kl!6 ojq7 rD?3 uPb! x1?3 4jHm etyv jbR!
You will start at area 0, X12, Y13
You will have all areas completed, Your life will be at 21, your Rapid Fire will be at Level 5, your chip max will be at 4000, your attack will be at Level 4, Your Shield will be at Level 7, you will have 2054860 points, all of your weapons will be maxed out, and you will have 255 Enemy Erasers!
At the Password screen enter a code with all CAPITAL J's. You will then find yourself in some specific area of the game. You will also find that your weapons have been "maxed out" and that you have MOST of the keys you need to enter rooms during the quest part of the game. This is the flaw: You have most of the keys, but you can't pass through any of the doors in the area that you start at!!! I've also noticed that if you let your character stand still for about five minutes or so, she will start to blink on the screen.
TGL Skip the Labyrinths