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Thread Title: Kid Icarus Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Kid Icarus Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Treasure Room secrets

    After you break seven of the pots in the treasure rooms without making the Reaper appear, you can break the eight pot to find a valuable item. The Reapers appear in a set pattern, and with this key you will be able to unlock the secret of that pattern. In the black room break the jar that is on the top of the left side, then the one under it, and then break the jar under the door. In the blue room break the jar that is the second one from the top of the left side, and the top jar of the right side, and then break then break the one under that one. Given the number if the Big Hammers that appear, you will be able to find the exact position of the Reaper. Break all of the remaining pots, leaving the one with the Reaper until last. When you break this, it will reveal special items ranging from a barrel to the elusive credit card.

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    Default RE: Kid Icarus

    Beating Hewdraw

    Hewdraw's weak point is his head. Try this strategy. First, jump above his head avoiding his fiery attack. Then wait a moment, study his moves carefully, and go to his weak point and win!

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    Default RE: Kid Icarus

    Get the shopkeeper to lower the prices

    To get the shopkeeper to lower his prices, simultaneously press the A and B Buttons on the Controller 2. This will usually cause the shopkeepers to lower their prices whenever you go into a shop in the game. This will not work with the Black Marketeer.

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  5. #4
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    Default RE: Kid Icarus


    0000eu 60j700 uG0004 1000J0 Level 1-4
    0000ys T0J300 m2001C H000aS Level 2-1
    00008C i04400 mIG01D I0005F Level 2-4
    0000mu w0K200 O3G00H I100s5 Level 3-1
    0000y0 11X200 u0G00H I100t0 Level 3-4
    EeW1Wa j1b200 u2000G K50WuM Level 4
    00008p 414100 O3G00H I500eB Level 4-1
    00008p 414100 (letter O)3G00H I500eB Last level

    PAKING PAKING Level 3-4, 73 Feathers,
    PAKING PAKING 999 Hearts, unlimited potions and more.

    8uuuuu uuuuuu Start at the last level.
    uuuuuu uuuuuu

    ICARUS FIGHTS Level 2-4 with lots of stuff.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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