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Thread Title: Blast Corps

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    Default Blast Corps

    Bonus Level: Moon

    After saving the space shuttle you'll have completed the transition level that leads the Blast Corps into outer space. You'll fly to the moon on the space shuttle and wreak havok there, having to destroy several constructs within six minutes. Backlash is the only chooseable vehicle.Gravity is different, much like it would be on the moon, and control of ones's vehicle is even more of necessary than ever. As in the Earth's levels, look for ditches and hills to launch Backlash into buildings with even more power. This level is truly fun.

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    Bonus Level: Shuttle Island

    The new challenge is to clear a path for a runaway space shuttle. The space shuttle has been battered and disabled and must land in the middle of a city. The Blast Corps must destroy the entire city to let it land. To beat this level, you must locate Thunderfist. At the level's immediate beginning, drive right, and follow the perimeter of the buildings on your left. You'll take a left, and then drive straight until you reach a set of buildings with dynamite crates surrounding them. Blow up the first one, and inside it is Thuderfist. Use this awesome destructor to annihilate the city.

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    Find The Glory Crossing Scientist

    Find the orange semi and then turn left through the tunnel.

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    Find The Oyster Harbour Scientist

    Remember that last TNT box at the Ironstone Mine Follow the same steps for getting it to the last huge structure, but this time push it into the gray block to the right of the third ship. It will explode. Now you can take the ship all the way to a small island where you find the scientist.

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    Find The Scientist At Ebony Coast

    Get into the Ramdozer at the start and get behind the train. You will see a TNT box. Push it into the breakable wall behind you. Now put the Ramdozer on the train and get in. Take the train to the stop and get into the Ramdozer. Destroy any buildings that are around. Now push the TNT box onto the train. Now get into the train and take the box of TNT all the way back to the start and through the door that you blew up. Stop the train when the TNT is in line with the large statue head. When it explodes, the statue will be destroyed and J-Bomb will be there.

    Get out of the train and get into J-Bomb. Take J-Bomb to the middle of the first train tunnel (it’s grey). Fly up and right over the hill. You will eventually find the scientist, but can sometimes be tricky to find. Once found you can finish up with the level.

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    Find The Scientist At Tempest City

    Pick up all the ammo and ride to the right-most corner. Follow the fence towards the building and stopat the second wall.

    Fire at the wall until a ramp is revealed. Some boxes should be there in your way. Blast the boxes and you will surely find the scientist.

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    Find The Scientist In Argent Towers

    Find the large, movable grey block. Get out of your vehicle and run down the thin walkway. Run all the way down to the ground. Now get into the Ramdozer and push the TNT into the tall wooden door. Get out of the Ramdozer and walk through this door. You will be in a train.

    Drive the train all the way forward and get out. Now get into the Ballista and ride it back up onto the road. Now drive back to the grey block. Get out of the Ballista and go back down the narrow pathway and go back into the tunnel. Head towards the train until you are in line with the flashing tower. Turn to the left and you will appear in a maze. The Police Car will be there. Get in it and ride it through the maze to the lower left corner and you will find the scientist.

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    Default Re: Blast Corps

    Find The Scientist In Ironstone Mine

    From the train stop, go right and find the Ramdozer. Get into it and follow the mountainside path until you find a crane. Put the Ramdozer onto the crane and get out of it. Lift the crane and place the Ramdozer on the other side of the train tracks. Get out of the crane and run across the bridge and get into the Ramdozer again.

    Now push the TNT box into the building that is there and when it falls down, it will reveal an underground path. Follow it all the way to the wall at the other end. Back up a bit and turn down the next path and follow it to the scientist.

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    Ghost Car

    In a level where you go around a race course, after you complete the number of laps it says to do, do the race again with another vehicle. Now, when you start, you'll be racing a ghost car. The ghost car will be the vehicle that you just used and will do everything you did in the last race (just like in Mario Kart 64).

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    Instant Explosion

    Simply drive up next to something and try to get out of your vehicle by using the Z button. If you're too close, your man will yell and not get out. If you continue holding the Z button, the obstructing object will blow up like magic. NOTE: This cheat is best performed with the dump truck, or in heavily obstructed areas that make it difficult for the driver to get out of the vehicle.

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    Nitro Boost

    At the beginning of a bonus level after the green light, press the gas button and you'll get a nitro boost similar to that in Mario Kart (you have to do it really fast after the green light).

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    Platinum Medals

    Complete every level with gold and you will then be able to go for platinum medals.

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    Default Re: Blast Corps

    Six Scientists

    There are six scientists in Blast Corps, and once you've found these white-jacket clad old men, you have completed the game's first major segment. The six scientists are located in:

    Ebony Coast
    Ironstone Mine
    Argent Towers
    Oyster Harbor
    Tempest City
    Glory Crossing
    But there's more. After the game ends, the carrier is directed to a safe place to explode, and after all of the credits roll by, a brand new set of challenges awaits you. Wait until the credits roll by to see this new bonus level.

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    Very Quick

    On the Skyfall level, you must finish in 4 seconds to achieve a platinum medal. To do this you must dive at an angle into the first two and quickly turn around and dive into the remaining two at an angle. It's quite hard at first, but you get the hang of it quickly.

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