800E12FF 0005 Secret Music
800E13C3 0009 Turn Numbers In New Name Screen To Symbols
810E12DC 0001 Stage Select
80112F9E 0003 GAMEBOY Cheat Message
80112F9F 0003 Infinite Misses Player 1
8011265F 00AD Secret Cheat Menu Screen
80112D1A xxxx Score Modifier P1 (Larger) (Replace X's with F's for Quick Score Gain)
80112D18 xxxx (Smaller)
801127E9 0009 Infinite Slides In Puzzle Mode
810E0784 4352 View Credits (Go To New Name And Hit OK) Only Use By Itself
810E0786 4544
810E0788 4954
810E078A 5300
D01127E7 0001 Infinite Drops In Puzzle Mode (BUG)
801127E7 0009