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Thread Title: Milon's Secret Castle Cheat Codes (for NES)

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    Default Milon's Secret Castle Cheat Codes (for NES)

    What is the umbrella for

    The umbrella is found by defeating many enemies in the game and is also found in certain blocks. It's purpose is to increase your rate of fire while shooting people. The umbrella floats upward and takes some effort to reach at times, especially while dodging enemy fire.

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    Default RE: Milon's Secret Castle

    Finding Honeycombs

    There are Honeycombs hidden in EVERY room that isn't a boss, shop, or final room, look for them! They are the key to surviving this game! (This includes both the dark room and fire room of the well...by 'final' room I mean the rooms with fake princesses and the throne room)

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    Default RE: Milon's Secret Castle

    Earn money easily

    To earn money easily, find the music boxes to enter bonus stages. There's one in each of the 7 main rooms (rooms that can be entered thru normal doors). There are 2 on each of the first two floors and the other 3 are on the third. To find them, bump your head on the ceiling wherever you can.

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    Default RE: Milon's Secret Castle

    Finding the saw

    To find the saw, which lets you enter thru windows, you need the hammer from the well (to get it, you'll need to find a trap door in the fire room and defeat a demon monster). Then drop down to the first floor, jump onto the second ledge from the left and break thru the wall. You can't reach the third floor without the saw.

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    Default RE: Milon's Secret Castle

    Extra money

    Near the left tower there a ledge with a window that's difficult to reach, but if you can land on it, you'll enter a room with money and find a shop that sells you the super jump shoes for $60. If you don't have enough money, just enter the room a couple more times--the money will return a few more times.

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    Default RE: Milon's Secret Castle

    Left tower tip

    The passage in the left tower will go on forever unless you shoot out a few blocks in the ceiling when you're in the top right corner. Jump off the screen in the space you've made and you'll find your way out through a trap door.

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    Default RE: Milon's Secret Castle


    After you obtain your first crystal ball, if you lose your life, hold Left and press Start. You will always continue from the bottom of the castle, but all the rooms and bosses you defeated will still be defeated.

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