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Thread Title: Double Dragon 2: The Revenge cheat codes (for NES)

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    Default Double Dragon 2: The Revenge cheat codes (for NES)

    Super uppercut

    To do a super uppercut, press the punch button as you are rising from a knockdown or a jump kick. If they are close enough to you, they will always get hit by the uppercut.

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    Helicopter tip

    On the second level when the helicopter is shooting at you, stand directly on the right side of the ladder. When enemies start coming out of the helicopter by 2's, wait for both of them to get on the ladder at the same time. When they do, execute a cyclone kick and they will both be knocked off the building by the blow.

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    Level 5 boss tip

    An easy way to kill the boss of the first level is to simply knock him off the edge of the building. This is always an easy way to eliminate enemies. If you are near, water, spikes, or a pit, simply toss them in for an easy kill. On level 5, when you get to the part where the big guys come from the hut, if you time it right, do a jump kick or hurricane kick the minute they walk out the door (the knee move also works) they will fly off the edge for an easy kill and you will save some life.

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    Extra lives

    When playing alone, select the 2-player B option and beat up your partner. Each time you kill him, you steal one of his lives. This also works well when playing together. If one of you is low on energy, have the other finish you off so you can preserve the life.

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    Cyclone Kick

    Cyclone Kick: When you knock someone over with a cyclone kick, immediately move about an inch towards him and launch another cyclone. He should get up right into it. Try this against some of the tougher bosses for an easy win.

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    Hurricane kick

    To pull a hurricane kick, press A and B button at the same time rapidly. You will be thrown into the air and will spin with your leg out for about 2 seconds.

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    Flying mantis kick

    To pull a flying mantis kick, press A and B buttons together close to an enemy to send them flying across the screen.

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    Walk up the side of a building

    Go to the wall where the two post are and stand between them. Then hold up and you will walk up the side of the building.

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    Make a barrel fly into the sky

    Take the barrel and go to edge of the gray building and toss the barrel and it will fly into the sky.

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    Get seven hearts

    In Stage 2, when you have to climb the fence, just climb it, walk across, climb down or fall off the right side (DON'T JUMP!) the edge over to the right until the two Williams thugs show up. Then, go back up the fence, and walk over to the left as far as possible. Then, head back across the fence, and the Williams will be absent. But, along the top of the fighting plane, kick kicking, punching or using your bat until you hit an invisible, stationary Williams. This "ghost baddie" won't move or attack you, but you may keep punching, hitting, and kicking him until you reach the max of seven hearts.

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    Level 2-3 continue

    On Level 2-3, when the screen shows "Game Over," quickly press Up, Right, Down, Left, A, B. You will then be given the option to Continue/Start. Press Start to continue the game!

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    Level 4-6 continue

    On Level 4-6, when the screen shows "Game Over," press Up, Down, Left, Right, B, A, A. You will then be given the option to Continue/Start. Press Start to continue the game!

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    Level 7-9 continue

    On Level 7-9, when the screen shows "Game Over," use Controller 2 and press A, A, B, B, Down, Up, Right and Left. You will then be given the option to Continue/Start. Press Start on Controller 1 to continue the game!

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