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Thread Title: quake 2

The place for the Nintendo 64 Game Shark and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

  1. #1
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    Default quake 2

    All Level Codes

    81085950 3F3B Stop Time 1

    Multi-Player Codes

    Player 1

    811624DA 0190 Infinite Health
    801832A3 0064 Infinite Armor
    8018452F 0064 Infinite Ammo For Shotgun & Super Shotgun
    8018453B 0064 Infinite Ammo For Rocket Launcher
    80184543 0064 Infinite Ammo For Grenade Launcher
    80184537 0064 Infinite Ammo For Hyper Blaster & BFG
    8018453F 0064 Infinite Ammo For Railgun
    80184533 0064 Infinite Ammo For Machine Gun & Chain Gun

    Player 2

    811626FE 0190 Infinite Health
    80183607 0064 Infinite Armor
    8018360F 0064 Infinite Ammo For Railgun
    80183653 0064 Infinite Ammo For Rocket Launcher
    80183657 0064 Infinite Ammo For Grenade Launcher
    80183643 0064 Infinite Ammo For Shotgun & Super Shotgun
    8018364B 0064 Infinite Ammo For Hyper Blaster & BFG
    80183647 0064 Infinite Ammo For Machine Gun & Chain Gun

    Player 3

    81162922 0190 Infinite Health
    80185E07 0064 Infinite Armor
    80185E47 0064 Infinite Ammo For Shotgun & Super Shotgun
    80185E4F 0064 Infinite Ammo For Hyper Blaster & BFG
    80185E57 0064 Infinite Ammo For Railgun
    80185E53 0064 Infinite Ammo For Rocket Launcher
    80185E5B 0064 Infinite Ammo For Grenade Launcher
    80185E4B 0064 Infinite Ammo For Machine Gun & Chain Gun

    Player 4

    81163D96 0190 Infinite Health
    8018616B 0064 Infinite Armor
    801861AB 0064 Infinite Ammo For Shotgun & Super Shotgun
    801861B3 0064 Infinite Ammo For Hyperblaster & BFG
    801861AF 0064 Infinite Ammo For Machine Gun & Chain Gun
    801861BB 0064 Infinite Ammo For Railgun
    801861B7 0064 Infinite Ammo For Rocket Launcher
    801861BF 0064 Infinite Ammo For Grenade Launcher

    Central Complex

    80267C7B 0064 Infinite Health
    80289E9F 0064

    80289CCF 0064 Infinite Ammo
    80289EA3 0064

    80289C93 006E Infinite Armor
    80289EAB 006E

    Intelligence Center

    8024FA3B 0064 Infinite Health
    80271C5F 0064

    80271A8F 0064 Infinite Ammo
    80271C63 0064

    80271A53 006E Infinite Armor
    80271C6B 006E

    Strogg Outpost

    80281EAB 0064 Infinite Health
    802A40CF 0064

    802A3EFF 0064 Infinite Ammo
    802A40D3 0064

    802A3EC3 006E Infinite Armor
    802A40DB 006E

    Communications Central

    80247F0B 0064 Infinite Health
    8026A12F 0064

    80269F63 0064 Infinite Ammo
    8026A133 0064

    80269F23 0064 Infinite Armor
    8026A13B 0064

    Orbital Defense

    8026592B 0064 Infinite Health
    80287B4F 0064

    80287983 0064 Infinite Ammo
    80287B53 0064

    80287B53 0064 Infinite Armor
    80287B5B 0064

    Docking Station

    8025B20B 0064 Infinite Health
    8027D42F 0064

    8027D263 0064 Infinite Ammo
    8027D433 0064

    8027D223 006E Infinite Armor
    8027D43B 006E

    Strogg FreeFreighter

    8025E9DB 0064 Infinite Health
    80280BFF 0064

    80280A33 0064 Infinite Ammo
    80280C03 0064
    80280A3F 0064

    802809F3 006E Infinite Armor
    80280C0B 006E


    802562FB 0064 Infinite Health
    80278357 0000


    8026CE9B 0064 Infinite Health
    80278357 0000


    8025624B 0064 Infinite Health
    80278357 0000


    80188BCB 0064 Infinite Health
    801AADEF 0064

    801AAC2B 0064 Infinite Ammo
    801AADF3 0064

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

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    Default Re: quake 2

    yo thank man i really needed theses codes

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Thread Title: quake 2

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