1000 G easily
First cut down 3/4 of your pasture to get like 200 fodder in your silo. Then take out 99 of them and put it in your rucksack. (it takes like 3-5 min to do this) Then around noon go take 1 more fodder out of the silo. Keep it in your hands. Exit the barn, and go to Van. When you see Van it should say look on the A button. He will ask if you want to sell that, hit yes, then he will tell you that it is 10G for 1 of them and that you have 100. So you do the math. (i'll do it 4 u) 10 x 100 = 1000. VIOLA You just got 1000G Easily. (Now the process can be done as much as u want, and it can get frustrating at times just be patient, its well worth it)