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Thread Title: Magic of Scheherazade Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Magic of Scheherazade Cheat Codes (for NES)


    When there is an eclipse, there is a special deal on at the casino.

    Saints cannot gamble.

    Troopers are a good investment, especially in world 1. They get more and more powerful farther along in the game.

    To defeat Salamander, change your class to magician. You need a super fast rod to defeat him.

    When Kebabu (World 1) asks you if you would pick up a girl in a hamburger shop, say no. If you say yes he wont join you.

    When a friend (I think its Rainy the shrimp) asks you if you are scared of monsters, say no. If you say yes, the game is over.

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    Default RE: Magic of Scheherazade

    Finding the Great Magic of Monecom

    Level 1 - Go back in the past, and go to Horen for troopers and Faruk. Then when you leave Horen, go left one screen, and down until you cannot go down any further. You will see a magical opening. Enter, and you will find yourself in a maze. There are some powerful monsters around, so be careful. If you are good enough to find the end, you will come upon the wise man of the world, who will give you the Great Magic of Monecom.

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    Default RE: Magic of Scheherazade

    Geting 999 rupias

    Level 4 - In the Lava maze, you will find a curious star symbol that restores your M.P. automatically. Use this, then go down a few screens, and fight the enemies there, who give you money bags often. When your H.P. is getting low, just use a healing magic such as pampoo, until your HP. is recovered. When your MP. gets low, just go back to the star-symbol and it will be recovered. You can do this over and over again until you get 999 rupias.

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  5. #4
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    Default RE: Magic of Scheherazade


    2W Chapter 2
    3W Chapter 3
    4W Chapter 4
    END End of the game.

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