- All special and signature moves
Enter IWANTPOWER as a password. Alternatively, press Option, 1 +3 + 5 + 9 at the character selection screen. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Demo mode
Enter JAGUARTIME as a password. Alternatively, press Option, 1 + 5 + 9 at the character selection screen. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Easy Junior match
Use a ring out to defeat Junior the second time. When the next match starts, pause game play and move the replay back to just before the electrocution. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Fight as Jenny
Enter cWANTREFER as a password to fight as Jenny with all except her signature moves. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Fight as Junior
Enter GIVEMEPOWn as a password. To morph as Junior, hold C and press Up, Left, Down. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Fight as Junior vs. Junior
Enter LOVEJUNIOR as a password. Alternatively, press Option, 1 +3 + 5 + 7 + 9 at the character selection screen. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Fight as Kara
Enter GIVEMETIME or GIVEMEMOVE as a password. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Fight as Lun
Enter IWANTDRUGS as a password. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Fight as Mr. G
Enter GIVEMEPOWR as a password. Alternatively, enter VWANTSPEED as a password to fight as Mr. G with all except signature move. | [Sent by DayleJ]
- Fight as Pog
Enter GIVEMEXXXX or IWANTPINKY as a password.