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Thread Title: Adventures of Lolo 3 Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Adventures of Lolo 3 Cheat Codes (for NES)


    2222 2222 2222 2222 Play until you get to Level 3. Then you will
    be able to make a Rainbow Bridge to the other side.

    h=Heart t=Triangle d=Diamond

    6B5R TQh6 C236 hVWH Lolo Level 4
    MMDY WQH4 B2C9 hBtH Lala Level 4
    V4Yd 23Gt 5Jd+ JNDN Lolo Level 9
    JWB+ LtFF PBtV 326B Lala Level 9
    ZGNY PTR5 +QTZ 3Q5V Lolo Level 14
    Y2+V WGDN J+GG NSZ6 Lala Level 14
    NSMJ 62K5 6STK 67SR Lolo Level 15
    QKKH SQ53 6DPd NJ+6 Lolo Level 16
    W8Sh 4M4h GVRZ WM42 Lala Level 16
    96HW 56R8 hBtB 93G5 Lolo Level 17
    D49t DKQh QtQP T56V Lala Level 17
    JY8H JPLG 893Q Ch2L Lolo Level 4-7 Bosses
    TTHR MR7H dV3t L493 Lolo Level 9-12 Bosses
    4R4N SPDD FhL4 5BTJ Lolo King of Eggerland

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    Default Re: Adventures of Lolo 3 Cheat Codes (for NES)

    These passwords were found buried in the Lolo 3 ROM. They unlock a few interesting Easter eggs.
    NOTE: Due to some odd Nintendo censorship, the vowels in the U.S. version's password screen were replaced with symbols. Use the following key when entering the passwords:
    • A =
    • E =
    • I =
    • O =
    • U =
    The vowels are present in the Japanese version, but you must replace "LOLO3" in the sound tests with "LOLO2," since their series is numbered differently. Also, make sure you select "END" after entering each password.

    Character Tests


    Sound Tests

    • xx00LOLO3BGMTEST (where xx is a number between 00 and 23)
    • xx00LOLO3FGMTEST (where xx is a number between 00 and 48)

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Adventures of Lolo 3 Cheat Codes (for NES)


    Uploaded on May 6, 2009
    The following passwords in the game aren't well known, but they do show off some neat little things. The last password I put in is not an actual password, but a little message to you.

    Please note the following;

    1.) The password input is Tool-Assisted. I did not want to waste your time by me taking more time than I should inputting passwords. I wanted to get right to the good stuff.

    2.) This is on a very, very slightly modified ROM. The only thing I have done to it is put the vowels back into the password system. More information can be found on my wiki about the replacement here:


    No, I do not know how to hack ROMs, do not ask me to hack anything in for you. Also, do not ask me where I got this ROM, because I will not tell you. I also did not hack these passwords into the game. That is impossible for me to do.

    If you want to try this out on your own, here is the video file:


    This was recorded on FCEU v0.98.12, used for making Tool Assisted Speedruns. For more info on TASes, go tohttp://tasvideos.org

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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