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Thread Title: Mega Man 3 Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Mega Man 3 Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Extra lives

    For quick extra lives, go to Gemini Man's stage and travel until you find a robotic duck that releases small penguins. Stand in front of it, leaving a little space, and keep blasting the never-ending supply of penguins, only stopping to grab lives and needed power-ups left by them.

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    Default RE: Mega Man 3

    How do you defeat the first Dr. Wily

    When you first see Dr. Wily, he's in a machine with 2 pin-like legs. To defeat the first part use the Hard Knuckle on the gun on the bottom of the "Pinbot". You'll have to jump and shoot at just the right time. His shots are easy to avoid. When you destroy the gun, Wily appears in the machine. To easily beat him, use the Rush Jet. Fly up to his level and shoot rapidly. You can avoid his shots easily with the Rush Jet. Follow these tips and he'll be defeated. When you fight Gamma, first stand under him and attack with the Shadow Blade, after the first head is gone, attack the second head by climbing to the highest platform and jump at his Wily's face with the Top Spin and he'll be history.

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    Get the Rush Jet or Rush Marine

    I discovered a glitch that lets you get either the Rush Jet or Rush Marine before you defeat the appropriate bosses. To get the Rush Marine you have to defeat Spark man and be quick, just move your icon to where the RM would be and press start. You'll have the Rush Marine, but it will be empty, so you need to fill it up and use it. Repeat the procedure after you defeat Shadow man to get the Rush Jet.

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    Shadow Man's stage tip

    In ShadowMan's stage, the lights sometimes go out and you must fight in the dark. To turn the lights back on, either run until the darkness-generating machine is off-screen or use Rush as a trampoline to jump up and destroy it.

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    If you lose all your life while in a hole (by getting hit by a falling enemy or enemies weapon), you'll be invincible (however, you won't be able to shoot mega blaster beams and won't beprotected against the things on the walls that make you lose a life in one hit). Warning! If you regain energy, you'll lose your invincibility.

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    Default RE: Mega Man 3

    Boss damage chart

    Number of shots to kill _______ with the:

    Abbreviations: AC : Arm Cannon SSH: Spark Shock SSN: Search Snake NC : Needle Cannon HK : Hard Knuckle TS : Top Spin MM : Magnet Missile GB : Gemini Beam SB : Shadow Blade

    X : No damage


    28 7 X 14 14 28 X 28 7 Spark Man
    28 28 7 7 14 14 X 28 14 Snake Man
    28 X 28 7 X 28 28 4 14 Needle Man
    28 X X X 7 X 7 28 X Hard Man
    14 28 28 14 4 7 28 X 28 Top Man
    14 4 28 28 14 28 7 14 4 Magnet Man
    28 28 6 28 14 14 14 7 14 Gemini Man
    28 28 28 28 14 4 28 28 7 Shadow Man
    28 14 X X 7 X 7 28 14 Metal Man
    14 7 28 28 14 X 7 14 X Air Man
    28 28 7 7 14 X X 28 14 Wood Man
    28 X 14 7 X X 28 7 14 Flash Man
    28 28 7 28 28 X 14 7 14 Quick Man
    14 28 28 14 4 X 28 X 28 Crash Man
    28 28 28 14 14 7 28 28 7 Heat Man
    28 7 X 14 14 X X 28 7 Bubble Man

    Use SB Turtle
    Use HK Rock Man
    Use AC Mega Clone
    Use SSH Dr. Wily 1-1
    Use Rush Jet Dr. Wily 1-2
    Use SB Dr. Wily 2-1
    Use TS or SSN Dr. Wily 2-2

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    Holding up on Controller 2 will cause all animation to go into "slow-motion." Movement will continue at the same rate, but the animation will be slowed. This may present a problem, as enemies will advance at the same speed as before, but Mega Man will not move until he stops the "leaning forward" animation and begins to run. This can be used along with the super-jump by holding up and right.

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    Default RE: Mega Man 3

    Freeze the boss

    Just as a boss fight begins, hold up and press A on Controller 2. This will freeze everything. You will be able to shoot and jump up. Kill the boss while he is frozen.

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    While doing the super-jump trick, you cannot die in pits. Also, if an enemy moves across the top of the screen while Mega Man is hiding in a pit, Mega Man will take damage. If his energy meter runs out, he will be completely impervious to damage. He cannot fire his Arm Cannon, though, and it ends if he picks up any energy pellets.

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    Default RE: Mega Man 3

    Weird stuff

    Using the Super-jump technique, before the Proto Man encounter in Gemini Man's stage, slide into the area where Proto Man will beam down and before the slide ends, super-jump through the platform he will stand on. You will hear the entire Proto Man intro music, but nothing after that. Also, a lot of weird things will happen. Try it and see.

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    Default RE: Mega Man 3

    Jump very high

    If you hold Right, on Controller 2, and then press A on Controller 1, you will jump very high.

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    Default RE: Mega Man 3


    Blue: A3,B5,D3,F4
    Red: A6 All items and weapons

    To go to Dr. Wily's stage and 9 energy tanks enter the code as follows

    A1, A3, A6, B2, B5, D3, F4
    A6 is red, the rest are blue.

    1 2 3 4 5 6
    A X _ X _ _ X
    B _ X _ _ X _
    C _ _ _ _ _ _
    D _ _ X _ _ _
    E _ _ _ _ _ _
    F _ _ _ X _ _

    Top man completed: A3 red, C5 red Shadow man completed: A3 red, C5 red, D6 red Sparkman completed: A3 red, C5 red, F4 blue Magnet man completed: A3 red, B5 red, F4 blue, F5 red Hard man completed: A3 red, C5 red, C4 red, F4 Blue, F5 red Gemini man completed: A3 red, B5 blue, C5 red, F4 blue, F5 red Needle man completed: A3 red, B5 blue, D3 blue, E6 red, F4 blue Snake man completed: A3 blue, B5 blue, C5 red , D3 blue , F4 blue Gemini man revisited completed: A3 blue, B5 blue, B6 red, D3 blue, E6 red, F4 blue Spark man Revisited completed: A1 red, A3 blue, B5 blue, B6 red, D3 blue, F4 blue Needle man revisited completed: A1 red, A3 blue, B2 blue, B5 blue, C5 red, D3 blue, F4 blue Shadow man revisited completed: A1 blue, A3 blue, B2 blue, B5 blue, C5 red, D3 blue, E1 red, F4 blue

    Use this information to make you're own password.

    Number of tanks: 0: Red 5-C 1: Red 6-E 2: Red 4-E 3: Red 4-B 4: Red 5-A 5: Red 1-C 6: Red 2-D 7: Red 3-C 8: Red 2-F 9: Red 6-A

    Enemies: Spark Man : Red 4-F Shadow Man: Red 6-D Top Man: Red 3-A Snake Man : Red 6-F Needle Man : Red 3-D Magnet Man : Red 5-F Gemini Man : Red 5-B Hard Man: Red 4-C

    Two-by-twos: Spark-Shadow Men : Blue 4-F Top-Snake Men: Blue 3-A Needle-Magnet Men : Blue 3-D Gemini-Hard Men: Blue 5-B

    Worlds Revisited: Spark Man: Red 1-A Shadow Man : Red 4-A Needle Man : Red 2-B Gemini Man : Red 6-B

    Revisited Two-by-twos: Spark-Shadow Men: Blue 1-A Needle-Gemini Men: Blue 2-B

    All weapons, All Items, 9 ETs, no Doc Robots
    Blue: A3 B5 D3 F4 Red: A6

    All weapons, All Items, 9ETs, Dr. Wily Stage 1
    Blue: A1 A3 B2 B5 D3 F4 Red: A6 E1

    Blue A3 B5 D3 F4 Four Robots
    Red C5 E1

    Blue A1 B2 D3 A3 B5 F4 Dr. Wily
    Red C5 E1

    Red A6 Nine energy tanks

    Blue F4
    Red A3 C4 C5 Hard Man is completed

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