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Thread Title: Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stone cheat codes (for NES)

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    Default Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stone cheat codes (for NES)

    Gladiator boss tip

    In Mission 4, use Ranzou's "tumble high jump kick" to defeat the gladiator boss.

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    Default RE: Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stone

    Knock everyone down

    When you are playing a 2 player game, stand still and let your partner run and do a jump-kick into you. If you do this move right, your partner will catch you and throw you across the room, knocking down everybody in your path. This can only be done by the Lee brother and Chin. You can rebound off walls too by doing the same thing.

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    Default RE: Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stone

    Fighting the witch

    During the final battle with the witch, pick Ronzou and equip him with his Shurikens. When you hit her once with a Ninja star you can make the next hit as soon as she rises if you time it right. Do this until all twenty stars are gone. Next choose Billy and equip him with the nunchuks. If Billy dies, equip Chin with the iron claw. It may be hard but try to nail her with a couple of punches. Use his double kick attack to finish her off, it is easier to do this if you stun her with a standing kick first. Remember to stay as close as you can to be safe from her projectiles. Don't stand too close or else you will be hit when she turns into the fire snake.

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    Default RE: Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stone

    Chin trick

    Here is a funny tip you can do on the second stage boss. When Chin comes through the cabin door immediately do a cyclone kick. If done right you will knock him in the air. The conversation between you two will still place he will be talking to you in mid-air.

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    Default RE: Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stone

    Super kick

    Begin game play in two player mode. Position both characters next to each other and execute the circle spin-kick. Both players will lock arms and execute a super kick.

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