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Thread Title: Metal Gear Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Metal Gear Cheat Codes (for NES)

    Reappearing Items

    There is a way to collect multiple items without having to go in and out of a room to get them. When in a room with an item or ammunition, pick up the item, then press the Select button and access any of the menus. Press Select again to return to the game, and the item should appear again. You can do this as many times as you like until you have the maximum amount of ammunition or items for your rank

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    Default RE: Metal Gear

    How to Destroy the Super Computer

    In order to destroy the Super Computer, you must first rescue Dr. Petrovich's daughter. After doing that you will be able to annihilate the machine with about 12 charges.

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    Default RE: Metal Gear

    Bypass Super Computer

    There are two ways to avoid having to destroy the super computer in the Final Base. One way is to find the room with the flashing floor (it is the room immediately prior to the computer room) and move to the top of the screen. When you get to the next room, move to the right and exit at the bottom. If done correctly you should be in a room with Big Boss. Another way is to go into the room that faces Solid Snake and push the d-pad RIGHT. This action should send you to Outer Heaven s room.

    The benefit of these tricks is that the timer for destroying the super computer is never set!

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    Default RE: Metal Gear

    Where is Dr. Pettrovich

    He is in building 5. Go to the area where the flashlight is and punch the wall to the right to reveal a hidden door. Beat the flamethrower soldier and use card 6 on the door.

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    Default RE: Metal Gear

    Forest maze directions

    Here is how you get through the forest mazes: For one of them, go

    Left, Left, Left-Up, Left

    For the other, go

    Lower-left, Lower-left, Up, Lower-left.

    Each sequence requires only four moves.

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    Default RE: Metal Gear

    Fill up on items

    To fill up on items: simply go into a door, Then go back out, and back in again. And repeat the sequence until you can't get anymore. Use this to fill up on Ammo, Rations, etc.

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  8. #7
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    Default RE: Metal Gear



    TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU TOOOU Skip to the end of the game. This will
    put you into the room with the Super Computer, and all you have to do is
    head right and go into the first elevator door and go up.

    MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMS You start at the same building
    that Grey Fox is being held prisoner. You get a low amount of items, but
    you get hard to find items and weapons. Here are some of the weapons you
    get: Sub machine Gun, Rocket Launcher, Mines, no Hand Gun. Here are some
    of the items you get: card 2, 3, and 7, oxygen tank, cigarettes, flashlight
    and some other stuff. You will start with two stars in the rank area but
    after you rescue fox, it will be 3 stars.

    To start with an assortment of some decent weapons and items, for your
    password use the numbers 54 followed by enough 'E's to fill it out.


    OZZYV GZZZG UOOOU UYRTZ NWPZ4 Get all items and weapons.
    METAL GEAR1 23456 ABCDE FGHIJ Far into the game.
    5XZ1C GZZZG UOOOU UYRZZ NTOZ3 Lots of weapons.
    T1111 11611 11111 11111 11116 The very end.
    21J12 14J13 16641 11116 41112 Behind enemy lines
    4ARBJ KJZ46 W6E15 E14S6 NK1KK Building 1
    5ZZZZ 0ZZZG EOOLY UYQZZ NPNR6 Outside building 1 the final mission

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