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Thread Title: Conquest of The Crystal Palace cheat codes (for NES)

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    Conquest of The Crystal Palace cheat codes (for NES)


    Temporary invincibility--Hold Select and press Right.
    More gold--Hold Select and press Left.
    Jumping Shoes--Hold Select and press Up.
    Full life--Hold Select and press Down.
    More lives (up to 99)--Hold Select and press Up/Right.
    Power-up weapon--Hold Select and press Down/Left.
    Moon Mirror--Hold Select and press Up/Left.
    Zap energy--Hold Select and press Down/Right.

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    Default RE: Conquest of The Crystal Palace

    Sound test

    At the Press start screen (the screen that has the title of the game on it) hold Button A & Button B, then press Select. This will bring up a Music and Bmg Screen. My personal favorite is Song 00.

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    Default RE: Conquest of The Crystal Palace

    Get the Moon Mirror

    In the second level, start playing until you get to the section (just after you fight the evil boy & his dog) with those annoying bubbles, the ones with the faces on them. Jump on the chandelier, and onto the other side. Go up the stairs, and talk Kim (The sales girl). Buy a weapon, unless you already have one, OR, buy a dog whistle. and leave the store. When you get back to the playing field, there will be 3-4 holes in front of you. Jump into the last one and fight the guardian. Use the Weapon, or use the dog whistle by pressing up. Beat him senseless and he will fly away. Then sit back and the Princess will give you a moon mirror. But, be WARNED! YOU WILL LOSE IT WHEN YOU GET A "GAME OVER" (EVEN IF YOU DO CONTINUE)!

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