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Thread Title: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The place for the Nintendo 64 Game Shark and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

  1. #1
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    Default The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Version 1.0

    8011B9E3 0020 Beta Quest
    8111A605 03E7 Unlimited Rupees
    8011B9A1 003B Infinite Time To Ride Epona at Lon Lon's Ranch
    8011A64B 0007 Have Fairy Ocarina
    8011A64D 000A Have Hookshot
    8011A64D 000B Have Longshot
    8011A650 000E Have Boomerang
    8011A651 000F Have Lens of Truth
    8011A652 0010 Have Magic Beans
    8011A66A 0009 Infinite Magic Beans
    8011A653 0011 Have Megaton Hammer
    8011A60E 0001 Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword
    8011A671 0001 Have Quiver (Holds 30)
    8011A699 0009 Infinite Small Keys
    8011A678 0007 Have Big Key, Compass, & Map
    8011A64B 0008 Have Ocarina of Time
    8011A649 0005 Have Din's Fire (MP6)
    8011A64F 000D Have Fairies Wind (MP6)
    8011A655 0013 Have Nayru's Love (MP12)
    8011A644 0000 Have Deku Stick
    8011A65C 0009 Infinite Deku Sticks
    8011A645 0001 Have Deku Nut
    8011A65D 0009 Infinite Deku Nuts
    8011A646 0002 Have Bombs
    8011A65E 0009 Infinite Bombs
    8011A647 0003 Have Fairy Bow
    8011A65F 0009 Infinite Arrows
    8011A64A 0006 Have Fairy Slingshot
    8011A662 0009 Infinite Slingshot Ammo
    8011A64C 0009 Have Bombchu
    8011A664 0009 Infinite Bombchu's
    8011A648 0004 Have Fire Arrow (MP2)
    8011A64E 000C Have Ice Arrow (MP2)
    8011A654 0012 Have Light Arrow (MP4)
    8111A600 0140 Infinite Energy
    8111A5FE 0140 Max Heart
    8011A6A1 00FF Skulltulas Killed
    8111A66C 7777 All Equipment

    8111A7C4 03E7 Have 999 Rupees
    8133F1DE 03E7

    8111A674 30FF All Quest/Status Items
    8111A676 FFFF

    D01C84B5 0020 L Button For Moon Jump
    811DAA90 40CB

    D01C84B5 0030 Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons
    811DB2B2 000D

    D011A609 0008 Infinite Magic
    8011A60A 0001
    8011A60C 0001
    8011A603 0060

    8011A639 0011 C Left to Use Hammer
    NOTE: You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you will
    not see it.

    8011A656 00xx Have Bottle 1 Modifier
    8011A657 00xx Have Bottle 2 Modifier
    8011A658 00xx Have Bottle 3 Modifier
    8011A659 00xx Have Bottle 4 Modifier
    Replace xx with:
    14 Empty Bottle
    15 Red Potion
    16 Green Potion
    17 Blue Potion
    18 Bottled Fairy
    19 Fish
    1A Lon Lon Milk
    1B Letter
    1C Blue Fire
    1D Bug
    1E Big Poe
    1F Lon Lon Milk (Half)
    20 Poe

    8011A65A 00xx Item Modifier 1
    Replace xx with:
    2D Pocket Egg
    2E Pocket Cucco
    2F Cojiro
    30 Odd Mushroom
    31 Odd Potion
    32 Poacher's Saw
    33 Goron's Sword (Broken)
    34 Prescription
    35 Eyeball Frog
    36 Eye Drops
    37 Claim Check

    8011A65B 00xx Item Modifier 2
    Replace xx with:
    21 Weird Egg
    22 Chicken
    23 Zelda's Letter
    24 Keaton Mask
    25 Skull Mask
    26 Spooky Mask
    27 Bunny Hood
    28 Goron Mask
    29 Zora Mask
    2A Gerudo Mask
    2B Mask of Truth

    8011A672 00xx Equipment Modifier 1
    Replace xx with:
    02 Silver Scale
    04 Golden Scale
    06 Giant's Knife (Broken)
    40 Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
    80 Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
    C0 Bullet Bag (Holds 50)

    8011A673 00xx Equipment Modifier 2
    Replace xx with:
    08 Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
    10 Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
    18 Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
    20 Goron's Bracelet
    28 Silver Gauntlets
    30 Silver Scale

    8011A640 00xx Equipped Stuff Modifier
    Replace xx with:
    11 Kokiri Tunic & Kokiri Boots
    12 Goron Tunic & Kokiri Boots
    13 Zora Tunic & Kokiri Boots
    21 Kokiri Tunic & Iron Boots
    22 Goron Tunic & Iron Boots
    23 Zora Tunic & Iron Boots
    31 Kokiri Tunic & Hover Boots
    32 Goron Tunic & Hover Boots
    33 Zora Tunic & Hover Boots

    8111A5DC xxxx Time of Day Modifier
    Replace xxxx with:
    4000 At Sunrise
    5800 Daylight Out
    7000 Very Bright Out
    C000 At Sunset
    D000 Fairly Dark

    Version 1.1

    8011A80B 0007 Always Have Fairy Ocarina
    8011A80D 000A Always Have Hookshot
    8011A80D 000B Always Have Longshot
    8011A810 000E Always Have Boomerang
    8011A811 000F Always Have Lens of Truth
    8011A812 0010 Always Have Magic Beans
    8011A82A 0009 Infinite Magic Beans
    8011A813 0011 Always Have Megaton Hammer
    8011A7CE 0001 Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword
    8011A831 0001 Have Quiver (Holds 30)
    8011A859 0009 Infinite Small Keys
    8011A838 0007 Have Big Key, Compass, & Map
    8011A80B 0008 Have Ocarina of Time
    8011A809 0005 Have Din's Fire (MP6)
    8011A80F 000D Have Fairies Wind (MP6)
    8011A815 0013 Have Nayru's Love (MP12)
    8011A804 0000 Have Deku Stick
    8011A81C 0009 Infinite Deku Sticks
    8011A805 0001 Have Deku Nut
    8011A81D 0009 Infinite Deku Nuts
    8011A806 0002 Have Bombs
    8011A81E 0009 Infinite Bombs
    8011A807 0003 Have Fairy Bow
    8011A81F 0009 Infinite Arrows
    8011A80A 0006 Have Fairy Slingshot
    8011A822 0009 Infinite Slingshot Ammo
    8011A80C 0009 Have Bombchu
    8011A824 0009 Infinite Bombchu's
    8011A808 0004 Have Fire Arrow (MP2)
    8011A80E 000C Have Ice Arrow (MP2)
    8011A814 0012 Have Light Arrow (MP4)
    8111A7C0 0140 Infinite Energy
    8111A7BE 0140 Max Heart
    8011A861 00FF Skulltulas Killed
    8111A82C 7777 All Equipment

    D01C8675 0020 L Button For Moon Jump
    811DAC50 40CB

    D01C8675 0030 Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons
    811DB472 000D

    D011A7C9 0008 Infinite Magic
    8011A7CA 0001
    8011A7CC 0001
    8011A7C3 0060

    8111A834 30FF All Quest/Status Items
    8111A836 FFFF

    8011A7F9 0011 C Left to Use Hammer
    NOTE: You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you
    will not see it.

    8011A816 00xx Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier
    8011A817 00xx Always Have Bottle 2 Modifier
    8011A818 00xx Always Have Bottle 3 Modifier
    8011A819 00xx Always Have Bottle 4 Modifier
    Replace xx with:
    14 Empty Bottle
    15 Red Potion
    16 Green Potion
    17 Blue Potion
    18 Bottled Fairy
    19 Fish
    1A Lon Lon Milk
    1B Letter
    1C Blue Fire
    1D Bug
    1E Big Poe
    1F Lon Lon Milk (Half)
    20 Poe

    8011A81A 00xx Item Modifier 1
    Replace xx with:
    2D Pocket Egg
    2E Pocket Cucco
    2F Cojiro
    30 Odd Mushroom
    31 Odd Potion
    32 Poacher's Saw
    33 Goron's Sword (Broken)
    34 Prescription
    35 Eyeball Frog
    36 Eye Drops
    37 Claim Check

    8011A81B 00xx Item Modifier 2
    Replace xx with:
    21 Weird Egg
    22 Chicken
    23 Zelda's Letter
    24 Keaton Mask
    25 Skull Mask
    26 Spooky Mask
    27 Bunny Hood
    28 Goron Mask
    29 Zora Mask
    2A Gerudo Mask
    2B Mask of Truth

    8011A832 00xx Equipment Modifier 1
    Replace xx with:
    02 Silver Scale
    04 Golden Scale
    06 Giant's Knife (Broken)
    40 Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
    80 Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
    C0 Bullet Bag (Holds 50)

    8011A833 00xx Equipment Modifier 2
    Replace xx with:
    08 Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
    10 Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
    18 Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
    20 Goron's Bracelet
    28 Silver Gauntlets
    30 Silver Scale

    8011A800 00xx Equipped Stuff Modifier
    Replace xx with:
    11 Kokiri Tunic & Kokiri Boots
    12 Goron Tunic & Kokiri Boots
    13 Zora Tunic & Kokiri Boots
    21 Kokiri Tunic & Iron Boots
    22 Goron Tunic & Iron Boots
    23 Zora Tunic & Iron Boots
    31 Kokiri Tunic & Hover Boots
    32 Goron Tunic & Hover Boots
    33 Zora Tunic & Hover Boots

    8111A79C xxxx Time of Day Modifier
    Replace xxxx with:
    4000 At Sunrise
    5800 Daylight Out
    7000 Very Bright Out
    C000 At Sunset
    D000 Fairly Dark

    To activate the keycode:

    Insert any game besides Diddy Kong Racing, 1080 Snowboarding,
    Griffey Baseball, Banjo Kazooie or Yoshi Story. Then, on the main menu
    select the Keycode option to open the Keycode selection screen. Next,
    select the correct Keycode and follow the on screen instructions.

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    Default Re: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    sweet man gona own

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    Default Re: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Category Title Hacker Code Notes
    Top Bottom of the Well Crocc 8011A680 0007
    Top Dodongo's Cavern Crocc 8011A679 0007
    Top Fire Temple Crocc 8011A67C 0007
    Top Forest Temple Crocc 8011A67B 0007
    Top Ganon's Castle Crocc 8011A682 0007
    Top Ice Cavern Crocc 8011A681 0007
    Top Inside Jabu Jabu's Belly Crocc 8011A67A 0007
    Top Shadow Temple Crocc 8011A67F 0007
    Top Spirit Temple Crocc 8011A67E 0007
    Top Water Temple Crocc 8011A67D 0007
    Top Awesome Look J.Lint, Hack Master 8011477E 0080
    Top Camera Close J.Lint, Hack Master 8010A711 0084
    Top Camera Far J.Lint, Hack Master 8010A711 0099
    Top Lighter J.Lint, Hack Master 8011478F 0080
    Top 16 bit World Spectrumz 80114775 0001
    Top Access Japanese Version of Zelda Akira_SSJ 8111B819 0000
    Top Animated Polygons Spectrumz 80114789 00E0
    Top Bare GFX Spectrumz 8011477E 008F
    Top Blue Glow Spectrumz 801D8F54 0001
    Top Blue Swipe Spectrumz 80115DCE 0000
    Top Blue/Green Swipe Spectrumz 80115DD6 0000
    Top Camera Overhead View Mythz 8010A4F0 003E
    Top Colormation Spectrumz 80114789 0080
    Top Dark Blue Tunic Crocc 8011A640 0039
    Top Dark Green Tunic Crocc 8011A640 0038
    Top Dark Red Tunic Crocc 8011A640 003A
    Top Darkness Land Ryan Toluchanian 8005E0B9 0001
    Top Darkness Total Ryan Toluchanian 8005E704 0001
    Top Double Defense Power (White Border Around Hearts) Crocc 8011A69F 0014
    Top Enemies Don't Come Out At Night On Hyrule Field Ryan Toluchanian 800E9A1A 0001
    Top Enter A Town To Make Time of Day- Night Kong K. Rool 8111B826 0002
    Top Equip An Item To More Than One C-Button Crocc 8111A63C FFFF
    8111A63E FFFF
    Top Far View Spectrumz 80114773 0003
    Top Fault line Break up Spectrumz 8011477B 00F0
    Top Fishing Rod Equipped to B-Button Crocc 8011A638 0059
    Top Fog Resolution Modifier Spectrumz 80114777 00??
    Top Go Through Blockade Walls (Ice/gates) Ryan Toluchanian 8002B53A 0001
    Top Go Through Most Anything Ryan Toluchanian 8104FFFE 0050
    8002B53A 0001
    Top Go Through Most Blockade Walls and Ice Sheet In Zora's Domain Ryan Toluchanian 8002B53C 0001
    Top Green Glow Spectrumz 801D8F52 0001
    Top Hearts Fill Life More/To Maximum Ryan Toluchanian 80072140 0001
    Top Hearts Kill You Ryan Toluchanian 80072142 0001
    Top Hearts Reduce Life To 1 Heart Ryan Toluchanian 8007213E 0001
    Top Infinite Carrots On Epona [email protected] 801EE688 0006 This code temporarily only works in Hyrule Field. You must have Epona already before using this code, otherwise the game will freeze if you enter Lon Lon Ranch!
    Top Infinite Time To Race The Running Man Chris Collins 8111B9A5 0000
    Top Jagged World Spectrumz 80114775 000F
    Top Karate Link Ryan Toluchanian 800794BE 0001
    Top Kid Link With Invisible Hover Boots On darkman 8011A640 0030
    Top Kid Link With Invisible Steel Boots On darkman 8011A640 0020
    Top Kill Switch For Floor Ryan Toluchanian D01C84B5 0020
    81021D10 0401
    D01C84B5 0020
    811DAA90 40CB
    D01C84B5 0030
    81021D10 8282
    Use the L button. It kills floors and almost anything moving goes bye-bye (enemies, etc). Use L and R button together to restore floor, you can go basically everywhere in the game with this code. For some places with pits, go down slowly, or go back up then down to make sure rooms load correctly. This code has problems on Hyrule field when Link is a kid.
    Top Kinda Dark Land Ryan Toluchanian 8005E1DB 0001
    Top Light Blue Tunic Crocc 8011A640 003C
    Top Light Game Select Screen Crocc 8111B9EA 2222
    Top Light Green Tunic Crocc 8011A640 003B
    Top Light Purple Swipe Spectrumz 80115DD7 0000
    Top Link Always Holds His Shield With One Arm Ryan Toluchanian 800794C2 0001
    Top Link Doesn't Exist Ryan Toluchanian 80025629 0001 There's no real purpose to this code, but it's neat though to see the intro part when the horse goes by itself!
    Top Link Doesn't Like To Hold His Shield Ryan Toluchanian 800794D8 0001
    Top Link Rides High Backed Horse Ryan Toluchanian 8008EAA8 0001
    Top Link Rides Horse Sideways Ryan Toluchanian 8008EAAC 0001
    Top Link Rides Messed Up Horse Sideways Ryan Toluchanian 8008EAAE 0001
    Top Link Slanted Ryan Toluchanian 80025622 0001
    Top Link Takes Off To The Sky Like A Rocket (Freezes) Mythz 8011A640 0073
    Top Link Takes Quick Running Steps Mythz 8011A640 00FF Link floats in air if you run off a hill.
    Top Link Takes Small Steps Mythz 8011A640 0043
    Top Makes Dust Storm Spectrumz 801D8FAA 0001
    811D8FAB ????
    Top Music Modifier Kong K. Rool 8111B81E 00??
    Top Music Modifier #2 Laugh10704 8111B9DF 00??
    Top Neon Vision Ryan Toluchanian 800E44A8 0001
    Top Play Intro Kong K. Rool 8111B822 0019
    Top Play Intro World 1 Crocc 8011B9E3 0002
    Top Play Intro World 2 Crocc 8011B9E3 0072
    Top Play Intro World 3 Crocc 8011B9E3 0055
    Top Play Intro World 4 Crocc 8011B9E3 0084
    Top Play Intro World 5 Crocc 8011B9E3 0033
    Top Play Intro World 6 Crocc 8011B9E3 0001
    Top Play Intro World 7 Crocc 8011B9E3 0000
    Top Play Intro World 8 8011B9E3 0067
    Top Positive Gravity Ryan Toluchanian 80021D10 0001
    Top Press L For Empty Zelda Ryan Toluchanian D01C84B5 0020
    80081572 0001
    In gameplay press L and go to next room/area, most everything will be gone. Don't use gameplay menu, it will freeze the game.
    Top Purple Swipe Spectrumz 80115DCF 0000
    Top Safety On (Nobody Or Thing Gets Hurt) Ryan Toluchanian 8004F75D 0001
    Top Semi Anti-Gravity Boots Mythz 8011A640 0053
    Top Shadow Land Spectrumz 8011478E 0000
    Top Shrink Dim World Spectrumz 8011477F 001F
    Top Some Specific Things Slanted Ryan Toluchanian 80025626 0001
    Top Specific Things Backwards Ryan Toluchanian 80025619 0001 You need the `moon jump' code in places, so you don't get stuck or fall.
    Top Specific Things Lean Ryan Toluchanian 80025614 0001 This makes stuff lean including doors, and it also opens up some stuff.
    Top Starting Point Modifier Kong K. Rool 8111A476 000?
    8111A477 00??
    [+] means this can only be used if your game is saved as Young Link, [*] means it only works as Adult. The first number is the "?" in the first part of the code, the dash separates the numbers, and the last two numbers are the "??" in the second part of the code.
    0-01: (*)Dodongo's Cavern 0-02: Inside Jabu-Jabu 0-06: (+)Spirit Temple 0-07: (*)Shadow Temple 0-09: (*)Ice Cavern 0-0A: Ganon's Castle 0-0C: (+)Thieve's Hideout 0-0E: Ganon's Castle 0-0F: Ganon's Castle 1-00: Inside The Deku Tree 1-03: Forest Temple 1-04: Fire Temple 1-05: Water Temple 1-08: Bottom of The Well 1-0B: Gerudo Training Ground 2-0D: Inside Ganon's Castle 2-10: Temple of Time 3-11: Inside The Deku Tree
    Top Strange Camera Views Ryan Toluchanian 80036D96 0001
    Top Submerged World Spectrumz 8011478B 0020
    Top Swipe stays on screen longer Spectrumz 80115DDF 001F
    Top Swipe Stays on Screen Permanantly Spectrumz 80115DDE 0001
    Top To B Button Crocc 8011A638 00?? 38 - Fire Arrow 39 - Ice Arrow 3A - Light Arrow 3B - Kokiri Sword 3C - Master Sword 3D - Giant's Knife/Biggoron's Sword 3E - Kokiri Shield 3F - Hylian Shield 40 - Mirror Shield 41 - Kokiri Tunic 42 - Goron Tunic 43 - Zora Tunic 44 - Kokiri Boots 45 - Goron Boots 46 - Zora Boots 47 - Kid's Wallet 48 - Adult's Wallet 49 - Giant's Wallet 4A - Quiver 4B - Big Quiver 4C - Biggest Quiver 4D - Bomb Bag 4E - Big Bomb Bag 4F - Biggest Bomb Bag 50 - Goron's Bracelet 51 - Silver Gauntlets 52 - Golden Gauntlets 53 - Silver Scale 54 - Golden Scale 55 - Broken Giant's Knife 56 - Deku Seed Bag 57 - Mystery Bag 58 - Deku Seed 59 - Fishing Rod FF - Nothing
    Top To Down-C Button Crocc 8011A63A 00??
    Top Transparant Swipe Spectrumz 80115DD1 0000
    Top Turn Longshot Into A Deku Nut Launcher/Nuts Don't Seem To Work Ryan Toluchanian 800794A5 0001
    Top Turn Music Off Spectrumz 801D8FA4 0004
    Top Upside Down Camera View Mythz 8010A504 0041
    Top Upside Down Hylian Shield Mythz 8011A641 0061
    Top Upside Down Kokiri Shield Mythz 8011A641 0051
    Top Use Any Item In Most Houses Ryan Toluchanian 8106ECA2 0630
    8106ECAA 0630
    Top Use Any Item Inside Houses (Not Under/In Water) Kong K. Rool 8111B7F2 0000
    8111B7F4 0000
    Top Use Invisible Mirror Shield Mythz 8011A641 0031
    Top Use Sword Case As Shield Mythz 8011A641 0041
    Top Use The Boomerang As Adult Link Crocc 8011A63B 000E The boomerang will be equipped to the right-C button, and will be partly invisible when you are an adult.
    Top Valcano Glow Spectrumz 801D8F50 0001
    Top Walk Through Specific Things Ryan Toluchanian 8104FFFE 0050 You're able to go through trees, rocks, people, etc.
    Top Walk Through Under Wall At Temple of Time Ryan Toluchanian 8002C999 0001 Walls change around. Warp there and have our `moon jump' code on.
    Top Wartermelon Line World Spectrumz 80114780 008F
    Top White/Blue Swipe Spectrumz 80115DD2 0000
    Top White/Purple Swipe Spectrumz 80115DD3 0000
    Top White/Yellow Swipe Spectrumz 80115DD4 0000
    Top Yellow Swipe Spectrumz 80115DD0 0000
    Top Young Link Looks Like He Is Riding The Master Sword SmokeEagle 8011A7FB 003D
    Top 1500 Points In Gerudo Archery Game Lone Soldier 8111B9D6 05DC
    Top Adult Wallet Crocc 8011A672 0057
    Top Always In Letterbox Mode Laugh10704 800EF1FB 0001
    Top Arrows In Gerudo Archery Game Lone Soldier 801D8BCF 0014
    Top Can't Use Weapons Crocc 8111B9B2 FFFF
    8111B9B4 FFFF
    Top Cool Walls FiZzZz 800E4498 0001
    Top Cool Walls 2 FiZzZz 800E48A8 0001
    Top Cutscene Maker Crocc D01C84B5 0020
    8111B9E4 0F0F
    D01C84B5 0010
    8111B9E8 0F0F
    Press L to make a cutscene. You must first warp (ex. play warp song) for it to work properly. Try it.
    Top Dark Sky Crocc 8111B9EA FFFF
    Top Decreasing Rupees Crocc 8111B99C FFFF
    Top Epona Runs Sideways FiZzZz 8008EAE6 0001
    Top Epona Upside Down With No Legs FiZzZz 8008EAE8 0001
    Top Fade-In Transition Modifier MNGoldenEagle 8011B9ED 00?? Limitation: it only works for the fade-ins when entering an area, not the exit fade-out, and only in-game - means not in cutscenes or the Beta Quest which supports the theory that the BQ is related to cutscene processing. Also, it doesn't fix the "freeze barrier" or whatever you wanna call it in Zora Fountain BQ0001. 00 - Skewed Lines 01 - Triforce Effect 02 - Fade From Black 03 - Fade From White 04 - Quick Fade From Black 05 - Quick Fade From White 06 - Slow Fade From Black 07 - Slow Fade From White 08 - Quick Skewed Lines 09 - Fade From White With Cutscene Bars 0A - Fade From White With Cutscene Bars 0B - No Fade 0C - Fade From White With Cutscene Bars (Short Time) 0D - Screen Stays White (Exits Don't Work Anymore!) 0E - Wasteland Sandstorm Effect (Only Outside Areas!) 0F - Fading Wasteland Sandstorm Effect (Only Outside Areas!) 10 - Screen Stays Black (Exits Don't Work Anymore!) 11 - Short Flashing / Almost No Fade 12 - Fade From Yellow/Brown (Sand) With Cutscene Bars 13 - Fade From Blue (Water?) With Cutscene Bars 14 - Hangs (Dlist Processing Stops) 15 - Hangs (Dlist Processing Stops)
    Top Funky Sky Crocc 8111B9EA 0101
    Top Funky Sky Intro Crocc 8011B9F2 0001
    Top Giant Wallet Crocc 8011A672 0067
    Top Have Black Gauntlets Fangs 8011A672 0035 These gauntlets are as strong as the Golden Gauntlets. This code also gives you the Silver Scale and the Golden Scale and unlimited rupees.
    Top Have Green Gauntlets FiZzZz 8011A672 0077
    Top Invisible Link and Ground FiZzZz 800E4428 0001
    Top Item On left C, Sometimes Others SubDrag 801D905F 00?? 3F - Hylian Shield 25 - Skull Mask 33 - Broken Giant's Knife 53 - Compass 34 - Boots 59 - Fishing Rod
    Top Kid Wallet Crocc 8011A672 0047
    Top L Button for Fast Time Flow Crocc D01C84B5 0020
    8111B9F2 0101
    Press L and the time will flow very quickly. Days will become 5 seconds long.
    Top L Button for Health Refill Crocc D01C84B5 0020
    8111B9F4 0101
    Top Link Rides Under a Crushed Epona FiZzZz 8008EAEA 0001
    Top Magic Disappears Quickly Crocc 8111B9C8 FFFF
    Top Magic Won't Go Down Crocc 8111B9C0 0000
    8111B9C2 0000
    Top Medallion Always Selected SubDrag 801D905B 000?
    Top Music Off Crocc 8011B9DE 0001
    Top Music On Crocc 8011B9DE 0000
    Top Nayru's Love Always On Crocc 8111B998 FFFF
    Top Near Invisible Power Display Crocc 8111B9B6 FFFF
    8111B9B8 FFFF
    Top No Magic Meter Crocc 8111B9C0 FFFF
    8111B9C2 FFFF
    Top No Map Crocc 8111B9D2 FFFF
    Top No Pause Menu Crocc 8011B9C3 00FF
    8111B9C4 FFFF
    Top No Sound Effects Crocc 8111B9AE 0000
    8111B9B0 0000
    Top Rainbow Colors Griffey44 800E47E3 0001
    Top Rainbow Colors #2 Griffey44 800E45E2 0001
    Top Receive A Heart Container When You Press C or A Buttons Crocc 8011A674 0047
    Top Run In/Out Of Houses Crocc 8111B98D FFFF Enter a shop and you can sometimes go through the counter. Try it.
    Top Score In Market Slingshot Game Lone Soldier 801E3327 000A
    Top See Through Characters FiZzZz 800E4AE8 0001
    Top Spike Mode FiZzZz 800E4488 0001
    Top Text Above Hearts 1 Crocc 8111B99E FFFF
    Top Text Above Hearts 2 Crocc 8111B9A2 FFFF
    Top Text For Item Always Shown In Inventory Menu SubDrag 801D96FF 00??
    Top Text Is Big And Weird Crocc 8011B9D9 0002
    Top Weird Graphics FiZzZz 800E44E8 0001
    Top Weird Graphics 2 FiZzZz 800E45A8 0001
    Top Weird Graphics 3 FiZzZz 800E45E8 0001
    Top Weird Item (Mystery Bag) Equipped Crocc 8011A672 0055 Look on the screen with golden scale, gold gauntlets, etc. Don't save.
    Top Wobble Mode FiZzZz 800E4AA8 0001
    Top B.G. Colors Spectrumz 810E4EFB 00??
    Top B.G. Colors Spectrumz 810E4EFD 00??
    Top B.G. Position Spectrumz 810E4F53 00??
    Top Change B.G. Color Spectrumz 810E4EF8 0001
    Top Change Text To Chinese Slot 1 Spectrumz 810E4E94 00??
    Top Change Text To Chinese Slot 2 Spectrumz 810E4E9C 00??
    Top Change Text To Chinese Slot 3 Spectrumz 810E4EA4 00??
    Top Cursor Colors 1 Spectrumz 810E4F37 00??
    Top Cursor Colors 2 Spectrumz 810E4F39 00??
    Top Glowing Cursor Colors Spectrumz 810E4F35 00??
    Top Japanese Instruction (Title Modifier) Spectrumz 810E4EF7 0009
    Top No Glowing Cursor Spectrumz 810E4F3D 0002
    Top Rainy Cloudy B.G. Spectrumz 810E4D97 0001
    Top Slot 1 Disk Option Spectrumz 810E4EC1 0001
    Top Slot 2 Disk Option Spectrumz 810E4EC3 0001
    Top Slot 3 Disk Option Spectrumz 810E4EC5 0001
    Top A Skulltula Size Modifier SubDrag 811E9440 ????
    811E9444 ????
    811E9448 ????
    Top Big Epona (Hyrule Field Only) SubDrag, Stupd boy1 811EE4B0 ????
    811EE4B4 ????
    811EE4B8 ????
    Top Big Epona (Intro Only) SubDrag, Stupd boy1 811E97D0 ????
    811E97D4 ????
    811E97D8 ????
    Top Link Size Modifier SubDrag 811DAA80 ????
    811DAA84 ????
    811DAA88 ????
    All of the 'Size Modifier' codes MUST BE TURNED OFF, then ON in the spot where they are used!
    Top All Equipment Code Master 8111A66C 7777
    Top All Quest/Status Items Code Master 8111A674 30FF
    8111A676 FFFF
    Top Always Have Boomerang Code Master 8011A650 000E
    Top Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier Code Master 8011A656 00?? 14 - Empty Bottle 15 - Red Potion 16 - Green Potion 17 - Blue Potion 18 - Bottled Fairy 19 - Fish 1A - Lon Lon Milk 1B - Letter 1C - Blue Fire 1D - Bug 1E - Big Poe 1F - Lon Lon Milk (Half) 20 - Poe
    Top Always Have Bottle 2 Modifier Code Master 8011A657 00??
    Top Always Have Bottle 3 Modifier Code Master 8011A658 00??
    Top Always Have Bottle 4 Modifier Code Master 8011A659 00??
    Top Always Have Fairy Ocarina Code Master 8011A64B 0007
    Top Always Have Hookshot Code Master 8011A64D 000A
    Top Always Have Lens of Truth Code Master 8011A651 000F
    Top Always Have Longshot Code Master 8011A64D 000B
    Top Always Have Magic Beans Code Master 8011A652 0010
    Top Always Have Megaton Hammer Code Master 8011A653 0011
    Top C Left to Use Hammer Code Master 8011A639 0011 You will be able to use the Hammer when you are a kid, but you will not see it.
    Top Clothing Equipped Modifier Kong K. Rool 8111A66C 7777
    8011A640 00??
    Some quantity digits (14, 15, 16, 10) are by Gray Vader. All others are by Kong K. Rool! To get Hover or Iron Boots, replace the next to last digit (from 1 to 2 for Iron Boots and 1 to 3 for Hover Boots).
    11 Normal Clothing 21 Normal Tunic + Iron Boots 31 Normal Tunic + Hover Boots 12 Goron Tunic + Normal Boots 22 Goron Tunic + Iron Boots 32 Goron Tunic + Hover Boots 13 Zora Tunic + Normal Boots 23 Zora Tunic + Iron Boots 33 Zora Tunic + Hover Boots 14: Black Tunic & Kokiri Boots 15: White Tunic & Kokiri Boots 16: Yellow Tunic & Kokiri Boots 10: Slightly Darker Green Tunic & Kokiri Boots
    Top Enable Level Select (Press Start At Title Screen) Cadohacan 810F1434 00B9
    810F1436 E400
    810F1438 00BA
    810F143A 1160
    810F143C 8080
    810F143E 09C0
    810F1440 8080
    810F1442 3720
    810F1448 8080
    810F144A 1C14
    810F144C 8080
    810F144E 1C08
    Tested by Jaytheham. Notes: -Z is the number of times you press Z (changes the "Stage" text) -C is the number of times you press C up (changes "Opt") -Everything seems to be with young link (didn't know this when I started) - Edit: Figured it out: Press B once to change the bottom right text "Age" - If it starts with '05', you're young Link, if it starts with '17', you're adult Link -Most places seem to have the pause menu disabled and the action icons and maps missing (this is what "no menus" means) -Most places take you back to the stage select menu when you exit, but in someplaces that will cause the game to freeze -Your "name" is messed up. This is likely because the name pointer is pointing to data that has not been set -I don't think you can die. I tried really really hard. I left Link fighting Barinade while I went to class, and when I came back he was still alive. OOT: Z=0 Option 1,90, 47: Hyrule Field. Door to Hyrule castle is closed, can't see the C buttons, if you leave it freezes. Option 2: Burning Kakariko Village. You can move around, go into houses, ect. Sheik is standing around. Menus are active. All items. See biggestsonicfan's post below for screens. Option 3: Graveyard with all items Option 4 and 5: takes you to some grassy place with the great fairy music you can't see link or move Option 6: Sacred Forest Meadow, pause menu disabled. When you leave, you return to the level select Option 7: Lake Hylia, can't move Option 8: Zora's Domain, can't move, can't see Link, ending music Option 9: Hyrule Field Music, can't see anything Option 10: Great Fairy Fountain Music, can't see anything but the status bars, pause menu says Gerudo Valley Option 11: Bridge between Kokiri Forest and Hyrule field, no menus, leaving returns you to Stage Select Option 12: Desert Colossus, Owl tells you to find Zelda (WTF?!), all items Option 13: Gerudo's Fortress, all items Option 14: Ganon's Tower as it is collapsing; Exiting takes you back to stage select Option 15 - Nothing happens Option 16,91 - Death Mountain trail, all items, Dodongo's Cavern is open, different music (91 has no menus) Option 17 - Death Mountain crater, all items, no complaints about heat (unless you fall in lava and reappear) Option 18 - Darunia's Dancing Cinema in Goron City (out of sync), all items - If you do this as adult link, you just start in front of Darunia's chair - he is gone Option 19 - Racing against Ingo on horseback - on foot! Option 20,34 - Temple of time, in front of the Master Sword; pulling leads to the Ganondorf cinema. Option 21 - Nothing Option 22 - Hidden area (can't see action buttons) leaving returns you to stage select menu but doesn't stop an annoying sound Option 23 - Nothing Option 24 - Nothing Option 25 - Talon's House, young link Option 26,70 - Sun's Song Gravestone Option 27, 28 - Great Fairy Fountain, Playing Zelda's Lullaby does nothing, young link Option 30,55 - Doesn't work in PJ64 Option 31,83 - Zelda's Courtyard, cannot talk to Zelda, ending music, no menus Option 32,33,35,38,52,63,78,79, 114 - Freezes Option 36 - Spirit Temple, no action icons, all items Option 39 - Market Town Back Alley, start menu disabled, no action icons Option 40 - Shadow temple Option 41,42 - Market Town, no menus Option 43 - Fire Temple, young link, no menus Option 44,57 - Link's House, no menus (start inside bed) Option 45 - Jabu-Jabu's Belly vs. Barinade, no menus Option 46 - Escape from Ganon's Tower, no menus, can't finish it (first exit takes you to stage select) I'll finish later Option 48,115 - ??? (Creation of the world cinema but frozen???) option 49 - Saria's house, no menus, leaving takes you to stage select Option 50 - Some guy's house in Hyrule Market Town, no menus Option 51 - Dog woman's house in Hyrule Market Town, no menus Option 53 - House with Cow and Heart Piece in Kakariko village, No Menus Option 54 - Running Man's Tent (Empty as young Link), no menus Option 56 - Gerudo's Fortress, no menus Option 58 - Dodongo's Cavern inside the Stone Dodongo's Mouth, no menus Option 59 - Zora Shop, no menus Option 60,93 - Kakariko Village shop, no shopkeeper, no menus Option 61 - Unused shop???? I don't recognize it, no menus, screenshot coming Option 62 - Hyrule Market Town back alley, no menus Option 64 - Ganon's Castle, no menus Option 65 - Forest Temple, no menus, in front of boss arena vs. Phantom Ganon (you can beat him as Young Link) Option 66 - Dodongo's Cavern, cannot move Option 67 - Shadow Temple, no menus, in front of boss arena (you can fight Bongo Bongo, but you're fucked since you can't change weapons) Option 68 - Gerudo Training Ground, no menus Option 69 - Inside the Deku Tree, Boss Area (you can fight Queen Gohma, after you beat her and go into the light, you're returned to stage select) Option 71 - Can't tell (title screen???) Option 72.75 - Empty shooting gallery Option 73,85 - Water Temple, no menus Option 74 - Some hot Kokiri chick's house, no menus Option 76 - Morpha's arena in the Water Temple, you can fight him, no menus Option 77 - Forest temple, no menus, you can enter other parts of the temple Option 80 - Bottom of Ganon's Tower, no menus Option 81 - Spirit Temple, no menus Option 82 - Spirit Temple, Iron Knuckles III/Nabooru's Lair (she is gone); You can continue and fight Twinrova/Koume and Kotake but you will die (no mirror shield), no menus Option 84 - Ganon's Tower, vs. Ganondorf, no menus Option 86 - Ice Cavern, no menus Option 87 - Kakariko Village Windmill, no menus Option 88 - Ganon's Castle, no menus Option 89 - Outside entrance to Ganon's Castle, but after the collapse... very small area to move on, no exits, screenshot coming, no menus Option 92 - Inside Ganon's Tower after the collapse, no menus Option 94 - 99 - Inside one of the Gerudos' buildings, no menus (each choice is a different building) Option 100 - (Under a gravestone???), almost total darkness (small bit of light, seems unreachable), no menus Option 101 - Lake Hylia Laboratory, no menus Option 102,104,107,110 - Underground with a Business Scrub, no menus (different areas, except for 107 and 110) Option 103 - Underground with Redead, young Link, no menus Option 105,109 - Underground with a Gossip Stone, Big Skulltulla, and Gold Skulltulla (different areas, 105 is the underground area near Gerudo Valley, I believe), no menus Option 106 - Underground with Ruppees and an Octorok, no menus Option 108 - Underground with 2 Wolfos, no menus More coming forth Option 111 - Underground with a Blue Tektite, no menus Option 112 - Underground, Deku Scrub Mask Contest area, no menus Option 113 - Kakariko Village cage with cow and Heart Piece, no menus title - Resets the game Both 64DD tests are disabled Z=1 Option 1 - Link's Dream Option 2 - Burning Kakariko Village Cutscene (crashes as soon as you press A) Option 3 - Opening of the principal gravestone in the graveyard; menus do exist and you can continue after the cinema. Option 4,5 - Deku Tree tells of the creation of the world Option 6 - "Saria's Missing", learn the Minuet of Forest Option 7 - Lake Hylia is restored Option 8 - Credits Option 9 - Can't see anything, Hyrule Field music, Princess Zora's speech after saving her from Jabu-Jabu Z=2 Option 1 - Zelda's Escape Option 2 - Being revived by Sheik after Bongo Bongo's Attack (crashes as soon as you press A) Option 3 - "You've learned the Sun's Song!" - Then freezes Option 4,5 - The death of the Deku Tree Option 6 - Learning Saria's Song Option 7 - Ending Credits Option 8 - Doesn't Work Option 9 - Same as Z=0 Z=3 Option 1 - Zelda's Escape from Zelda's POV Option 2 - Draining the well in Kakariko Village (crashes as soon as you press A or when the cinema ends) Option 3,5,6,7 - Doesn't work Option 4 - Right before you enter the Deku Tree Option 8 - Cinema when you enter Jabu-Jabu's area for the first time, then crashes Option 9 - Same as Z=0 Z=4 Option 1 - Title Screen Option 2 - Cinema after beating the Fire Temple (crashes as soon as you press A or when the cinema ends) Option 3,6,7,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 4,5 - Opening Cinema Z=5 Option 1 - Title Screen Option 2 - Ending Credits (crashes when you press A) Option 3,6,7,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 4 - Nothing Option 5 - Standing in front of the Deku Tree, frozen Z=6 Option 1 - Ending Credits Option 2,6,7 - Crashes Option 3,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 4,5 - WTF!? Z=7 Option 1 - Escape from Lon Lon Ranch (no Link or Epona) Option 2,6,7,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 3,4,5 - Credits Z=8 Option 1 - Returning the Ocarina to Zelda Option 2,6,7,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 3,4,5 - Credits Z=9 Option 1 - Impa directs you to Kakariko Village Option 2,6,7,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 3 - Can't tell Option 4 - Deku Tree Sprout's speech - Can't see anything Option 5 - Deku Tree Sprout's speech Z=10 Option 1 - Freezes Option 2,6,7,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 3,4 - Deku Tree Sprout's speech - Cannot see him Option 5 - Deku Tree Sprout's speech Z=11 Option 1 - Freezes Option 2,4,5,6,7,8,9 - Doesn't work Option 3 - Crashes Z=12 Option 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - Same as Z=0 Option 2 - Kakariko village with menus, but you can't see anything
    Top Equipment Modifier 1 Code Master 8011A672 00?? 02 - Silver Scale
    04 - Golden Scale
    06 - Giant's Knife (Broken)
    40 - Bullet Bag (Holds 30)
    80 - Bullet Bag (Holds 40)
    C0 - Bullet Bag (Holds 50)
    Top Equipment Modifier 2 Code Master 8011A673 00?? 08 - Bomb Bag (Holds 20)
    10 - Bomb Bag (Holds 30)
    18 - Bomb Bag (Holds 40)
    20 - Goron's Bracelet
    28 - Silver Gauntlets
    30 - Silver Scale
    Top Equipped Stuff Modifier Code Master 8011A640 00??
    Top Golden Gauntlet + 2nd Bomb Bag (Holds 50) + 2nd Quiver (Holds 30) + Golden Scale Kong K. Rool 8011A671 0001
    8011A672 0004
    8011A673 00D8
    Top Have 2 Links Jaytheham 50000710 0783
    81244124 0000
    Top Have 999 Rupees [email protected] 8111A7C4 03E7
    8133F1DE 03E7
    Top Have Arrows/Infinite Arrows Code Master 8011A647 0003
    8011A65F 0009
    Top Have Big Key, Compass, & Map Code Master 8011A678 0007
    Top Have Bombchus/Infinite Bombchu's Code Master 8011A64C 0009
    8011A664 0009
    Top Have Bombs/Infinite Bombs Code Master 8011A646 0002
    8011A65E 0009
    Top Have Deku Nuts/Infinite Deku Nuts Code Master 8011A645 0001
    8011A65D 0009
    Top Have Deku Stick/Infinite Deku Sticks Code Master 8011A644 0000
    8011A65C 0009
    Top Have Din's Fire (MP6) Code Master 8011A649 0005
    Top Have Fairie's Wind (MP6) Code Master 8011A64F 000D
    Top Have Fire Arrow (MP2) Code Master 8011A648 0004
    Top Have Ice Arrow (MP2) Code Master 8011A64E 000C
    Top Have Light Arrow (MP4) Code Master 8011A654 0012
    Top Have Nayru's Love (MP12) Code Master 8011A655 0013
    Top Have Ocarina of Time Code Master 8011A64B 0008
    Top Have Quiver (Holds 30) Code Master 8011A671 0001
    Top Have Slingshot/Infinite Slingshots Code Master 8011A64A 0006
    8011A662 0009
    Top Hover Boots Last While Holding L & R Buttons Code Master D01C84B5 0030
    811DB2B2 000D
    Top Infinite Energy Code Master 8111A600 0140
    Top Infinite Magic Code Master D011A609 0008
    8011A60A 0001
    8011A60C 0001
    8011A603 0060
    Top Infinite Magic Beans Code Master 8011A66A 0009
    Top Infinite Time To Ride Epona At Lon Lon's Ranch Kong K. Rool 8011B9A1 003B This code gives you infinite time to ride the horse [Epona] after paying Ingo the 10 rupees. Normally you can only ride Epona for a minute before having to get off.
    Top Item Modifier 1 Code Master 8011A65A 00?? 2D - Pocket Egg
    2E - Pocket Cucco
    2F - Cojiro
    30 - Odd Mushroom
    31 - Odd Potion
    32 - Poacher's Saw
    33 - Goron's Sword (Broken)
    34 - Prescription
    35 - Eyeball Frog
    36 - Eye Drops
    37 - Claim Check
    Top Item Modifier 2 Code Master 8011A65B 00?? 21 - Weird Egg
    22 - Chicken
    23 - Zelda's Letter
    24 - Keaton Mask
    25 - Skull Mask
    26 - Spooky Mask
    27 - Bunny Hood
    28 - Goron Mask
    29 - Zora Mask
    2A - Gerudo Mask
    2B - Mask of Truth
    2C - SOLD OUT
    Top Items Equipped On C-Left Modifier Kong K. Rool 8011A639 00?? (* Means Item Can Be Equipped By Adult Link Only)
    00 Deku Sticks 01 Deku Nuts 02 Bombs 03 Fairy Bow* 04 Fire Arrow* 05 Din's Magic 06 Slingshot 07 Fairy Ocarina 08 Ocarina of Time 09 Bombchus 0A Hookshot* 0B Longshot* 0C Ice Arrow* 0D Farores' Magic 0E Boomerang 0F Lens of Truth 10 Beans 11 Megaton Hammer (this item can also be used as a child!) 12 Light Arrow 13 Nayrus' Magic 14 Empty Bottle 15 Red Potion In Bottle 16 Green Potion In Bottle 17 Blue Potion In Bottle 18 Fairy In Bottle 19 Fish In Bottle 1A Lon Lon Milk In Bottle 1B Letter In Bottle 1C Blue Flame In Bottle 1D Bug In Bottle 1E Big Poe In Bottle 1F Half Lon Lon Milk In Bottle 20 Poe In Bottle 21 Egg 22 Cucco 23 Zelda's Letter 24 Keaton Mask 25 Skull Mask 26 Spooky Mask 27 Bunnyhood 28 Goron Mask 29 Zora Mask 2A Gerudo Mask 2B Mask Of Truth 2D Pocket Egg* 2E Pocket Cucco* 2F Cojiro* 30 Mushroom* 31 Potion* 32 Saw* 33 Broken Goron Sword* 34 Prescription* 35 Eyeball Frog* 36 Eyedrops 37 Claim Check
    Top Items Equipped On C-Right Modifier [email protected] 8011A63B 00??
    Top Jesus Mode Parasyte 81021CC0 0800
    81021CC2 00CC
    81000330 3C08
    81000332 801E
    81000334 2508
    81000336 AA30
    81000338 1510
    8100033A 0010
    8100033C 3C08
    8100033E 4200
    81000340 4488
    81000342 4000
    81000344 8E08
    81000346 0668
    81000348 C50C
    8100034A 002C
    8100034C C604
    8100034E 0084
    81000350 4608
    81000352 2280
    81000354 460A
    81000356 603E
    81000358 4500
    8100035A 0008
    8100035C 4480
    8100035E 2000
    81000360 3C08
    81000362 41A0
    81000364 4488
    81000366 4000
    81000368 460C
    8100036A 2281
    8100036C 4608
    8100036E 5300
    81000370 460C
    81000372 003C
    81000374 4503
    81000376 0001
    81000378 4600
    8100037A 6006
    8100037C 0800
    8100037E 8732
    81000380 4602
    81000382 003E
    Top Kokiri Boy Lifting Rock Object Modifier Cendamos, Jaytheham 81244096 XXXX
    81244124 YYYY
    81244132 ZZZZ
    Sample actor addresses (they work without activators alright, but might cause problems depending on the area): xxxx = group YYYY = actor ZZZZ = variable You can find the addresses for any actor you wish by going to the appropriate room data(see pointers below) and looking at the list of groups and actors in it. The "true" start of the room files is the word 0x16000000. Offset 0x31 from this is the number of actors in the room, offset 0x37 is the offset value to the first actor data. Group data(a list of halfwords) ends directly before the first actor data, so it's easy to find. You should always try and replace the group of the actor you're changing, changing other actor's groups may cause problems. Group 0001 is ALWAYS loaded, so if an actor belongs to this group you don't have to bother with changing any group numbers. Room data pointers: OoT E1.0: 801D81A8 OoT E1.1: 801D81E8 OoT U1.0: 801DA168 OoT U1.1: 801DA328 OoT U1.2: 801DAA28 MM E : 803F66AC MM U : 803FF234 MM J : 803FF3BC Actor data follows this format: YYYY = Actor Number aaaa = X Coordinate aaaa = Y Coordinate aaaa = Z Coordinate aaaa = X rotation aaaa = Y rotation aaaa = Z rotation ZZZZ = Variable In the sample addresses above I've not supplied the rotation or coord addresses, as you don't need to change these usually. And the values: Some actors that don't load (?) may have the wrong group number, more often though they don't have the correct variable or are prevented loading by some other factors(such as which actor they are replacing). Actor numbers not listed may be able to be loaded, or may have been removed. YYYY : XXXX ZZZZ - If no value then assume 0000 Ocarina of Time: 0000 : 0019 = ? 0002 : 0032 = Invisible Stalfos. Crashes N64 0004 = ? 0007 : 0001 = ? 0008 : 0001 = Flame 0000 = Orange flame 83F0 = Small scrolling texture with light 0009 : 0001 = Wooden door 000A : 000e = Treasure chest 0800 = Already open 0801 = Compass 0823 = Dungeon map 000B : 000A = Great Fairy 000C : 002C = Proximity activated firewall 000E : 0007 = ? 000F : 0036 = Hole covering web 1FD6 = Vertical web wall 0010 : 0001 = Bomb 0000 = Bomb 0001 = Round shadow 0011 : 000B = Ceiling Wall Master 0012 : 000C = Dodongo 0012 : 0019 = ? 0013 : 000D = Keese 0000 = Fire Keese 0001 = Fire Keese 0002 = Agressive Keese 0003 = Roosting Keese 0004 = Ice Keese 0014 : 001A = Epona 0015 : 000E = Collectables 0000 = Green Rupee 0001 = Blue rupee 0002 = Red rupee 0003 = Heart 0004 = Collectable Bomb 0005 = Collectable Arrow 0806 = Heart Piece 0007 = Heart container BETA 0008 = Collectable arrow 0009 = Double collectable arrow 000A = Triple collectable arrow 000B = Collectable Bomb (5) 000C = Collectable Deku nut 000D = Collectable Deku stick 000E = Collectable Large Magic jar 000F = Collectable Magic jar 0010 = Collectable Deku seeds 0011 = Collectable Small Key 0012 = Invisible heart 0013 = Giant orange rupee 0014 = Large purple rupee 2403? 0016 : 0001 = Flame 0000 = Small orange flame, disappears 0018 : 0001 = Fairy 0000 = Navi 0001 = Bottled Healing Fairy 0002 = Roaming Healing Fairy 0003 = Roaming Healing Fairy 0004 = Group of Healing Faries 0005 = Fairy Healing you 0006 = Roaming Healing Fairy 0007 = Roaming Large Healing Fairy 0019 : 0013 = Cucco 001B : 0016 = Red Tektite 001C : 0017 = ? 001D : 0018 = Peehat 001E : 0002 = Butterfly 0020 : 0001 = Bug 0000 = Large bug 0001 = Large bug 0002 = Three small bugs 0003 = Small bug 0021 : 0001 = Fish 0000 = Fish flopping 0001 = Fish swimming 0002 = Fish swimming, reacts to you 0023 : 0001 = Room changing black plane 0024 : 0040 = ? 0025 : 001B = Lizafos 0026 : 0076 = Wooden post with red cloth 0028 : 001C = Ghoma 0029 : 001D = Princess Zelda child looking in window 002A : 0001 = ? 002B : 001E = Ghoma egg 0006 = Normal 0008 = Invisible until it hatches 002C : 0003 = ? 002D : 0012 = Bubble enemy 002E : 0001 = Metal studded, lifting wooden door 002F : 001F = Dodongo jr. 0032 : 0001 = Returning Boomerang 0033 : 0020 = Dark Link 0034 : 0021 = Biri thing 0035 : 0022 = ? 0037 : 0024 = Skulltula 0001 0038 : 0025 = Torch Slug FFFF 0039 = Stone block -- 0000 = Small grey stone block 0001 = Large grey stone block 0002 = Huge grey stone block 0003 = Small grey stone block, rotates when you stand on it 0004 = Large grey stone block, rotates when you stand on it 0005 = Small grey stone cube 0007 = Grass clump? BETA? 0008 = Small tree stump 0009 = Oblong Signpost 000A = Arrow Signpost 000C = Black knobby thing 003A : 0026 = Stinger 003B : 0001 = Noises 0000 = Nothing 0001 = Stream 0002 = ? 0003 = River 0015 = Cows ... 003C : 0027 = Normal horse 003D : 0001 = ? 003E : 002A = Great Deku Tree's mouth 003F : 002B = Kills Link, disappears 0040 : 002C = Lower part of Megaton statue 0041 : 002C = Huge stone spike platform 0042 : 002D = Ganondorf's horse 0043 : 002C = Fire Temple stone block 0044 : 002C = Spinning, flame throwing stone block 0045 : 002C = Stationary flame throwing statue 0046 : 002C = Sink stone platform 0047 : 002C = Fire Temple stone block 0048 : 008A = ? 0049 : 0001 = Flame circle 004A : 002F = Drawbridge chains 004B : 0030 = Ground pounding Moblin 004C : 0031 = Bombflower Bomb 004D : 0060 = ? 004E : 002C = ? 004F : 0035 = Lock on blue spot 0050 : 0036 = Back and forth moving platform 0051 : 0036 = Rotating spike cylinder 0052 : 0037 = ? 0054 : 0038 = Armos statue 0055 : 0039 = Deku Baba(snapping) 0056 : 0001 = ? 0057 : 0001 = ? 0058 : 002B = Rising stone platform 0059 : 0001 = ? 005A : 0040 = Lord Jabu-Jabu FFFF 005B : 0046 = Zelda's Horse 005C : 002B = Stone stairs 005D : 0048 = Blue Warp 0000 = Normal 0001 = Nothing 0002 = Blue warp, disappears 0003 = Giant purple rupee/magic enclosure 0004 = Yellow warp, disappears 0005 = Blue warp, doesn't warp you 0006 = Nothing 0007 = Blue warp, warping animation 0008 = Yellow warp, disappears 0009 = Green warp, disappears 000A = Red warp, disappears 000B = Area fails to load 005E : 00A4 = Golden torch stand 005F : 00BD = Heart Container 0060 : 004A = Deku Scrub 0061 : 004D = Large rotating stone ring 0062 : 004D = ? 0063 : 0056 = ? 0064 : 0059 = ? 0065 : 0059 = Large square of water 0066 : 0014 = Purple screen 0067 : 005A = ? 0068 : 0001 = ? 0069 : 005D = ? 006A : 005E = Temple of time windows 006B : 005F = Flying floor tile 006C : 005E = Master sword(with first seeing cinema) 006E : 0061 = Warp Pad 0000 = Nothing 0001 = Normal 0002 = Different texture in middle (corrupted) 006F : 002C = Metal gate 0070 : 005E = Invisible thing 0071 : 002C = Hammer activated stone steps 0072 : 0077 = Brown bird 0077 : 007C = Greenery ??XX = Seems to control what they drop XX00 = Large tree XX01 = Medium tree XX02 = Small tree XX03 = Group of trees XX04 = Medium tree XX05 = Medium tree, dark brown trunk, greener leaves XX06 = Group of trees, dark brown trunk, yellow leaves XX07 = Medium tree, dark brown trunk, yellow leaves XX08 = Group of trees, dark brown trunk, greener leaves XX09 = Medium tree, dark brown trunk, greener leaves XX0A = Big tree from Kakariko village XX0B = Bush XX0C = Large bush XX0D = Group of bushes 007C : 0081 = Large noisy stone BETA 007D : 0082 = Wooden sounding stone cube BETA 0080 : 0085 = Sliding spikey metal trap 0081 : 0001 = ? 0082 : 0086 = Orange pot BETA 0084 : 0088 = Talon 0085 : 0089 = ? 0086 : 0072 = ? 0087 : 0072 = ? 0088 : 0072 = ? 0089 : 0072 = ? 008A : 008B = Beamos 008B : 00AD = Spiritual stones 0000 = Crash 0001 = Nothing 0002 = Fading blue glow 0003 = Crash 0004 = Lots of stuff is invisible 0005 = "" 0006 = "" 0007 = Nothing 0008 = Crash 0009 = Crash 000A = Crash 000B = Crash 000C = Crash 000D = Crash 000E = Crash 000F = Nothing 0010 = Nothing 0011 = Nothing 0012 = Nothing 0013 = Kokiri Emerald 0014 = Goron's Ruby 0015 = Zora's Sapphire 008C : 005E = Door of Time 000D = Door of Time 000E = Plane of yellow light 000F = Song warping effect 0010 = Warp song arriving effect 0011 = Sparkly effect 008D : 002C = Large fire wall 008E : 000B = Floormaster 0090 : 0098 = Redead 0091 : 0099 = Poe Sisters 0092 : 009A = Golden Gauntlets rock 0093 : 0099 = Poe puzzle block 0094 : 0001 = Butterflies 3324 = Three 0024 = Lots 0095 : 0024 = Skullwalltula 1000 = Skullwalltula 2000 = Appearing lockable Golden Skulltula 3000 = Golden Skulltula 7000 = Appearing Golden SKulltula 0096 : 009C = Flying Volvagia 0097 : 0001 = ? 0098 : 009D = ? 0099 : 009E = Fire Dancer 009A : 00A0 = Child Epona 009B : 0002 = Hole in ground exit 009C : 00A1 = Large Eye of Truth engraving 009D : 00A2 = Gravestone 009E : 0001 = Farore's Wind 009F : 0001 = Din's Fire 00A1 : 00A3 = Child Princess Ruto 00A2 : 00A5 = Hole Volvagia 00A3 : 0003 = Fireball 00A4 : 00A6 = ? 00A5 : 00A6 = Grave monster hand 00A7 : 0001 = ? 00A8 : 009D = ? 00A9 : 0087 = ? 00AA : 000E = ? 00AB : 009E = Core Fire Dancer creature 00AC : 009C = ? 00AE : 0001 = ? 00AF : 0069 = ? 00B0 : 0069 = Spirit Temple ship 00B1 : 0069 = Spinning scyth statues 00B3 : 0097 = ? 00B4 : 0092 = ? 00B5 : 0092 = Flying rubble 00B6 : 00AC = Flobbery muscle thing from LJJ 00B7 : 00AB = ? 00B8 : 00AE = ? 00B9 : 00AF = Statue from Darunia's room 00BA : 008C = ? 00BB : 0069 = Open topped skull statue 00BC : 0069 = Gullotine blade 00BD : 008D = Coffin lid 00BE : 0069 = Shadow Temple bird statue 00BF : 00B1 = Crater smoke cone 00C0 : 0001 = ? 00C1 : 005B = Shooting Gallery man 00C2 : 00B2 = Shop shelves 00C4 : 00B4 = Morphia 00C5 : 00B5 = Shell Blade 00C6 : 015F = Big Octo 00C7 : 0039 = Deku Baba 0001 = Normal 00C8 : 0096 = Inside Lord Jabu-Jabu objects 0000 = Giant Octo kaiten platform 0001 = Elevator platform 0002 = Square of mizu 0003 = Sliding platform 00C9 : ???? = Recieving medallion 00CA : 00C9 = ? 00CB : 00C0 = ? 00CC : 00C1 = ? 00CF : 002C = Cracked stone platform 00D0 : 0002 = 2D bombable wall 00D1 : 0074 = ? 00D3 : 00CC = ? 00D4 : 0059 = Water noise 00D5 : 006A = Lake Hylia Water Temple gate 00D6 : 006B = Moveable ice block 00D7 : 008D = ? 00D9 : 00D0 = ? 00DA : 0001 = Bombchu 00DB : 0001 = ? 00DC : 00D3 = Green light 00DD : 00D4 = Like Like 00DE : 00D5 = Intestinal tentacle from LJJ 00DF : 00D5 = Intestinal blocking tentacle 00E0 : 00D6 = ? 00E1 : 00D6 = Fire thing 00E2 : 0072 = ? 00E3 : 0072 = ? 00E4 : 0072 = Invisible geometry 00E5 : 017A = Death Mountain cloud ring 0000 = Normal 0001 = Expands and fades away 00E6 : 0096 = Lord jabu-Jabu no naka switch 00E7 : 00E0 = Malon child 00E8 : 00E1 = ? 00E9 : 00E2 = Kage Boss' hand 00EC : 00E5 = Spike Enemy 00ED : 00E6 = ? 00EE : 0015 = Deku shield 0000 = Collectable Deku Shield 00EF : 006B = Large red ice 00F0 : 0001 = Blue Flame 0000 = Group of small blue flames, disappear 0001 = Blue flame, disappears 0002 = Blue flame, disappears FFFF = Blue flame, targetable 00F1 : 00DE = Ocarina of Time 0000 = Ocarina of Time being tossed higher in air 0001 = Ocarina of Time being tossed in air 0002 = Ocarina of Time 0003 = Collectable Ocarina of Time 00F4 : 0001 = Nayru's Love 00F5 : 0001 = ? 00F6 : 0001 = ? 00F7 : 0069 = Shadow temple truth spinner 00F8 : 00F0 = Hyrule castle fence 00F9 : 011F = Giant rolling boulder 00FA : 00F1 = Moving brick wall 00FC : 00F1 = Rotating Cobra mirror 00FD : 00F1 = Climbable mesh wall 00FE : 015B = Fishing pond man and fish 00FF : 0003 = ? Crash 0100 : 0181 = Death Mountain Trail gate 0101 : 0001 = Sparklies gathering together 0102 : 00F9 = Windmill sails 0103 : 00F9 = Wooden Kakariko village well crossbeam 0104 : 00F9 = Top of Kakariko village well water FFFF 0105 : 00A4 = Golden torch stand 0106 : 00E1 = ? 0107 : 00F0 = Milk crate 0108 : 0100 = LonLon Ranch jumping fence 010A : 0001 = 010B : 0001 = 010C : 0001 = 010F : 0001 = ? 0000 = Crash 0001 = Nothing 0110 : 0003 = Giant liftable fish BETA 0111 : 0001 = Breakable pot 0112 : 0001 = Invisible collectable 0XXX = Collect as soon as you enter area 1XXX = Collect as you pass over it X000 = Deku nut X100 = Heart X200 = Green rupee X300 = Green rupee X400 = Bomb X500 = Arrow X600 = ??? X700 = Deku Seeds 0113 : 0106 = ? 0114 : 0106 = ? 0115 : 010a = Skullkid 0116 : 010a = ? 0117 : 0001 = ? 0118 : 005a = ? 0119 : 0001 = ? 011A : 0168 = Deku Salesman 011B : 0001 = Navi info spot 0103 = Forced, You can open a door... 1F02 8001 = You can see below this web... 011C : 0003 = Actor touching triangle 011D ; 0003 = Crash 011E : 0001 = ? 011F : 0112 = Zora's River waterfall 0120 : 0113 = Zora's Domain waterfall 0121 : 0114 = Frezzard 0122 : 0089 = Dampe's Ghost 0123 : 006C = Rotating windmill inside 0124 : 00FE = Diving game Zora 0125 : 0001 = Liftable & cutable, basic bush 0125 : 012B = Liftable & cutable, respawning grass clump FF01 FF02 0126 : 011E = Bean planting spot 0127 : 0163 = Brown boulder 012A : 0003 = Floor switch 2700 012B : 011B = Huge stone switch? 012C : 011D = Square collapsing platform 012D : 011C = Stone Hookshot target 012E : 0001 = Play Ocarina here spot 13FF = ToT alter value, song of time 012F : 0001 = ? 0130 : 011F = ? 0131 : 0001 = Sparkling rupee 0132 : 0121 = ? 0133 : 0122 = Carpenter 0135 : 0124 = Non solid bombs? 0136 : 0125 = Dark Link's Illusion room 0137 : 0001 = ? Crash 0138 : 0116 = White clothed Gerudo 0139 : 0001 = ? 013A : 0001 = ? 013B : 0001 = Enemy Arwing ***BETA*** 013C : 0110 = Kakariko Cucco lady 013D : 00C9 = Lockable blue arrow spot 013E : 0127 = Bean seller 013F : 0128 = Carpenter's son(ignores you) 0140 : 0129 = ? 0141 : 012F = Square signpost 0142 : 0097 = Hyrule castle catching guard 0143 : 0013 = Not solid hopping Cucco 0144 : 0013 = Attacking Cucco 0145 : 0180 = ? 0146 : 00BC = Saria 0147 : 0001 = Checkable spot 0148 : 0130 = ? 0149 : 010F = Potion Shop Hag 014A : 0132 = Lakeside Professor 014B : 0160 = Bombchu Bowling Alley lady 014C : 0001 = ? 014D : 0131 = Owl 014E : 0002 = Small rock 014F : 0002 = Grave flower 0150 : 012A = Sun emblem 0151 : 0001 = Circle of bushes 0152 : 00C9 = ? 0153 : 0133 = Windmill man 0155 : 0001 = ? Freezes when touch 0156 : 00F1 = Large stone face 0157 : 00F1 = ? 0158 : 00F1 = ? 0159 : 00F1 = Light blocking rock 015A : 00F1 = Circular, lifting metal shutter 015B : 00F1 = Bombable rock 015C : 00AF = Giant 3 sided Goron statue 015E : 00E1 = Ganon's Organ & surrounds 015F : 013A = Water spout 0160 : 013B = Whirpool effect 0162 : 013C = Running Man 0163 : 00C5 = Kokiri 0000 = Standing boy 0001 = Standing Girl 0002 = Boxing boy 0004 = Backflipping boy 0005 = Sitting girl 0006 = Standing girl 000C = Blonde girl 0164 : 00FF = King Zora 0165 : 0001 = ? 0166 : 00E2 = Big blue circle(kage temple boss floor?) 0167 : 00EC = Rooftop man 0168 : 0001 = ? 0169 : 016C = Brick pillar 016A : 0144 = Magic carpet man 016B : 0001 = ? 016C : 0145 = Graveyard Boy 016D : 00FB = ? 016E : XXXX Market NPCs 0000 : 0105 = Fat woman in light blue 0001 : 018C = Fat woman in white, blues & yellow 0002 : 0107 = Bearded man in white & green 0003 = Jogging man(Sakon) 0004 : 0107 = Staunch man in black & green 0005 = Begging man 0006 : 010D = Old woman in white 0007 : 010C = Old man in blue 0008 : 0108 = Thin woman in lilac 0009 : 0111 = Laughing man in red & white 000A : 0111 = Explaining man in blue & white 000B : 0108 = Thin woman in blue & yellow 000C : 0111 = Looking man in crimson 000D = Red haired man in green & lilac 000E = Bearded, red haired man in green & white 000F = Bald man in brown 0010 = Man in white 0011 = Staunch man two shades of green 0012 = Nothing 0013 = Bald man in purple 0014 = Man in two shades of green 0783 = Jogging man(Sakon) running on the spot 016F : 0001 = ? 0170 : 0001 = Rain and lightning 0171 : 014A = Makes map blue 0172 : 014B = Metal grate door 0173 : 0001 = Lockable Navi spot 0174 : 014C = ? 0175 : 006D = Big Poe 0176 : 014D = Lava sprites 0177 : 0156 = Metal bars 0178 : 0097 = Hyrule Guard FF04 0179 : 0060 = ? 017A : 0153 = ? 017B : 0154 = Scarecrow 017C : 0155 = Treasure Chest game man 017D : 0003 = ? Crash 017E : 0001 = Sun's Song effect 017F : 0001 = The end message 0181 : 0001 = ? 0182 : 0154 = ? 0183 : 0001 = ? 0184 : 000A = Pink and Yellow halo beam 0185 : 0001 = Checkable spot, disappears after use 0186 : 0167 = Patrolling Gerudo 0187 : 0001 = Something happened noise 0188 : 015E = Skulltula people 0000 = Guy with an arm 0001 = Guy without an arm 0002 = Guy without an arm 0003 = Guy without an arm 0004 = Guy without an arm 0005 = Guy without an arm 0189 : 0001 = ? 018A : 0001 = Zelda's Lullabye effect 018B : 0001 = Song of Storms effect 018C : 0026 = ? 018D : 0161 = 2D square texture 018E : 00F1 = Stone platform 018F : 016C = ? 0190 : 0162 = Gerudo Fortress wooden gate 0191 : 0162 = Gerudo Fortress training area gate 0192 : 0164 = Green Deku Scrub 0193 : 0001 = ? 0194 : 0166 = ? 0195 : 0168 = Grounded Sales Scrub 0196 : 0001 = ? 0197 : 0169 = ? 0198 : 0001 = Epona's Song effect 0199 : 0001 = Saria's Song effect 019A : 016A = Girl chasing cucco 019B : 016B(001) = Dog 0000 = Dirty blond dog 0001 = Chocolate brown dog 0002 = Red dog 0003 = Multicoloured, flashing dog more... 019C : 0024 = Golden Skulltula token 019D : 0001 = Semi built shooting gallery 019E : 0002 = Beehive 019F : 016F = ? 01A0 : 0170 = Crate 01A1 : 0001 = ? 01A2 : 0171 = Deku Mask Panel Head Judge 01A3 : 0001 = ? 01A4 : 0111 = Man in purple pants and white top 01A5 : 0178 = ? 01A6 : 0128 = Carpenter's son(looks) 01A7 : 0179 = Ganon's tower magic barrier 01A8 : 0074 = Zora's Fountain bombable wall 01A9 : 00B1 = Explodable crater wall 01AB : 0001 = Stack of Rupees 01AC : 0182 = Honey & Darling 01AD : 0182 = Haggling townspeople 0000 = Blue/green textures 0001 = Green/brown textures 0002 = Green/red textures 0003 = Purple/red textures 0004 = Orange/red textures 0005 = Purple/black textures 0006 = Flashing purple/blue textures more... 01AE : 00C9 = Large rolling Goron 01AF : 0183 = Wolfos 01B0 : 0184 = Hyrule Field Stalchild 01B1 : 0185 = Ganon battle rubble FF04 = Ganon's Tower rubble FF08 = GT rubble1 FF09 = GT rubble2 FF0A = GT rubble3 FF0B = GT rubble4 FF0C = GT rubble5 FF0D = GT rubble6 FF0E = GT rubble7 01B2 : 0186 = Chunk of stone 01B3 : 0179 = Sinking lava platform 01B4 : 0179 = ? 01B5 : 0179 = Web blocked light window 01B6 : 0179 = 2D stone wall 01B7 : 0179 = Large square ice block 01B8 : 0189 = Poe collector and surroundings 01B9 : 0188 = Gossip Stone 3806 3907 3A0E 01BA : 0059 = Bombable stone wall 01BB : 0059 = Metal gate 01BC : 0122 = Carpenters 0103 = Running blue & purple 01BD : 0178 = Bowling alley wall 01BE : 0001 = ? 01BF : 006D = Wasteland guide Poe 01C0 : 0008 = Guay 01C1 : 018E = Fake stomping door 01C2 : 016F = ? 01C3 : 00AF = ? 01C4 : 00AF = Goron room door 01C5 : 00D0 = ? 01C6 : 018B = Cow 01C7 : 006B = Ice staligtite 01C8 : 006B = 2D ice bars 01C9 : 0154 = Scarecrow song spot? 01CA : 0154 = Bonuru the Scarecrow 01CB : 0001 = Song of Time effect 01CC : 0060 = ? 01CD : 004D = Circular piece of stone wall 01CE : 00FE = Zora 01CF : 0001 = ? 01D0 : 0169 = Gerudo giving you membership card 01D1 : 0190 = Time Block 39FF = Appears once you play the SoT 01D2 : 0002 = Bronze Boulder 01D3 : 0191 = Princess Zelda Child 01D4 : 013C = ? 01D5 : 0003 = ? 01D6 : 0190 = Navi green spot
    Top L Button For Moon Jump Code Master D01C84B5 0020
    811DAA90 40CB
    With this code, you need to press and hold the 'L' button to rise up in the air, and then let go when you are at your desired height to fall.
    Top Make Dark Link Appear In ToT Cadohacan 8023E80F 0020
    8023E815 0033
    Top Makes OoT's Interface Look Like WindWaker's Unknown 801C7945 0017
    801C7947 00F0
    801C794D 00F0
    801C794B 0017
    811C76C0 0360
    801C76B1 00EA
    801C76B9 0033
    811C76D8 0300
    801C76C9 00E7
    801C76D1 0034
    801C73D7 000A
    811C73D4 0104
    811C76A0 0F00
    801C7951 0039
    801C7953 00A9
    801C7955 009C
    801C7673 00FF
    801C7675 00CC
    801C7677 0000
    801C767B 00E1
    801C767D 005B
    801C767F 003C
    811C76C6 03A0
    811C76B6 010D
    801C76BF 0013
    811C76DE 03C0
    811C76CE 010D
    801C76D7 0013
    811C7E2A 0116
    801C7E33 001E
    811C76C2 03A0
    811C76B2 00FA
    801C76BB 000E
    811C76DA 03C0
    801C76CB 00FA
    801C76D3 000E
    801C7E27 00F6
    801C7E2F 0019
    811C76C4 03A0
    811C76B4 0115
    811C76BC 0025
    811C76DC 03C0
    811C76CC 0115
    801C76D5 0025
    811C7E28 0112
    801C7E31 0030
    Use it in conjunction with Djipi's cel shading pack. May not be for OoT v1.0.
    Top Max Heart Code Master 8111A5FE 0140
    Top Max Skulltulas Killed Code Master 8011A6A1 00FF
    Top Monkey Mode Parasyte D1396618 1520
    813956A8 2400
    D1396618 1520
    813956B8 1000
    D1396618 1520
    813956FC 2400
    D1396618 1520
    813958C0 2400
    D1396618 1520
    8139594C 2400
    D1396618 1520
    8039595B 0004
    D1396618 1520
    8139595C 1419
    D1396618 1520
    81396618 1000
    Monkey Link will climb any wall!
    Top No Bomb Limit Unknown D11CA0EA 0001
    811CA0EA 0000
    811CA0EA 0000
    D11CA0E8 0001
    811CA0E8 0000
    D11CA0E8 FFFF
    811CA0E8 0000
    With this code, you can use more than three bombs at once.
    Top Press L To Load Inventory Debug (USE ONLY IN INVENTORY MENU) Cadohacan D01C84B5 0020
    801D8DD7 0002
    Top Press L To Play As Dark Link Cadohacan D01C84B5 0020
    811DAB60 801E
    D01C84B5 0020
    811F2C24 801D
    D01C84B5 0020
    811F2C26 AA30
    D01C84B5 0020
    811CA0E4 801E
    D01C84B5 0020
    811CA0E6 4B60
    D01C84B5 0020
    811E4B60 0000
    D01C84B5 0020
    811E4B62 02FF
    D01C84B5 0020
    811DAA30 0033
    D01C84B5 0020
    811DAA32 0901
    D01C84B5 0020
    811DAB62 27E0
    D01C84B5 0020
    811E4C90 8009
    D01C84B5 0020
    811E4C92 7740
    D01C84B5 0020
    811C8710 801E
    D01C84B5 0020
    811C8712 4B60
    Top Right C Icon Becomes Hylian Shield SmokeEagle 8011A7FB 003F These codes by SmokeEagle will and do delete saved files sometimes.
    Top Right C Icon Becomes Kokori Shield SmokeEagle 8011A7FB 003E
    Top Shield/Sword Equipped Modifier Kong K. Rool 8111A66C 7777
    8011A641 00??
    All of the shields and swords can be used by young or adult link, but there might be some strange effects if you use a sword or shield that you're not supposed to!
    11 - Deku Shield + Kokiri Sword 12 - Deku Shield + Master Sword 13 - Deku Shield + Giants Knife/Big Gorons sword (which ever you have in your inventory) 21 - Hylian Shield + Kokiri Sword 22 - Hylian Shield + Master Sword 23 - Hylian Shield + Giants Knife/Big Gorons sword(which ever you have in your inventory) 31 - Mirror Shield + Kokiri Sword 32 - Mirror Shield + Master Sword 33 - Mirror Shield + Giants Knife/Big Gorons Sword (whichever you have in your inventory)
    Top Skip Opening Cutscene dlong 8109A934 0000
    8109A936 0000
    Top Starting Point Modifier Kong K. Rool 8011A637 00?? The asterisk (*) indicates that only adult link will start here and the (+) indicates that only young link will start here.
    01 - Dodongo's Cavern(*) 02 - Inside Jabu-Jabu 06 - Spirit Temple(+) 07 - Shadow Temple(*) 09 - Ice Cavern(*) 0A - Gannon's Castle 0C - Thieves Hideout(+) 0E - Gannon's Castle 0F - Gannon's Castle
    Top Swim Everywhere Parasyte D1394028 4502
    81394028 2400
    Top Time of Day Modifier Code Master 8111A5DC ???? 4000 - At Sunrise 5800 - Daylight Out 7000 - Very Bright Out C000 - At Sunset D0000 - Fairly Dark
    Top Turn Giant's Knife Into Biggoron's Sword Code Master 8011A60E 0001
    Top Unlimited Rupees Kong K. Rool 8111A605 03E7
    Top Walk Through Walls / Climb Most Steep Hills Parasyte 81021F24 2400
    Top Walk Under Water Without Iron Boots Parasyte D1394028 4502
    81394028 1000
    Top Activator 1 P1 Code Master D01C84B4 00?? IMPORTANT: A version 2.2 or higher Cheat Device isrequired in order to use these codes! Also some of the following codes have been known to erase your savegame files, so please ensure that you have saved your previous savegame file to a Memory Pak before using them! Usually it is the first or second savegame file that gets erased. -GSC Staff
    Top Activator 2 P1 Code Master D01C84B5 00??
    Top Add 255 Points To Each Hit At Range Zephyr 8O1D8BCF OO63
    8O11B9D7 FFFF
    Top Age Modifier Crocc 8011A5D7 00?? 00 - Adult 01 - Kid
    Top Belt Modifier SubDrag, Quantum Rift 800F796D 0001
    810F796E ????
    Top Different Link Model Quantum Rift 8011BF47 0002 What I mean by different model, is when Link stands in the distace of the camera, another, lower-poly model is loaded to put less stress on the system, this loads the lower-poly model of Link, but it also conflicts with the higher-poly model
    Top Dual Activator P1 Code Master D11C84B4 00??
    Top Epona Size Modifier SubDrag 811EEAF0 ????
    811EEAF4 ????
    811EEAF8 ????
    Top Fake Infinite Carrot Code XAnimal 801D8BCA 0006
    Top Fast link Quantum Rift 8002114F 0000
    Top Head/Shield Downwards SubDrag 801DAC5C 009F
    Top Hold L To Skip/Interrupt Cutscene (Make Sure To Hold L Down Before The Cutscene Loads) Quantum Rift D01C84B5 0020
    8111A5DA 0000
    8111A5DC F832
    Top Infinite Carrots Geurdo Fortress XAnimal 801EE808 0005
    Top Infinite Carrots Geurdo Valley/Hyrule Field XAnimal 801EE688 0005
    Top Infinite Carrots Lake Hylia XAnimal 801EEA88 0005
    Top Infinite Carrots Lon Lon Ranch XAnimal 801EEC88 0005
    Top Link Can't Jump, But He Stays At The Same Height Quantum Rift 80021185 0005
    Top Link Can't Move Quantum Rift 80021136 0000
    Top Link Is Lying On Ground Sometimes SubDrag 801DABDF 0090
    801DAC09 0009
    801DAC0F 0085
    Top Link Keeps Bopping Up And Down (Can't Move) SubDrag 811DB096 A3E4
    801DB09D 0040
    Top Master Sword Song Modifier Soadlink-The Zelda Master 8011B533 00?? There are so many more! Try them all!
    Top Music Modifier Krijy 8011B9DE 00XX To get the song(s) you want to play, simply plan a song on your ocarina 00 - Nothing 01 - Nothing 02 to 17 - Hyrule Field 18 - Death Crater 19 - Kakariko Village 1 1A - Enemy 1B - Boss 1 1C - Inside the Deku Tree 1D - Market 1E - Intro to Game 1F - House 20 - Game Over 21 - Beaten Boss 22 - Got something good! 23 - Ganodorf 24 - Got somethingvery good! 25 - Prelude of Light 26 - Jabu-Jabu's Belly 27 - Kakariko Village 2 28 - Fairy Fountain 29 - Zelda's Lullaby 1 (Ocarina) 2A - Fire Temple 2B - Opening chest! 2C - Forest Temple 2D - Castle Courtyard 2E - Ganondorf's Organ 2F - Lon Lon Ranch 30 - Goron City 31 - Hyrule Field 32 - Got a spiritual stone 33 - Bolero of Fire 34 - Minuet of Forest 35 - Serenade of Water 36 - Requiem of Spirit 37 - Nocturne of Shadow 38 - Mini-boss 39 - Got skulltula token! 3A - Temple of Time 3B - Escape from Lon Lon Ranch! 3C - Kokiri Forest 3D - Something good has happened 3E - Lost Woods 3F - Spirit Temple 40 - Horse Race 41 - Won horse race! 42 - Beaten horse race 43 - Getting medallion! 44 - Saria's Song 45 - Epona's Song 46 - Zelda's Lullaby 47 - Sun Song 48 - Song of Time 49 - Song of Storms 4A - Flying with the owl 4B - The Great Deku Tree 4C - Song of Storms 4D - The three goddesses cut-scene 4E - Game house 4F - Sheik 50 - Zora's Domain 51 - Seen something important 52 - Zelda's Lullaby 2 (Piano, Violin) 53 - Drawing the Master Sword from its pedestal! 54 - Ganondorf's Tower (without organ) 55 - Shop 56 - Chamber of Sages 57 - Main Menu (Fairy's Fountain) 58 - Ice Cavern 59 - Opening the Door of Time! 5A - Owl's Melody 5B - Shadow Temple 5C - Water Temple 5D - Sage 5E - Sages opening the portal to the sacred realm! 5F - Gerudo Valley 60 - Ghost Shop 61 - Kotake and Koume 62 - Escape from the collapsing Ganon's tower 63 - Ganondorf's Castle 64 - First Battle against Ganondorf 65 - Second Battle against Ganon 66 to 6A - End Credits 6B - Boss 2 6C - Diving Game
    Top Navi Color Modifier SubDrag 811E2154 43??
    811E2158 43??
    811E215B 43??
    00- green 01- red 02- blue 03- black 04- white 05- yellow 08- bright blue 0A- light green 0B- brighter blue Red 1- 67 Red 2- 2F Red 3- 09 Red 4- 99 Red 5- FE Red 6- FA Red 7- 89 Red 8- F6 White 1- 5D White 2- DB Orange 1- E1 orange 2- 1D Orange 3- 91 Orange 4- 3F Yellow 1- 40 Yellow 2- 5E Yellow 3- 8A Yellow 4- 05 Yellow 5- 9E Yellow 6- D1 Purple 1- 5C Purple 2- 70 Purple 3- 1F Purple 4- 1A Purple 5- D4 Purple 6- 62 Blue-Green 1- D3 Blue-Green 2- 19 Blue-Green 3- 21 Tan- C5 Mocha- B6 Chocolate- 86 Green-Brown- AE Yellow-Green- 6F Grey 1- CE Grey 2- 1C Blue 1- 0B Blue 2- 2D Blue 3- 0B Blue 4- 32 Blue 5- A4 Blue 6- 9C Blue 7- A0 Blue 8- F4 Green 1- C2 Green 2- 5B Green 3- 37 Green 4- 6B Green 5- D5 Green 6- 9E Green 7- 4F Green 8- F7 Green 9- F3
    Top Navi Size Modifier SubDrag 811E1F70 ????
    811E1F74 ????
    811E1F78 ????
    Top No Right Leg SubDrag 801DAC42-0066
    Top Non-Sword Hand Modifier (While Sword Is Sheathed) SubDrag, Quantum Rift 810F791E ????
    Top Non-Sword Hand Modifier (While Sword Is Unsheathed) SubDrag, Quantum Rift 810F792E ???? 4660 Boomerang 5540 Master Sword 5FD0 Karate Chop 63C0 Fist 8048 Additional Arm with Slingshot 7500 Sword Sheath Without Handle 7360 Sword Sheath With Handle 6CF8 Hylian Shield 6EE8 Kokiri Shield With Sword Sheath (with handle) 7150 Kokiri Shield With Sword Sheath (without handle) 8478 Mysterious Bottle, Beta??
    Top Press L For Falling Death SubDrag D01C8B55 0020
    801DAAB8 0001
    Top Rideable Black Horse Size Modifier SubDrag 811F20B0 ????
    811F20B4 ????
    811F20B8 ????
    Top Right Arm Is Out SubDrag 811DAC87 8441
    Top Right Leg Slanted SubDrag 801DAC42 0047
    Top Shield Image Modifier SubDrag 801DAB6E 00?? 02 - Hylian Shield 03 - Mirror Shield 06 - Upside Down Hylian 07 - Upside Down Mirror 0B - Sword Case 0D - Sword in Link's back, upside down mirror 10 - Biggoron's Sword 11 - Broken Giant's Sword 12 - Hand 14 - Bow 15 - Bigger Sword Case 16 - (Broken?) Bigger Sword Case 17 - ? It's green 18 - Bow 19 - Hand w/ Ocarina 1A - Ocarina Hand 1B - Milk Bottle 1C - Hammer 1D - Blue thing 1E - Egg the shield 20 - bow, but it won't be held up
    Top Shield Image Modifier (On Link's Back) SubDrag, Quantum Rift 810F77FE ????
    Top Slow Link Quantum Rift 8002114F 0000
    80021136 0000
    Top Sword Hand Modifier (While Sword Is Sheathed) SubDrag, Quantum Rift 810F78DE ????
    Top Sword Image Modifier SubDrag, Quantum Rift 810F790E ????
    Top Sword Is Always Out, And You Can't Put It Away/Ocarina Not Visible SubDrag 801DAB7D 000A
    Top Tunic Image Modifier SubDrag 801DAB6C 00?? 00 - Green 01 - Red 02 - Blue 03 - Black 04 - White 05 - Yellow 08 - Bright Blue 0A - Light Green 0B - Brighter Blue
    Top Turbo Epona Kong K. Rool, FluFFy D01C84B5 0004
    811EEAC8 4270
    D01C84B5 0004
    811EE4C8 4270
    D01C84B5 0004
    811EE8C8 4270
    D01C84B5 0004
    811EE648 4270
    C-Down while on Epona. Also, you have to be holding up on the control stick when you push C-Down.
    Top Turbo Mode SubDrag 801DB258 0041
    Top Vertical Slant Modifier SubDrag 801DAC26 00??
    Top Warping Link Quantum Rift 800211CA 0000
    Top X Coordinate Modifier Quantum Rift 811DAA54 ????
    Top Y Coordinate Modifier Kong K. Rool, Quantum Rift 811DAA58 ????
    Top Z Coordinate Modifier Quantum Rift 811DAA5C ????
    Top Zelda FMV Modifier Laugh10704 D01C84B5 0010
    8111A5D2 00A0
    D01C84B5 0010
    8111A5DA ????
    Hold down `R' after the Nintendo logo is spinning to see your favourite FMV.
    FFF0 - Triforce FMV
    FFF1 - fire FMV
    FFF2 - Triforce FMV
    FFF3 - Ganondorf FMV
    FFF4 - Planet Making FMV
    FFF5 - Fire FMV
    FFF6 - Ganondorf FMV
    FFF7 - More Triforce FMV
    FFF8 - Ending
    Top Fire Medalion Level Shadowdancer 8011A690 0009
    Top Forest Temple Shadowdancer 8011A68F 0009
    Top Gannon's Castle Code Master 8011A699 0009
    Top Gerudo Fortress Shadowdancer 8011A697 0009
    Top Shadow Medalion Level Shadowdancer 8011A693 0009
    Top Spirit Medalion Level Shadowdancer 8011A692 0009
    Top Treasure Chest Game Crocc 8011A69C 0009
    Top Water Medalion Level Shadowdancer 8011A691 0009
    Top Block Dialogue Sequences Lazy Bastard 801D887C 0022 I was actually hacking for a way to always allow you to skip through dialogues (sometimes, particularly with that bastard owl, you have to actually sit through the slow, boring dialogue, and there's no way to skip through it), but came across a modifier for dialogue status (playing an ocarina, text scrolling, window popping up, etc). Still, I managed to find a value that pretty much does what I wanted anyway. With this on, you'll hear a bell sound every time a dialogue is initiated, and the dialogue will be automatically skipped. If you're in a cut scene, the events in the cut scene will still have to occur, so you'll have to wait that out. Let me know if you find any other useful/interesting values.
    Top Ganon/Ganondorf One-Hit-Kill Lazy Bastard 3020B5CF 0000 Unfortunately, you still have to deflect his attack back to him, then hit him with a light arrow before slashing him, but at least you don't have to repeat the process. Due to laziness, I haven't tested it with other bosses, so who knows who else it works for, but maybe it'll be tested a bit later. It's actually his health mod, and I'm not sure why the value zero doesn't just make him invincible (as it does with the other enemy health mods I found and toyed with), but whatever. In case anyone finds them useful, here're three other enemy's health mods (three zombie things from Hyrule Castle Town in the Dark World): 301E4F2F 00?? 301E52BF 00?? 301E564F 00?? It's possible that there's at least one other enemy health mod between 4F2F and 52BF, probably at 801E50F7, (though we can't be certain without checking), and I'm sure using some more simple math, you can figure out where the rest are, and hopefully someone will put them to good use...all I could manage was to either make enemies take infinite hits without dying, or not take hits at all, heh. To be honest, this whole thing stemmed from me being irritated that, even with my total invincibility code, I still had to spend a few minutes killing Ganon/Ganondorf...I suppose I should be even more...unlazy...and actually hack a quicker way to kill him...or, better yet, a jokered all enemies instant death code...but we'll believe it when we see it, heheh.
    Top Press L for turbo boost; release to return to normal Lazy Bastard D01C84B5 0020
    801DB258 0041
    D01C84B5 0020
    801DB25A 4000
    When you hold L, Link will burst forward, faster than anything in the game. You could clear Hyrule Field in a few seconds, run past Fido when he blocks you in the beginning of the game...whatever your heart desires.
    Top Totally Invincible Lazy Bastard 801DB498 0014 With this enabled, you'll flash red, and be totally immune to enemy attacks, as if they can't touch you. This can be funny from time to time, especially during boss battles, heh.

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