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Thread Title: Magical Drop 3 Cheat Codes (for Neo Geo)

Cheat Codes for both Neo*Geo systems.

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    Default Magical Drop 3 Cheat Codes (for Neo Geo)

    • Get Alternate Colors

    Hit B on any character to get their alternate colors. | [Sent by Krypt1]
    • Play as Father Strength

    Highlight Strength at the character selection screen, then hold C and press A or B. Note: Two different costumes are available, depending on which button was pressed.

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    Default Re: Magical Drop 3

    • Unlock Hidden/Secret/Boss Characters

    In versus mode you can have more characters the basis of unlocking the "unusable" characters here is based on the Tarot.

    In the Tarot, there is a number assigned to each card. The breakdown of the numbers for the 16 initial characters is as follows:

    0 Fool
    1 Magician
    2 High Priestess
    3 Empress
    4 Emperor
    5 Hierophant
    6 Lovers
    7 Chariot
    8 Strength (NOT Father Strength!)
    11 Justice
    13 Death
    15 Devil
    17 Star
    19 Sun
    20 Judgment
    21 World

    When the character select screen pops up, there is a countdown timer, starting at 20. If you let this run down to one second beyond zero, your character chosen will be whatever your cursor is sitting on (obviously you do not want this).

    The trick is as follows: Move your cursor to any character for which you know the Tarot number. (Star is a good choice, since you don't have to wait for the countdown timer to go so far. Sun is doable but you have to be quick, and Judgment is barely possible but doable.) When the countdown timer reaches the Tarot number of the character who you have highlighted, *press the C button 3 times - no more, no less*. If you miss, you can try again with a different character when the countdown timer reaches that point, so have a couple of backup numbers memorized just in case.

    You will know if you did the trick correctly when you hear a sound,Six new character select boxes will appear on the screen: Moon to the left, Hanged Man to the right, and above will be Hermit, Temperance, Tower, and Fortune. (The Black Pierrot is not selectable for two very good reasons: One, he is not an actual Tarot card. Two, his attack drop pattern is so strong that it even beats Fortune's for sheer evil.) Additionally, 10 seconds will be added to the character select timer (to a maximum of 20), so you have time to select a character especially if your time was low when you did the trick. Krad out. | [Sent by Krad420]

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