
    117. 01??FDD1 + 01??FED1 + 01??FFD1 Experience Points (4th Position)
    118. 01??29D2 + 01??2AD2 + 01??2BD2 Experience Points (5th Position)
    119. 01??55D2 + 01??56D2 + 01??57D2 Experience Points (6th Position)
    120. 01??88D1 First Ability PP (1st Position)
    121. 01??B4D1 First Ability PP (2nd Position)
    122. 01??E0D1 First Ability PP (3rd Position)
    123. 01??0CD2 First Ability PP (4th Position)
    124. 01??38D2 First Ability PP (5th Position)
    125. 01??64D2 First Ability PP (6th Position)
    126. 01??89D1 Second Ability PP (1st Position)
    127. 01??B5D1 Second Ability PP (2nd Position)
    128. 01??E1D1 Second Ability PP (3rd Position)
    129. 01??0DD2 Second Ability PP (4th Position)
    130. 01??39D2 Second Ability PP (5th Position)
    131. 01??65D2 Second Ability PP (6th Position)
    132. 01??8AD1 Third Ability PP (1st Position)
    133. 01??B6D1 Third Ability PP (2nd Position)
    134. 01??E2D1 Third Ability PP (3rd Position)
    135. 01??0ED2 Third Ability PP (4th Position)
    136. 01??3AD2 Third Ability PP (5th Position)
    137. 01??66D2 Third Ability PP (6th Position)
    138. 01??8BD1 Fourth Ability PP (1st Position)
    139. 01??B7D1 Fourth Ability PP (2nd Position)
    140. 01??E3D1 Fourth Ability PP (3rd Position)
    141. 01??0FD2 Fourth Ability PP (4th Position)
    142. 01??3BD2 Fourth Ability PP (5th Position)
    143. 01??67D2 Fourth Ability PP (6th Position)
    144. 01??8CD1 Level (1st Position)
    145. 01??B8D1 Level (2nd Position)
    146. 01??E4D1 Level (3rd Position)
    147. 01??10D2 Level (4th Position)
    148. 01??3CD2 Level (5th Position)
    149. 01??68D2 Level (6th Position)
    150. 01??8DD1 + 01??8ED1 Max HP (1st Position)
    151. 01??B9D1 + 01??BAD1 Max HP (2nd Position)
    152. 01??E5D1 + 01??E6D1 Max HP (3rd Position)
    153. 01??11D2 + 01??12D2 Max HP (4th Position)
    154. 01??3DD2 + 01??3ED2 Max HP (5th Position)
    155. 01??69D2 + 01??6AD2 Max HP (6th Position)
    156. 01??8FD1 + 01??90D1 Attack (1st Position)
    157. 01??BBD1 + 01??BCD1 Attack (2nd Position)
    158. 01??E7D1 + 01??E8D1 Attack (3rd Position)
    159. 01??13D2 + 01??14D2 Attack (4th Position)
    160. 01??3FD2 + 01??40D2 Attack (5th Position)
    161. 01??6BD2 + 01??6CD2 Attack (6th Position)
    162. 01??91D1 + 01??92D1 Defense (1st Position)
    163. 01??BDD1 + 01??BED1 Defense (2nd Position)
    164. 01??E8D1 + 01??EAD1 Defense (3rd Position)
    165. 01??15D2 + 01??16D2 Defense (4th Position)
    166. 01??41D2 + 01??42D2 Defense (5th Position)
    167. 01??6DD2 + 01??6ED2 Defense (6th Position)
    168. 01??93D1 + 01??94D1 Speed (1st Position)
    169. 01??BFD1 + 01??C0D1 Speed (2nd Position)
    170. 01??EBD1 + 01??ECD1 Speed (3rd Position)
    171. 01??17D2 + 01??18D2 Speed (4th Position)
    172. 01??43D2 + 01??44D2 Speed (5th Position)
    173. 01??6FD2 + 01??70D2 Speed (6th Position)
    174. 01??95D1 + 01??96D1 Special (1st Position)
    175. 01??C1D1 + 01??C2D1 Special (2nd Position)
    176. 01??EDD1 + 01??EED1 Special (3rd Position)
    177. 01??19D2 + 01??1AD2 Special (4th Position)
    178. 01??45D2 + 01??46D2 Special (5th Position)
    179. 01??71D2 + 01??72D2 Special (6th Position)
    180. 00??D8CF People (Battle Them)
    181. 01067CCF Start Game With Bike
    182. 01??D8CF Battle any Pokemon

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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    Create a Pokemon
    183. 01??64D1 Type of Pokemon 1
    184. 01??73D1 First Ability
    185. 01??74D1 Second Ability
    186. 01??75D1 Third Ability
    187. 01??76D1 Fourth Ability
    188. 01??8CD1 Level
    189. 01??6CD1 + 01??6DD1 Hit points

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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    Catch a Pokemon at the following level
    190. 010527D1 Level 5
    191. 010A27D1 Level 10
    192. 010F27D1 Level 15
    193. 011427D1 Level 20
    194. 011E27D1 Level 30
    195. 012827D1 Level 40
    196. 013227D1 Level 50
    197. 014B27D1 Level 75
    198. 016327D1 Level 99
    199. 01F00ED7 Infinite “Safari Zone” time
    200. 01??1ED1 + 01??D8CF Start Off With Any Pokemon
    201. 0199A4D5 + 0199A5D5 To have infinite “Casino Coin”

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    Default Re: Pokemon Blue/Red

    Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes
    01 Master Ball
    02 Ultra Ball
    03 Great Ball
    04 Pokh Ball
    05 Town Map
    06 Vicycle
    07 Surf Without Pokemon
    08 Safari Ball
    09 Pokh-Dex
    0A Moon Stone
    0B Antidote
    0C Burn Heal
    0D Ice Heal
    0E Awakening
    0F Parlyz Heal
    10 Full Restore
    11 Max Potion
    12 Hyper Potion
    13 Super Potion
    14 Potion
    15 Boulder Badge
    16 Cacade Badge
    17 Thunder Badge
    18 Rainbow Badge
    19 Soul Badge
    1A Marsh Badge
    1B Volcano Badge
    1C Earth Badge
    1D Escape Rope
    1E Repel
    1F Old Amber
    20 Fire Stone
    21 Thunder Stone
    22 Water Stone
    23 HP Up
    24 Protein
    25 Iron
    26 Carbos
    27 Calcium
    28 Rare Candy
    29 Dome Fossil
    2A Helix Fossil
    2B Secret Key
    2D Bike Voucher
    2E X Accuracy
    2F Leaf Stone
    30 Card Key
    31 Nugget
    32 PP Up
    33 Pokh Doll
    34 Full Heal
    35 Revive
    36 Max Revive
    37 Grand Special
    38 Super Repel
    39 Max Repel
    3A Dire Hit
    3B Coin
    3C Fresh Water
    3D Soda Pop
    3E Lemonade
    3F S.S. Ticket
    40 Gold Teeth
    41 X Attack
    42 X Defend
    43 X Speed
    44 X Special
    45 Coin Case
    46 Oak’s Parcel
    47 Item Finder
    48 Silph Scope
    49 Pokh Flute
    4A Lift Key
    4B Exp. All
    4C Old Rod
    4D Good Rod
    4E Super Rod
    4F PP Up
    50 Ether
    51 Max Ether
    52 Elixer
    53 Max Elixer
    Quantity Digits to Accompany Pokemon Modifier Codes
    99 Bulbasaur
    09 Ivysaur
    9A Venusaur
    B0 Charmander
    B2 Charmeleon
    B4 Charizard
    B1 Squirtle
    B3 Wartortle
    1C Blastoise
    7B Caterpie
    7C Metapod
    7D Butterfree
    70 Weedle
    71 Kakuna
    72 Beedrill
    24 Pidgey
    96 Pidgeotto
    97 Pidgeot
    A5 Rattata
    A6 Raticate
    05 Spearow
    23 Frearow
    6C Ekans
    2D Arbok
    54 Pikachu
    55 Raichu
    60 Sandshrew
    61 Sandslash
    0F Nidoran(f)
    A8 Nindorina
    10 NidoQueen
    03 Nidoran(m)
    A7 Nindorino
    07 NidoKing
    04 Clefairy
    8E Clefable
    52 Vulpix
    53 Ninetails
    64 Jigglypuff
    65 Wigglytuff
    6B Zubat
    82 Golbat
    B9 Oddish
    BA Gloom
    BB Vileplume
    6D Paras
    2E Parasect
    41 Venonat
    77 Venomoth
    3B Diglett
    76 Dugtrio
    4D Meowth
    90 Persian
    2F Psyduck
    80 Goldduck
    34 Mankey
    75 Primeape
    21 Growlithe
    14 Arcanine
    47 Poliwag
    6E Poliwhirl
    6F Poliwrath
    94 Abra
    26 Kadabra
    95 Alakazam
    6A Machop
    29 Machoke
    7E Machamp
    BC Bellsprout
    BD Weepinbell
    BE Victreebell
    18 Tentacool
    9B Tentacruel
    A9 Geodude
    27 Graveler
    31 Golem
    A3 Ponyta
    A4 Rapidash
    25 Slowpoke
    08 Slobro
    AD Magnemite
    36 Magneton
    40 Farfetch’d
    46 Doduo
    74 Dodrio
    3A Seel
    78 Dewgong
    0D Grimer
    88 Muk
    17 Shellder
    8B Cloyster
    19 Gastly
    93 Haunter
    0E Gengar
    22 Onix
    30 Drowzee
    81 Hypno
    4E Krabby
    8A Kingler
    06 Voltorb
    8D Electrode
    0C Exeggcute
    0A Exeggutor
    11 Cubone
    91 Marowak
    2B Hitmonlee
    2C Hitmonchan
    0B Lickitung
    37 Koffing
    8F Weezing
    12 Rhyhorn
    01 Rhydon
    28 Chansey
    1E Tangela
    02 Kangaskhan
    5C Horsea
    5D Seadra
    9D Goldeen
    9E Seaking
    1B Staryu
    98 Starmie
    2A Mr. Mime
    1A Scyther
    48 Jynx
    35 Electabuzz
    33 Magmar
    1D Pinsir
    3C Tauros
    85 Magikarp
    16 Gyarados
    13 Lapras
    4C Ditto
    66 Eevee
    69 Vaporeon
    68 Jolteon
    67 Flareon
    AA Porygon
    62 Omanite
    63 Omastar
    5A Kabuto
    5B Kabutops
    AB Aerodactyl
    84 Snorlax
    4A Articuro
    4B Zapdos
    49 Moltres
    58 Dratini
    59 Dragonair
    42 Dragonite
    83 Mewtwo
    15 Mew
    Quantity Digits to Accompany Abilities +Skill Modifier Codes
    01 Pound
    02 Karate Chop
    03 Double Slap
    04 Comet Punch
    05 Mega Punch
    06 Payday
    07 Fire Punch
    08 Ice Punch
    09 Thunder Punch
    0A Scratch
    0B Vice Grip
    0C Guillotine
    0D Razor Wind
    0E Swords Dance
    0F Cut
    10 Gust
    11 Wing Attack
    12 Whirlwind
    13 Fly
    14 Bind
    15 Slam
    16 Vine Whip
    17 Stomp
    18 Double Kick
    19 Mega Kick
    1A Jump Kick
    1B Rolling Kick
    1C Sand Attack
    1D Headbutt
    1E Horn Attack
    1F Fury Attack
    20 Horn Drill
    21 Tackle
    22 Body Slam
    23 Wrap
    24 Take Down
    25 Thrash
    26 Double Edge
    27 Tail Whip
    28 Poison Sting
    29 Twin Needle
    2A Pin Missile
    2B Leer
    2C Bite
    2D Growl
    2E Roar
    2F Sing
    30 Supersonic
    31 Sonic Boom
    32 Disable
    33 Acid
    34 Ember
    35 Flamethrower
    36 Mist
    37 Water Gun
    38 Hydro Pump
    39 Surf
    3A Ice Beam
    3B Blizzard
    3C Psybeam
    3D Bubblebeam
    3E Aurora Beam
    3F Hyper Beam
    40 Peck
    41 Drill Peck
    42 Submission
    43 Low Kick
    44 Counter
    45 Seismic Toss
    46 Strength
    47 Absorb
    48 Mega Drain
    49 LeechSeed
    4A Growth
    4B Razor Leaf
    4C Solar Beam
    4D Poisonpowder
    4E Stun Spore
    4F Sleep Powder
    50 Petal Dance
    51 String Shot
    52 Dragon Rage
    53 Fire Spin
    54 Thundershock
    55 Thunderbolt
    56 Thunder Wave
    57 Thunder
    58 Rock Throw
    59 Earthquake
    5A Fissure
    5B Dig
    5C Toxic
    5D Confusion
    5E Psychic
    5F Hypnosis
    60 Meditate
    61 Agility
    62 Quick Attack
    63 Rage
    64 Teleport
    65 Night Shade
    66 Mimic
    67 Screech
    68 Double Team
    69 Recover
    6A Harden
    6B Minimize
    6C Smoke Screen
    6D Confuse Ray
    6E Withdraw
    6F Defense Curl
    70 Barrier
    71 Light Screen
    72 Haze
    73 Reflect
    74 Focus Energy
    75 Hide
    76 Metronome
    77 Mirror Move
    78 Selfdestruct
    79 Egg Bomb
    7A Lick
    7B Smog
    7C Sludge
    7D Bone Club
    7E Fire Blast
    7F Waterfall
    80 Clamp
    81 Swift
    82 Skull Bash
    83 Spike Cannon
    84 Constrict
    85 Amnesia
    86 Kinesis
    87 Softboiled
    88 Hi Jump Kick
    89 Glare
    8A Dream Eater
    8B Poison Gas
    8C Barrage
    8D Leech Life
    8E Lovely Kiss
    8F Sky Attack
    90 Transform
    91 Bubble
    92 Dizzy Punch
    93 Spore
    94 Flash
    95 Psywave
    96 Splash
    97 Acid Armor
    98 Crabhammer
    99 Exposion
    9A Fury Swipes
    9B Bonemerang
    9C Rest
    9D Rock Slide
    9E Hyper Fang
    9F Sharpen
    A0 Conversion
    A1 Tri Attack
    A2 Super Fang
    A3 Slash
    A4 Substitute
    A5 Struggle
    CA Bugcatcher
    CB Lass
    CC Sailor
    CD JR.Trainer-guy
    CE JR. Trainer-girl
    CF Pokemaniac
    C9 Youngster
    DA Beauty
    DB Pshychic
    DD Juggler
    DE Tamer
    DF Bird Keeper
    D1 Hiker
    D0 Supernerd
    D2 Biker
    D3 Burglar
    D4 Engineer
    D5 Juggler
    D6 Fisherman
    D7 Swimmer
    D8 Cue-Ball
    D9 Gambler
    EA Brock
    EB Misty
    EC Lt.Surge
    ED Erika
    EE Koga
    EF Blaine
    E1 Gary 1
    E2 Prof. Oak
    E3 Chief
    E4 Scientest
    E5 Giovanni
    E6 Team Rocket
    E7 CoolTrainer-boy
    E8 CoolTrainer-girl
    E9 Bruno
    E0 BlackBelt
    F1 Gentleman
    F2 Gary2
    F3 Gary3
    F4 Lorelei
    F5 Channeler
    F6 Agatha
    F7 Lance
    F0 Sabrina

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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