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Thread Title: Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest cheat codes (for NES)

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    Default Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest cheat codes (for NES)

    Invisible stairs

    To find the invisible stairs in Simon's Quest, go past the town west of the mansion with the nail in it. Instead of going down the stairs to the last town and Dracula's castle, keep going right, past some forests and a bridge. You'll reach a screen that is half swamp and forest. Go over to the far right end and press up on the ledge. You will find the invisible stairs.

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    Default RE: Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest

    Hidden candle sticks

    Play on the Castle in the upper left hand corner. When you come to the spot where there are three ladders and eyeballs are falling climb up the far left ladder. Keep climbing up through the wall for three candle sticks. Then climb down and do the same to the far right ladder for another candlestick.

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    Default RE: Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest


    General Tip: Use holy water on floors and walls to find secret rooms and clues everywhere!

    White Crystal: In one of the mansions, you will not be able to see an elevator at the entrance without it.

    Blue Crystal: Kneel with this by the lake to open the passage.

    Ferryman: Talk to him with Dracula's heart selected and he'll take you to a mansion.

    Red Crystal: Kneel with this by the cliff in Jam Wasteland and a whirlwind will take you to a new area.

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  5. #4
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    Default RE: Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest

    Ending tip

    All three endings appear depending on how long you take to finish the game.

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  6. #5
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    Default RE: Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest


    To see the first ending, type in TETQ DTDX U45V 84R1. Go straight to Draculas castle and defeat him easily with the dagger the lady in the graveyard gave you.

    RIG7 NVFX All Items Collected
    E45V 07BT

    C1DF O26D Alternate Ending #2

    FPIV MUSC All items needed to kill Dracula

    gwsk yuei
    v5i0 hism All equipment

    Ri4P FVFY EO5V XDBT Start with everything
    EXKM WSUW 532U UWBG You have every item that's found in the game
    with the very best time of 5:12:00.
    TDLI HXDZ U48F 8TR1 All items and lots of other stuff.
    CTMV W26K R5KN SIBK Start with everything but the Silver Knife and Garlic
    OFIT M5QX 1P5S QBQA Rib, chain whip and blue crystal
    SZMH QXE1 5PXW UESE Plus the heart
    TIRH DYDZ 4O5V 81B1 Plus the nail, flame whip, and red crystal
    MLIE WUCW VNKU SCBC Plus the ring and cross
    RIG7 NVFX E45V 07BT All items collected
    FPIT OXSF 7JVY SYZO Begin with the Rib & Heart
    TI3Y PZD0 Y48V 5KR1 Begin with the Rib, Heart, & Eye
    FP2T OYSF 5ZVY S0ZO Begin with the Rib, Heart, Eye, & Nail
    CDEF GHIJ KLM3 T5JK Start on first day with Thorn Whip
    CDEF GHIJ KLNN T5RK Start on first day with Chain Whip
    CDEF GHIJ KLN3 T5ZK Start on first day with Morning Star

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