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Thread Title: Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors 2 Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors 2 Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Defeat the water demon without playing the water level

    To defeat the water demon without going into the water level, you must first beat the Wind elemental. In the room with the piece of the ironsword, stand directly against the door, jump and shoot the ironsword piece. You'll get it, but you'll fall into the door. Play the forest level, but save your magic. Once in the water level, go right instead of left to the water demon. There should be 3 ledges in front of him. Find a safe place to shoot from and fire away. you will defeat him. Now you can go on without playing that annoying water level.

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    Default Ironsword: Wizards and Warriors 2


    RHTMMWQZPHL 6th level
    JKLMJZNRBNXX Last level with everything
    DDBMNWMBZZDJ Cloude Area
    JJTRJZRZQMWN In the Woods
    XXTRTDGZRPMH In the Woods
    XXTRTDGXRPMH In the Water
    JBTRHMWQRRWW In the Water with the Blightwater Spell
    NRTRZBDTRQDL In the Fire Level
    KJTNJWQXRLTP In the Fire Level with the Fleetfoot Spell
    PLTRMBRLNBDR In the Icefire Mountain
    WLTRMBRLNBKR In the Icefire Mountain with seven League Boots
    BDTRBTTNNGNT Final Level
    MQTRLZPBRDZZ Start the game with the Ironsword WARNING! Don't get
    another sword or you will lose it.

    RLTRLZPBMMZK Start the game with the Ax and Helmet
    WBTRLZPBDPZW Start the game with the Shield
    NTTMNWLPPDBZ Start with lots of weapons and extra lives.
    Change the fifth character of your password to "J" to start with
    three extra lives.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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