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Thread Title: A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Easily kill bosses

    When encountering a boss, simply use the Ninja Dream Warrior form and repeatedly jump back and forth. You will use a flying jumpkick that makes you practically invulnerable.

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Changing characters

    Press Select to change characters.

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Defeating Freddy

    Before entering the high school, make sure you have a lot of lives. You have to fight all the Bosses one after the other until you reach Freddy.

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)


    When you have no Zzz's, you fall asleep. You can only dream-change yourself into the characters' icons you have collected. The boom-box wakes you back up, but you do end up where ever you were when you got the boom-box in the nightmare.

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Recommended order of buildings

    From left to right outside, second house, first house, run-down house, junk yard, cemetery, high school. Enter them in that order to save time, life, and Zzz's.

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Unreachable bone

    There is a location in the high school with stairs going down. At the end of that platform is another platform that is too far to reach. Do not try to reach it as you will lose a life, even if you try from above. Collect all the other bones and wait in a safe location until you run out of Zzz's. Then, change into the warlock, find that unreachable bone, and get it. Go back and find a boom-box to wake up again.

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)


    To make the weapons that the ninja-boy, warlock, ninja-girl, normal teens, and the other character specialty stronger, get three to four of each of the character symbols. Their weapons, kicks, and punches, will be stronger.

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    Default A Nightmare on Elm Street Cheat Codes (for NES)


    Sometimes you may find dynamite, which refills your Zzz's. When hit or when standing still, you will begin to lose Zzz's. When out of Zzz's enemies are harder, and you cannot collect the ninja, warlock, and warrior dream icons.

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