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Thread Title: Hexen 64 Cheat Codes (for N64)

Cheat Codes for the Nintendo 64 games

  1. #1
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    Default Hexen 64 Cheat Codes (for N64)

    Skip part of the hub

    Sent in by Tips, Codes, Hints, Cheats, and Secrets Hunter

    At the core of the seven-portal hub there are three stairs that must be
    raised. After you raise the first flight of stairs, walk halfway up them.
    You will see the other two platforms that the other two staircases lead
    to. If you try hard enough, you can actually jump to the smaller ledge,
    skipping a part of the hub!

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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Hexen 64

    What to do when your a pig

    Sent in by David Kinser

    If someone turns you into a pig, eat a mushroom and it will turn you back.

    Winnowing Hall tip

    Sent in by Mana P.

    In the Winnowing Hall, and are playing the mage you do not need the
    silver key. Stand to the wall left of the row of trees and look at the
    tower. Shoot, and the bell will ring.

    Portals tip

    Sent in by River

    If you're having trouble on the seven portals, when the first stairs rise,
    look to the right and the left. You will see two platforms. From the first
    stairs, you may jump on those platform.

    Access the cheat menu

    Sent in by Me301

    This code can be done in any time of game mode. Pause the game,
    and press UC, DC, LC, RC. If done correctly, you'll see Cheat
    appear at the bottom of the menu. Go into the cheat menu.


    Sent in by Me301

    The codes must be done rather quickly once inside cheat menu.
    The codes listed underneath the "Collect Sub-Menu" can be entered
    anywhere, but you have to go to the Collect Sub-Menu to use them.
    If you input the code correctly you'll hear a "swooshing" sound.
    If the code is not put in correctly, you'll hear a "Hmmm…" sound.

    Cheat Menu:

    Invincibility: LC, RC, DC
    Clipping (walk through walls): UC x20, DC
    Visit (Level Warp): LC, LC, RC, RC, DC, UC
    Butcher (kills all enemies currently on screen): DC, UC, LC, LC
    Health (gives you full health): LC, UC, DC, DC

    Collect Sub-Menu:

    All Keys: DC, UC, LC, RC
    All Artifacts: UC, RC, DC, UC
    All Weapons: RC, UC, DC, DC
    All Puzzle Items: UC, LC x3, RC, DC x2

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Hexen 64

    Weapons and baddy info

    Sent in by Tips, Codes, Hints, Cheats, and Secrets Hunter

    Here is the amount of damage you inflict on a baddy with a certain
    weapon, the amount of damage each baddy can take, and inflicted on

    Fighter's Weapons             Damage
    Spiked Gauntlets              40-50
    Spiked Gauntlets 3rd punch    80-110
    Titon's Axe                   80-110
    Titon's Axe w/o Mana          40-72
    Hammer of Retribution         60-123
    Hammer of Retribution's       Projectile up to 208 Quietus per projectile up 
    to 128
    Cleric's Weapons              Damage
    Mace of Contrition            25-30
    Serpent Staff                 5-40
    Serpent Staff up close        20-35
    Firestorm                     up to 100
    Wraithverge                   variable
    Mage's Weapons                Damage
    Sapphire Wand                 2-16
    Frost Shards                  5-50
    Frost Shards Full Hit         up to 100
    Arc of Death                  very variable
    Bloodscourge per fireball     up to 128
    Baddy              Hit points     What they inflict
    Afrit              80             8 per fireball
    Centaur            200            3-10
    Chaos Serpent      250            5-40
    Dark Bishop        130            4 per fireball
    Ettin              175            2-15
    Slaughtaur         250            5-32
    Wendigo            120            8 per ice shard
    Stalker            90             5-40
    Reiver             150            5-40
    Heresiarch         5000           5-260
    Death Wyvern       640            10-128
    Zedek              800            128 per fireball
    Traductus          800            he's tough he has Wraithverge
    Menelkir           800            128 per fireball
    KORAX 5000 up to 500

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