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Thread Title: Toy Story 2

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    Default Toy Story 2

    Alleys and Gullies

    Turn to the right when you see the first airplane box.

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    Andy's House

    When you go to the garage, find a way to get up to the van. When you get to the top, you will see a green laser.

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    Andy's Neighborhood

    Find your way to the location with a broken car. The green laser should be right in front of you.

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    Battery locations

    Start game play on the Bombs Away level and move all the way to the left to find a battery. Then, move all the way to the right to find another batter.

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    Beat RC without Rocket Skates

    In the neighborhood level, when the race with RC begins follow the track as normal. As soon as you see RC behind you, do your spin attack (down c) and RC will briefly stop. This will give you enough time to take the lead again. Keep doing this and you will win the race.

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    Beat The Attic Robot

    Inside Andy's house (In the attic) there is a robot you need to beat to get a pizza planet token. You're laser won't hurt him so you need to make him cahse you until he needs to recharge. Then use your spinn attack on him. He will start chasing you again. Repeat the prosses until the robot is dead.

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    Beat The Slime Boss

    On the Slime boss level, everytime you shoot the slime monster it shrinks down into his trash can. Shoot the slime monster untill it's whole body is in the trash can, it will loose energy by doing this but each time it goes down into the trash can, the slime monster gets bigger so it takes more time to shrink it down. Just get it down in the trash can about four times, then it will die.

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    Find the green army men

    Begin game play on the Andy's Neighborhood level. After starting, you should see a tractor that will chase you. Do not leave the yard. Turn around and you will see a green army man. Go up the steps and approach him. He will offer a Pizza Planet token to you if you can find all five of his army men. The other army men can be found easier if you see flames.

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    Getting on the trees

    Begin game play on the Andy's Neighborhood level. Climb on the swing, then reach the other swing. Move to the tire with a rope. Climb up the rope, then jump on top of the tree. Note: There is a kite Boss at the very top of the tree. When you first get on the tree, HAM will appear. Find 50 coins bring them to HAM to receive a Pizza Planet token.

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    God Mode-Invincibility

    Beat the game once with any character and then use the same character again to play the game. You will be invincible and that is good because now you can explore the level without being afraid of dying.

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    Green laser locations

    Green lasers will allow enemies to be killed with a single shot. They can be found at the following locations.

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    Level Select

    At the options screen press Up 4 times, Down 2 times, Up 2 times, Down 3 times. If done correctly a sheep will shout.

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    Lose lives slower

    Start out on any level when your lives are full, and collect more lives. You will not lose lives as fast after getting hit.

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    Multi-player characters

    Successfully complete the game with all Pizza Planet tokens collected. Then, return to the first level and speak with Buzz, Ham, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky, and Rex to unlock them in multi-player mode. Save the game, then start a multi-player game.

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    Run on the top of the roof

    Find all the army men, then climb the house to reach the roof.

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