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Thread Title: Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night

  1. #1
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    Default Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night


    Earn the indicated honor to unlock the corresponding bonus.

    100 XP: Attain the Battle Qualified Honor.
    100 XP: Attain the Family Heirlooms Honor.
    1000 XP: Attain the Follower of the Night Honor.
    1500 XP: Attain the Veins of Ice Honor.
    20,000 XP: Attain the Son of Dracula Honor.
    200 XP: Attain the Ferroucious Honor.
    2000 XP: Attain the Die In A Fire Honor.
    3000 XP: Attain the Shocking! Honor.
    50 XP: Attain the Moooo! Honor.
    500 XP: Attain the Say Your Prayers Honor.
    8,000 XP: Attain the Ready For Action Honor.
    Ankh of Life: Attain the Flush Honor.
    Blood Cloak: Attain the Pair Honor.
    Bloodstone: Attain the Senior Collector Honor.
    Diamond: Attain the Royal Flush Honor.
    King's Stone: Attain the Apprentice Explorer Honor.
    Lapis Lazuli: Attain the Straight Honor.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Adding video game cheat codes

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    Default Castlevania Puzzle: Encore of the Night


    Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding honor.

    Apprentice Explorer: Reveal 25% of the rooms in the entire game map.
    Battle Qualified: Defeat 10 enemies,
    Die In A Fire: Acquire all of items to complete the Die In A Fire Equipment Set.
    Family Heirlooms: Acquire all of items to complete the Family Heirlooms Equipment Set.
    Ferroucious: Acquire all of items to complete the Ferroucious Equipment Set.
    Flush: Acquire enough playing cards to achieve a Poker Hand Flush.
    Follower of the Night: Acquitted all of items to complete the Follower of the Night Equipment Set.
    Moooo!: Acquire all of items to complete the Mooo! Equipment Set.
    Pair: Acquire enough playing cards to achieve a Poker Hand Pair.
    Ready For Action: Acquire all of items to complete the Ready For Action Equipments Set.
    Royal Flush: Acquire enough playing cards to achieve a Poker Hand Royal Flush.
    Say Your Prayers: Acquire all of items to complete the Say Your Prayers Equipment Set.
    Senior Collector: Acquire 6 unique playing cards.
    Shocking!: Acquire all of items to complete the Shocking! Equipment Set.
    Son of Dracula: Acquire all of items to complete the Son of Dracula Equipment Set.
    Straight: Acquire enough playing cards to achieve a Poker Hand Straight.
    Veins of Ice: Acquire all of items to complete the to complete the Veins of Ice Equipment Set.

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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